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5 Video Reports: Clear Skies are Coming Back by Adam Kamdar in Dbn 30 September 2024

30 September 2024 6am by Adam Kamdar in Durban KZN South Africa

5 Video Reports:Clear Skies are Coming Back by Adam Kamdar in Dbn 30 September 2024

6am REPORT Clear Skies are Coming Back by Adam Kamdar in Dbn 30 September 2024: The difference in weather between Durban and Port Shepstone today is fascinating. Durban has been raining Natal proper since earlier. And year here in Port Shepstone, it’s sunny skies and Chevrolet. With some drizzle making for a proverbial monkey’s wedding.

The surf is way up down here on the KZN Lower South Coast. Durban’s south coast must be pounding with the almost spring low tide today. And seeing from Adams’s report this early morning, the surf in Durban town between the piers is pretty much on. Not very big since it is so tucked away from the SW swells running at 3m or more out at sea.

Over to Adam in Durban…

Thank you Adam!

30 September Gallery

Next report right from The Sandspit in Port Shepstone…

Port Shepstone

Fishing and Surfing Report from The Sandspit in Port Shepstone…

Ok it is not quite the surfing emergency that we normally get excited about. And we are not in mid-winter anymore. But any waves that resemble waves like today need to be taken note of.

Durban seems to be a good call as some of the SSW swell curves around the harbour piers and makes it into the town beaches. Where the SW is almost directly offshore and really cleans the swell up. Unfortunaly the swell loses a lot of size as it travels around the corner and tries to get in.

Down south it is quite mean but the usual point breaks should be an absolute treat if the wind can hold a slightly offshore angle like it has been doing all morning.


There definitely will be good fishing somewhere today and since it is the last day of shad season, anyone who can should be out there right now. There are some huge gaps and channels at the main spots.


Last Holiday Beach Report from Scottburgh 30 September 2024 by Cliff Bamber who is there! Cliff Bamber runs us through conditions and prospects for today at Scottburgh Beach. Where he reports onshore and cold conditions. A stark difference to here in Port Shepstone where the monkeys wedding is proceeding as planned.

Thank you Cliff!


Well there certainly is motion in the ocean happening down in freezing cold JBay as a new system comes barreling in.

(407) Jbay 5m SSW 230 Degrees howling South West by Brucifire Surf Retorts 30 September 2024 #jbay #surf – YouTube

Follow the link above to be able to Like and Subscribe to this fun and informative channel. Or watch the quick report right here.

Thank you Bruce!

Spearfishing KZN

Thanks to the Master Watermen for another fish-filled spearfishing report…

Sardines n Sighting Maps

It has been a fantastic  sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 185,000 times and keeps growing.

Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado!

These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.

Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for chilly day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.

2024 Sardine Map

2023 Sardine Map

2022 Sardine Map

2021 Sardine Map


Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining  surf reporting

Master Watermen – news from way down deep

The Sardine News – neva miss a single  sardine

FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus

MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical  sport fishing

Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely

Water Woes – complain about your municipality here

Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  will get you right onto the edge – never miss a single  sardine or storm warning – news from deep down –  surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical  sport fishing

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Sunny Skies and a Sea Breeze in KZN today 23 Sep 2024

Perch Underwater at the Umzimkulu Marina Jetty KZN Today

Sunny Skies and a Sea Breeze in KZN today 23 Sep 2024

Sunny Skies and a Sea Breeze in KZN today 23 Sep 2024: Conditions were that good. Plus big swirls around the jetty combined. This got a camera in the water at the Umzimkulu marina this morning. Just one argument with the local African Pied Wagtails who insist it’s their boat we are working from?!

The camera settled for barely a minute. The first apparition materialised into a handsome perch swimming straight in unsuspecting at the camera. Full frontal. He swam around and was spotted a few more times. But then the real GHOST appeared. Deftly camouflaged and only really given away by sheer size. This was a big spotted grunter, and he too was ‘spotted’ more than once.

The fish are all feeding on the sand. I suspect they are all looking for the newly arrived river prawns. I also spotted these prawns when walking down the jetty to the boat. I saw one about 3 inches long – the absolute perfect-sized bait for these small-mouthed fish. A little circle hook in the tail and we are in the game for the Ghost!

