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Sardine Results – what now? 3 June 2024 Report by Kevin in Qora

Sardine Results - What Now - 2 June 2024

Sardine Results – what now? 3 June 2024 Report by Kevin in Qora

Sardine Results – what now? 3 June 2024 Report by Kevin in Qora: Kevin in Qora lays out our prospects of sardine run action for this week, the first week of June 2024.

Over to Kevin…

“Morning chaps, this is Kevin reporting from Qora Mouth, just north of Mazepa Bay on Southern Transkei. Well, that was certainly an interesting couple of days as this front moved through and was dominated by a cut off low which kept it sitting right over the coast. Very unseasonable rain, but we got about 120 millimeters down here at the coast, which we’re very thankful for because as far as the sardines and how this is going to affect them I think we have to look at a couple of factors.

The first one obviously being dirty water. The River, which is our river, has a very limited catchment area. It only stretches about 70 to 80 kilometers inland. So that water comes through to the estuaries extremely fast, and normally within one or two tide cycles it’s flushed out already, and it dissipates in the southerly current.

But we do have two major rivers in the Transkei, the southern Transkei. Which are the Kei River and the Mbashi River. Both of those have extremely large catchment areas. The Mbashi River starts somewhere way up in Lesotho near Tifindels and the Kei River goes equally far inland. So it’s going to take a couple days for those catchment areas to filter into the river and then for that water to actually reach the coast.

So I’m going to give it let’s say 72 hours. And then we’ll have a much better idea of what the water quality is going to be like in the inshore region. Second factor that’s definitely affects the movement of the sardines is the swell and the swell direction. We’ve had a sustained wind of 18 meters a second, which translates to about 70 kilometers an hour.

And it was a straight southeaster. Which means it came straight in off the ocean. And that’s evident today in about a 46 meter swell breaking. It’s breaking about a kilometer out to sea. And it’s definitely overridden the predominant south swell that was running. And so we’re going to have to wait for this to dissipate a little bit.

But just being a localized swell it will dissipate extremely fast and the south swell will dominate again over the next 24 to 48 hours. So that that will help the sardines to get moving again. The other factor is, that’s very important right now, is that the southeasterly swell has caused a huge upwelling of ice cold water.

There was a mist on the water this morning and I went and tested it. And it’s running at just below 14 degrees. So lovely temperature water for the sods to get moving in. So I’m going to say over the next 48 to 72 hours we should see major movement of the sardines depending on what the water color looks like once the larger catchment areas kind of send their water to the coast.

So anyway, Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the big shoals that were moving through prior to this front get up and go again. Cool, that’s all I got for now. I’ll keep you updated as things change. Cheers.”

Thank you Kevin, we are all on the edge of our seats about these damn sardines! And the ruddy weather! When’s it gonna stop?!

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Kevin in Qora Flabbergasted by HUGE Shoal of Sardines TODAY 30 May 2024

Kevin in Qora Flabbergasted by huge shoals of sardines today 30 May 2024

Kevin in Qora Flabbergasted by HUGE Shoal of Sardines TODAY 30 May 2024

Kevin in Qora Flabbergasted by HUGE Shoal of Sardines TODAY 30 May 2024: listen to this very exciting voice note from Kevin in Qora as he reports being flabbergasted by the size of the shoal of sardines out front of his cottage in Qora today.

Words like motherload and early season show the severity of Kevin’s sardine fever-laden report. Makes me want to jump in a vehicle and head south right now!

? “Morning, everyone. This is Kevin from Qora Mouth. Just north of Mazepa Bay in the southern Transkei. Well, we’ve had those pilot shoals that came through over the last couple weeks. Which was a very good indicator that we’re going to have a wonderful sardine run again then we had a bit of a hold-up where sardines washed up in Haga Haga and we heard of a bigger shoal that was off of Sinsa And the water had warmed up a bit.

So that’s why I think that that shoal got held up and Now, today, there are literally thousands of birds out in front of me. I’m also seeing lots of predator activity whales breaching and I wouldn’t say it’s a super pod of dolphins, but plenty, plenty dolphin activity. But I’m talking thousands of birds stretched over probably a two-kilometer stretch lots of separate diving action So, what I’m going to say now is that this is a much larger shoal.

This just isn’t a little pilot shoal fractured off. This is something big. And being end of May, this is extremely unusual, but This is Big Chaps coming through here now, unfortunately my iPhone camera doesn’t do much justice to action that’s a couple kilometers out same as taking a full moon photo and all you see is a little yellow dot in the sky, but The evidence is here right in front of me.

It’s a very, very big shawl movement. I mean, this is on par with like the mother load that comes once a year and it’s way too early for the mother load unless it is the mother load. I don’t know. But Yeah, all I can say is I’m actually sitting here flabbergasted by the amount of activity and feeding going on.

I mean, I can’t even reiterate it more. Thousands and thousands of gannets big rafts everywhere where they’ve gorged themselves full and just others taking to the wing and diving. It’s just, you know, 20, 30 peeling off at a time, boiling the water. So yeah, this is good. This is good. Let’s see how fast they move.

This is the kind of shoal that definitely will reach KZN. So, yeah, keep your fingers crossed. Port St. John’s is the next port of call. There’s not much between here and there. There is Navaja where there’s some cottages. But it’s generally a quiet area, so the next major sighting and confirmation of this shoal is going to be Port St.

John’s Coffee Bay area, and that depending on how fast they move, let’s say we give them five to six days to get to Port St. John’s. But this is a big one. Cool buzz. Over and out. I’ll keep you updated. Cheers.”

