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And another billfish in the boat…the last word…for now.

And another billfish in the boat…the last word…for now.

I hope this very well made video documentation of a 600lb fish makes you laugh as much as I did. Take note of the chair/ladder thing flying across the deck and into the wireman’s head. However, there are very many clips featuring billfish jumping into the boat – on YouTube, and not all of them have happy endings. Big fish take extra consideration.

Keep the fish behind the boat, hand on the throttle and all your concentration on the fish!

For more crazy video material on this subject…click here.

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Massive cobia caught in Tofo

Massive cobia caught off Tofo
Massive cobia caught off Tofo…shown off by Joao Magulo

Massive cobia caught in Tofo waters.

This was one of two massive cobia caught by local fishermen just off Tofo this week. Warm water and whale sharks are the right combination for these gamefish. We have seen huge shoals of them…30 or more…and some going more than one 6 feet long.

This fish weighed 27kgs on the buyers scale. Probably go 45 if you tried to buy it. So somewhere in between is about 35kgs or so, my estimate anyway. A serious fish either way, that fights to the boat and then fighs a whole lot more when they are finally on the boat.

Tofo is quiet right now but an unusually strong contingent of scuba divers are about and also enjoying the warm water. Up to three whale sharks encounters per outing are being recorded, and Jamie Edwards promises a scuba update shortly.

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Scuba diving report from Tofo, Inhambane

Today was definitely in the top 5 diving days of the year so far! Started the morning off with a dive to Oasis. Good news is that the water is now a lovely blue again! We had 3 Reef Manta encounters, 2 huge Greater Hammerhead Sharks, 1 Grey Reef Shark, 1 Whitetip Reef Shark and also the beautiful Weedy Scorpionfish! The only downside on the dive was the water temperature, which was a chilly 20 degrees! Once again we had the Humpback Whales putting on a show for us, reverse breaching about 15 meters from the boat. Right so onto our next dive, we headed out to Galleria. Visibility on this dive was slightly less however this did not stop us seeing some amazing creatures down there. We saw a total of 3 Smalleye Stingrays, 1 absolutely huge Ragged Tooth Shark, 2 Sea Moths, a juvenile Ribbon Eel and schooling Bigeye jacks accompanied by some big Barracuda! Could not have asked for a better day! 🙂

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Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo

Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo, Inhambane, Mozambique…


Great dive this morning at Galleria! Unfortunately the visibility was not at its greatest but none the less it was still amazing under the water. Dropped down onto 2 big Octopus, they were puffing up and colour flaring which looks pretty awesome. Then quite a sizable Smalleye Stingray pulled in, just chilled with us for a few minutes while we watched it getting cleaned. To finish off the dive we found a big Whitetip Reef Shark resting on the bottom which seemed relaxed with us being there. Once again the Humpback Whales were singing away during the dive, doesnt get better than that! 🙂

Thanks to Jamie for his ongoing updates. Check out Diversity Scuba on for more information on Scuba diving the Inhambane area.
