Kob Slaughter in Namibia – Full Story
Kob Slaughter in Namibia – Full Story: As it turns out, the kob slaughter we have recently been exposed to on social media, has been going on for quite some time now. Some of the transgressors have been apprehended, and jailed. Just not the ones in our video on YouTube (below). Their identities are clear for all to see on their blockbuster video. But so far they have seemingly gotten away scot-free.
DAFF and the Namibian counterpart government organisation are well aware of the plunder. And have started to work together. So these clowns should be getting a call soon.
Watch the video here…the Namibia Kob Slaughter section is about halfway through…the culprits are not identified in this particular video. But there are plenty of versions on Facebook for you to see who they are, for yourself.
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From Ground Zero in Henties Baai
I interviewed a few local fishermen from the Henties Bay area, and this is what one old ballie had to say…
“Well it is an ongoing thing that will not be easy to stop or to be controlled unless they replace the Police, staff and Nature Conservation staff that is placed there. Terrace Bay is way up north and there is a small area that is allowed to be fished. Now what happens is, the people come from SA yearly, get the ‘right Gillies’, (not law obiding) they leave Henties bay and go to Terrace bay. There the Police, the Staff, the Nature Conservation staff all get a pay-off. The gillies arranges everything. Then the guys go, police included, beyond the border where you are not allowed to fish. You don’t have to have any form fishing skills to fish there, as you just lob your bait in the water and the fish are there in abundance. And this happens yearly. Last year, the same group that posted this fish now, did the same. This time of the year our Kob is on feeding frenzy because they finished to spawn. And this catching of the fish illegally happens yearly. It only reached the correct people now, that is why there is some action being taken.”
“But ya, something has to be done. And rather late than never. Luckily something is starting to happen. My question is how do they keep on getting away with this type of wrong doings. The videos they share is more than enough proof that they need to be fined, or whatsoever. I have spoken to one guy that is also working at Terrace, he said that he is not sure who or what group has been caught as there are numbers of groups handing out bribe money to fish there. And coming in numbers mostly on a daily basis. However another source said it is the same group of guys caught and another source said it is not.”
“And the saddest part of all is the area they catch these fish is in a closed protected area. No one is allowed to fish there. And it is really not difficult to catch something, the one oke told me he just flips his rod with a soft under arm swing. Every cast is vas.”
The other interviews were pretty much along the same lines. And all of them are elated at the fact that they recently had guests in the Government Hotel at Khorixas (police cells). But the corruption runs deep in Africa and there are some badly rotten apples riding in the conservation apple cart too, evidently.
South Africans
I have been to Henties and a few either places in Namibia and it’s the same. Bombastic, rude, rich and callous South Africans, always in a big group of two or three double cabs, marauding anything and everything that even looks like a fish.
It happens in the Transkei. It happens in Mozambique. South Africans, with bags of money and expensive equipment, get so out of hand and evil that they leave not only their tracks but a trail of destruction.
Recent complaints filed in the Henties Bay area…
- a 4 x4 from South Africa ploughed through a roosting group of Cape Cormorants in Henties Bay at full speed killing most of the hapless birds
- a 4 x 4 from South Africa chased down and rode over a local’s doggie, on the beach, causing severe injury and a vet bill,
- a 4 x 4 from South Africa, accompanied by two more, recently loaded 220 kob illegally – Terrace Bay
- a 4 x 4 from South Africa, accompanied by two more, recently loaded 105 kob illegally – Terrace Bay
- a 4 x 4 from South Africa was recently busted buying worms and mussels illegally to hammer the ever-suffering West Coast Steenbras stock in Namibia
Now these 4 x 4s from South Africa don’t drive themselves. Nor do they catch any fish on their own. But put a few trash humans in the mix, and voila, we have illegal killing teams operating on our beaches. Here in the Transkei. Beaches in Namibia. And up in Mozambique.
Who are these sub-humans?
Usual Suspects
Well…the same ones as usual it turns out. These people are part of the same group of creeps who were photographed with a huge illegal catch of kob in the Transkei a few years ago. They are pros. They have all the gear and equipment. They move in large groups together. They surely do this for profit, for the hauls of fish they have been photographed with are worth a small fortune in a fish shop.
Sadly, these guys drag the local gillies down with them. Their greed spills out over and onto the gillies who just see dollar signs when these guys come to town.
According to the authorities, these guys are going down no matter what. And that time will tell. The Namibian locals are furious with the poaching South Africans too. The authorities up there have caught a few transgressors recently. Some jail time and half-decent fines have been issued. It’s embarrassing for them to have this news all over social media…as the transgressors brag about their crimes conducted in Namibia – on Facebook!
The net is closing in on these criminals…stay posted right here at The Sardine News.
Sardines and Sighting Maps
We have started the 2025 Sardine Run Map! Download our app to your phone or device, accept notifications, and you will never miss a single sardine.
2024 was a thrilling year for sardines. All the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. The 2024 map has been viewed 200 000 times and just keeps going.
Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. Last year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! This year we have had two sailboat incidents already. PLUS, we have already logged some sardines!
Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps…
2024 Sardine Map
2023 Sardine Map
2021 Sardine Map
Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining surf reporting
Master Watermen – news from way down deep
The Sardine News – neva miss a single sardine
FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus
MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical sport fishing
Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely
Water Woes – complain about your municipality here
umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – will get you right out and onto the edge
thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine
masterwatermen.co.za – news from under water
fishbazaruto.com – dreams
brucifire.co.za – surf retorts