Port St Johns

Is the next major port-of-call is gonna be Port St Johns. However, our sardine spies in Mdumbi might be up for some excitement this afternoon and in the morning.

The fishing has been rocking in Port St Johns the last few days.

Shoal sized kob on paddletail near Port St Johns
Shoal sized kob on paddletail near Port St Johns


Fishing in KZN water and other nearby spots however has been dismal. When the sardines shoal northwards from the deep south like this, it causes chaos with the local fish populations. They also follow the food around the place.

Even the shad have been really slow up in KZN.

The exception being the couta up on the north coast at the moment. They are also here for the sardines but don’t dig the cold water down south at all. Port Edward is roughly their southern limit. And at the limits of the couta’s range here like this, these are the big fish. Only the really big couta make it this far south.

All if these fish were caught down that way, over the years…during the sardine season.

Affiliated YouTube Channels â€“ entertaining surf reporting â€“ neva miss out â€“ highly technical sport fishing â€“ getting out there safely – complain here

Affiliated websites â€“ self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River â€“ sardine run coming up â€“ never miss a single sardine â€“ news from deep down â€“ surf and conditions reporting â€“ your dreams are out there

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First Sards of 2024!

First Sardines Report of the Season Team MYDO 2024

First Sardines of 2024!!

First Sardines of 2024! Yes, we are all about the sardines here at The Sardine News. And when there are no sardines, we fill in the gaps with salty news from all along our magnificent seaboard.

Enjoy the video…and a lot more to follow…

Today we start in Mozambique where the good weather has just kicked in. The fishing is great. The water is warm and clear. And there have been non-stop waves since we arrived a week ago. It’s been challenging getting this report out here in Moz but it came together ok I think.

Kevin in Qora reports that his ocean is alive and well. And is hosting the migrating humpback whales already! They are on their merry way north and we might start seeing them all along the coastline soon.

The Bear of Master Watermen reports good fishing and good conditions in and around the greater Durban area. Lots of couta up north and some big ones at that.

Then we head to Morgans Bay where we have had a solid sighting of sardines being hammered to pieces. By dolphins, birds and gamefish. Very exciting and exactly what we have been waiting for!

A quick surf report by Brucifire in Jeffreys Bay leads us to Team MYDOs first couta of the season. Way down here off Port Shepstone on the KZN South Coast. It was taken on a MYDO swimming a walla-walla.

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1 For 12 on Kingfish in the Umzimkulu

Greenspot Kingfish by Christopher

1 For 12 on Kingfish in the Umzimkulu

1 For 12 on Kingfish in the Umzimkulu: Well, I lost count at about 12 strikes! There may have been 15. And yes, we only got one! And a little baby at that. Christopher finally got a baby little greenspot kingfish out of the water on the big pink plug on his trusty carp rod.

Ashlin, Krish, Cuan and I all took a hiding to nowhere. These four guys’ lives have been ruined by this day. In fact, I was joking in this video in fact, that these guys would surely be back this weekend. BUT, they live in Benoni and Springs.

And guess what!?

They have booked for Saturday morning all over again! Now that is commitment. And, it is the level of commitment required to get your mug shot taken next to a bad-mooded baby GT. Or a greenspot. Or a blacktip. Or a perch. Or a rock salmon. Or a koblet…

It’s all on at the moment.

The full story appears on the Umzimkulu Adrenalin website right HERE. Where you can get in touch and make a booking.

Enjoy the picture show…


We also need to consider very seriously, that last year this time, and the year before, were flooding! And so to have the estuary in such fine shape – the reason the fish are here too – we need to take full advantage of the good times!



In this video we do learn that you cannot take a knife to a gunfight. Team Christopher are gonna load their best bass kit with 30lb braid when they get to Joburg. In preparation for Operation Revenge on the Kingfish of the Umzimkulu.

This is what we recommend here on The Sardine News…

Get in touch with Sean on +27793269671 or


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Websites – surf reports and conservation – never miss a single sardine – news from down deep – will get you out there – girls only – right on the river

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Fishing News March 2024 featuring Mattski vs Blacktip Kingfish plus #Vilankulos #NorthCoast #SouthCoast

Fishing News by The Sardine Ides of March 2024

Fishing News March 2024 featuring Mattski vs Blacktip Kingfish plus #Vilankulos #Northcoast #SouthCoast

Fishing News March 2024 featuring Mattski vs Blacktip Kingfish : Matt Wainright pushed his custom estuary killing machine out off the jetty and started drifting away as he prepared for a gamefish session in the Umzimkulu. He hadn’t even turned his camera on and the kingfish just came up all around him. Right in front of the guests staying at the Umzimkulu Marina lodge. His first two got away, but for the third, he was ready – Insta 360 camera and all.

First cast

Once Matt had upped his leader and tied on another plastic prawn, with the camera rolling, his very first cast produced the BANG he was ready for this time. Alas, it was a small fish, and after dodging the net once or twice, and clearly jumping right of the net once too, Matt brought it aboard for a lecture. And set it free.


The next fish, was slightly upriver from the jetty, and once again, in full view of the growing crowd. Matt had cheerleaders!

But this fish was proper. And it took a full 10 minutes to be finally sent to detention for a minute or two. Get given it’s lecture about taking things with hooks on, and set free to avoid lures from now on.

Although we sped up up some sections, it was a long fight. And so, we decided to read the news during the epic battle. Vilankulos. Natal North Coast. Port Edward. Port Shepstone where we are at the moment…

Enjoy the picture show…and the Fishing News…Ides of March 2024…

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