Umzimkulu Adrenalin

Can take you fishing here in these crystal clear winter waters. Stay at the Umzimkulu Marina to be right on the water and the action. We have boats and kayaks and all sorts. And the fishing off the jetty (as can been from the video) is the real deal.

Durban @8am by Adam Kamdar

Holidaymakers can revel in the sun today! They gonna have to deal with a strengthening North Easter as is so typical of the weather systems this time of year. The NE looks to hang around all week. Luckily with the odd break between blasts.

Thank you Adam!

Sardines n Sighting Maps

It has been a fantastic  sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 182,000 times and keeps growing.

Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado!

These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.

Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for chilly day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.

2024 Sardine Map

2023 Sardine Map

2022 Sardine Map

2021 Sardine Map


Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining  surf reporting

Master Watermen – news from way down deep

The Sardine News – neva miss a single  sardine

FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus

MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical  sport fishing

Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely

Water Woes – complain here

Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  will get you right onto the edge – never miss a single  sardine or storm warning – news from deep down –  surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical  sport fishing

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Surfing on Tuesday 17 Sep 2024 in Durban by Adam Kamdar of Township Hyper

17 September Durban Surf Conditions

Surfing on Tuesday 17 Sep 2024 in Durban by Adam Kamdar of Township Hyper

Surfing on Tuesday 17 Sep 2024 in Durban by Adam Kamdar of Township Hyper: Adam opens the day with more of a surf report from the Durban Golden Mile as the ocean reveals herself playful and fun. In fact, the sea temperature is warmer than the air temperature at the moment.

Durban 7am

Great for surfing and diving but not so great for shad anglers. Thank you for the update Adam Kamdar in Durban.

Looking forward to hearing from The Bear and the divers who must be out there already taking advantage of the settled sea conditions today.

Check back for more information as the day unfolds.

Port Shepstone 9am

Alan checks in from The Block in Port Shepstone on a beautiful surfing, fishing and diving day in KZN #surfing #fishing #diving #conditions #report

Our second report for the day comes from Alan in Port Shepstone as he gives us the low down on the lekka conditions the ocean has delivered today. The waves are smallish but fun-looking. And launching boats should not present too many problems. The water is clean too. The rivers have not been affected by the local rainfall.

There is a bit of a system developing over the middle of the country today. Unbelievably it’s spill off from what is causing Europe to flood so badly right now. And even more unbelievably this could very easily be blamed on that huge volcano erupting last year. Which caused an extra 10% of moisture to infiltrate the atmosphere. Meaning that floods this year, will be able to be 10% more powerful!

News from Mozambique

Includes this cute little HoneyComb Rockod which you can learn about right here in FishBazaruto’s latest video from the FishBazaruto Diggin’ the Jiggin’ series.

Diggin the Jiggin Series by

You can visit the FishBazaruto Channel and Like and Subscribe by clicking HERE.

The big fish season has started up on Bazaruto with Duarte tagging and releasing an 800-pounder yesterday. Between the marlin and the summer gamefish, Bazaruto and surrounds is definitely the place to be right now.

Get in touch with me Sean on +27793269671 or preferably on

Dive Report by The Bear

Noah Whittle has been on FIRE!

Big thanks to The Bear for keeping us up-to-date and dialled right in!

Sardine n Sighting Maps

It has been a fantastic sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 180,000 times and keeps growing.

Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado!

These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.

Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for chilly day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.

Sardine Map 2024

Sardine Map 2023

Sardine Map 2021

Channels – highly entertaining  surf reporting watermen – news from way down deep – neva miss a single  sardine – 1000 pounds plus – highly technical  sport fishing – getting out there safely – complain here

Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –   sardine run coming up – never miss a single   sardine – news from deep down –  surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical  sport fishing

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Whales eat Sardines?

Whales eat Sardines 25 June 2024 by Kevin in Qora

Whales eat Sardines?

Whales eat Sardines? Explained by Kevin in Qora.

