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River Cruising on the weekend…

River cruising on the weekend…

The Umzimkulu was out yesterday with some of the original river pirates enjoying some river cruising – John Collinson and Lawrence Wurznip…brought a fishing rod along to test out some new lures…and a cooler box for the fish…?

John Collinson, Johan Papenfuss, John Fever and Lawrence Wurznip.
Sadie Papenfuss, Alison Winroe, Megan and Dave Candy…

Although we did try really hard in the crystal clear incoming tide, throwing dropshots and flash lures – we never got a hit. John says it’s far too clean in the river for fishing and Lawrence agreed, both speculating also that the mouth will most likely close in the next week or two. It’s bad news for the skiboaters, but for the estuarine anglers, its fantastic news. The fish generally get more and more active, the longer the mouth is close. And the garrick run usually starts at about the same time the mouth starts closing. We will start targeting garrick shortly…book your spot here.

There is a rumour circulating Port Shepstone, of a 30 kg kob taken off the wall just on the inside of the river mouth…last week?! Our investigative instincts have kicked in and we will surely have some more about this phantom fish shortly. We have a name.

In the meantime, it’s the weekend so you can catch us down on the river, at Spiller’s Wharf…river cruising from lunch time ’til dark…

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Portuguese party at Bela’s

Portuguese party at Bela’s

In keeping with this weekend’s theme, Bela’s Restaurant at Spiller’s Wharf are hosting a Portuguese party with Portuguese food, drinks and attractions, including… boat rides,  fishing lessons, music…

Spiller’s Wharf in the sunset light…river cruises start up at 10am and run into the evening…bring your drinks and snacks…and fishing rods…call John on +27 81 266 0345 for more info…

River cruises start at 11am and sail each hour on the hour,  R50 a ticket. Kids under 10 go FREE! With an adult of course!

Bela will be cooking up her blend of Portuguese and Mozambican flavours – espetadas, squid heads, fresh fish (maybe even grilled sardines!) peri-peri chicken and other flamed delights…

Call Bela to book a table, stage a party or cook up a storm on +27 78 538 9913

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Daga Salmon by Dean Sinclair and Blaze Bennet

Daga Salmon by Dean Sinclair and Blaze Bennet

Dean Sinclair braved the cold and was rewarded with this awesome catch of dagas. Throwing paddle tail with his mate, they were both soon vas, and got the fish out.

A bit later in the evening, veteran salmon angler Dean Winn caught one twice the size!

Dean Sinclair stoked with his Daga Salmon
Dean Sinclair stoked with his Daga Salmon

Daga Salmon are also known as kob, the further south you go. The biggest officially speared by none other than Jack Blignaut, stands at 57.4kgs.

In Australia they are known as Mulloway…

The biggest Daga caught by rod and line in South Africa is almost 80kgs! And that number gets challenged often, although many of the big ones are released by responsible anglers. These fish are in their prime and are best left to breed. But one or two of these smaller ones is fine to take out…

Nice fish ous!



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Bela’s Starlight Cruises in Port Shepstone

Bela’s Starlight Cruises in Port Shepstone


As an ideal add-on to Bela’s Mozambican Restaurant party options – The Umzimkulu, a 28ft retired commercial fishing boat, converted to a pleasure cruiser, will be available for night time cruising, on the Umzimkulu River, in Port Shepstone.

The boat is licensed for 17, is very safe and complies to all necessary rules and legislation. You can chat to Bela down at Spiller’s Wharf to arrange the adventure. Bela will cook up a feast and serve it on the boat, along with drinks and entertainment.

The evening boat outing is perfect for birthdays and celebrations…prices start at R250 per person including food and a cash bar, or BYO.

Bela is available on 078 538 9913 or email Sean on

The wharf at Bela's is perfect for easy access...
The wharf at Bela’s is perfect for easy access…
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Zambezi Shark taken on Rapala – the video…

Zambezi Shark taken on Rapala – the video…

The story as it leads up to the video…

We do these boat trips on our 28ft retired commercial cat with roof and chairs – as often as possible, and have a long time working relationship some of the backpacker establishments around the southern KZN. They had called double agent Ryan Poisson up, to fetch a willing bunch of worldly young representatives, all amped for the seafood feast and afternoon cruise on the Umzimkulu River, in Port Shepstone. No-one guessed at a Zambezi Shark taken on Rapala.

And so we found ourselves strumming along with two Strike Pro Rapala imitation lures (we have run out of MYDO Luck Shots but there is a new batch in the oven), on two rods borrowed off the Niteshift, rigged for Snoek (Queen Mackeral) with long wire traces (luckily, as it turns out). Conversation always turns to sharks on the boat eventually, and today was no different with the Swedes showing lots of interest in the stories we always start telling at this stage. After years and years of speculation and random but few sightings, it was long though that the sharks were long gone from their old haunt of the 20th century when locals could shoot at marauding bull sharks (Zambezi) and Hammerheads from off of the old combined railway/road bridge that crossed at modern day Spiller’s Wharf.

Then local guide on the river, Marius Awcamp got his beautiful little baby Zambezi fishing off the wharf at Spiller’s, in March this year. Click here for that story… This was the first confirmed shark catch in the river for many, many years. Others had been hooked and just bit through the trace each time, or snapped the line after a long fight.
But after an hour or so of trolling, food was ready and with no strikes but plenty chirps from the United Nations of Fishing Experts, food got collected from the delicious Bela’s Mozambican Restaurant, right on the water at Spillers Wharf, and we headed up to the deep hole underneath Royston’s Hall. Touching up the mud bank we could cast right into the hole and work it’s edges, in the hope of an angry Rock Salmon, determined Kob or stupid Flagtail or just something. Conversation was fairly centred on our fishing abilities and then shark stories…and we were being offered all sorts of advice and even rewards if a fish got caught, least of all a shark. But it was a fantastic afternoon and the sighting of a huge Oxe-Eye Tarpon, a metre long, tailwalking right in front of us, that kept the lures going. We were motivated, Elvis Wabody (Mozambique) and I combined to throw 100 times until eventually – THUD – something substantial, turning out to be the first Zambezi I have caught on a lure, struck.

A fantastic fight, and the fish soon showed itself to be a healthy little Bull Shark pup, and submitted for a clean and entertaining release…

Sharks RULE!