Whales eat Sardines 25 June 2024 by Kevin in Qora

Howzit everyone, this is Kevin at Qora Mouth. Just north of Mazepa Bay in the Southern Transkei. Well, we’ve heard of two lovely nets that have come in at Pennington. Big, big nets. I’ve seen some of the footage. I mean, these are proper nets, guys. So, these sides are starting to move closer into shore. And they have to be fairly close for the netters to actually be able to reach them.

But we’re hearing reports of plenty, plenty shoals. A little bit too far offshore still. But stretching from Amanzimtoti right down to the wild coast. So, yeah. Lots more coming behind these chaps. And you know, the sea’s been very flat over the last couple of days, but I can report from me here that there’s a lovely South swell on the way up to Durban.

The waves are pumping down here, probably got a two to three meter swell on its way. And that’s definitely going to assist these sardines because what happens with the swell is that as that swell comes up the coast because of the friction with the shallower water The swell picks up and the sardines know that they move much closer into shore because the closer they get in, the more they can use that wave energy to move up the coast.

Because that south swell is a south to north movement and we know the current is a north to south. So they use those swells to actually ride on the surface and that helps them to move in their migratory path. So yeah. Good news. In the next couple of days, we should see a major movement of these sardines because the water in Durban is still sitting around the 20 degree mark, which is perfect for these sardines.

Yeah. But anyway, let me also take this opportunity to just correct myself on something that I said yesterday in a report that you know, we know that these humpback whales at this time of year, they move out of the Antarctic. and then move up to the Mozambique channel where they breed and then and also give birth because the gestation period for a humpback whale is between 9 and 16 months.

So they’re breeding and they’re giving birth, all happens up in the warmer waters, which gives the calves a much better survival rate. And I found this out today because I was researching it because a lot of people pointed out to me. because of my last report, that these humpback whales do actually eat sardines.

And we know that they are actually plankton feeders and that’s their primary diet. That’s, they live off Antarctic and very nutrient rich waters, but yeah, they actually do eat sardines. And that’s awesome news because that just proves to me one more thing that you know, nature is just amazing guys.

And these marine ecosystems and the marine environment is so synchronized and you have these symbiotic relationships between different species. So this sardine run coincides at exactly the same time as the humpback whale migration. So obviously these sods are also a food source for them as they’re heading up into the warmer water, which is just freaking amazing.

So yeah, I’m sorry for the misinformation, but I hope yeah, I’ve also learned something. The only thing I do know is that. The more I think I know, the more I realize how little I do know. So anyway, thanks for the correction guys. And yeah, it’s wonderful news that these sardines are also being fed on by the, by the humpbacks as they migrate.

Anyway, that’s all I got for today. Let’s keep it real guys. As we always say, conserve and protect, keep those beaches tidy. And you know, if the public are going down just to watch the sardine action, if you see trash on the beach, just pick it up. Pick it up and go put it in a trash can, even if it’s not yours, because it definitely helps.

And that’s what we just need to do as human beings. Look after it. Cool guys. We will chat tomorrow. We’ll update you as things happen. Cheers.

Thank you Kevin!

Affiliated YouTube Channels – highly entertaining surf reporting – neva miss a single sardine – highly technical sport fishing – getting out there safely – complain here

Affiliated websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  sardine run coming up – never miss a single sardine – news from deep down – surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical sport fishing

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Afternoon Sardines Roundup by Kevin in Qora 23 June 2024 GOOD WATER TEMPS! #sardinerun2024 #sardine #run #2024 #sardines

Afternoon Sardines News 23 June 2024 by Kevin

Afternoon Sardines Roundup by Kevin in Qora 23 June 2024 GOOD WATER TEMPS! #sardinerun2024 #sardine #run #2024 #sardines

Afternoon Sardines Roundup by Kevin in Qora 23 June 2024 GOOD WATER TEMPS! #sardinerun2024 #sardine #run #2024 #sardines Kevin is back! It feels like an eternity since we have been on our own. Kevin got the seasonal Transkei flu bug. But is back already with this afternoon’s sardine report!

How’s it, chaps? This is Kevin at Cochemouth, just north of Mazepa Bay in the southern Transkei. Sorry you haven’t heard from me for a couple of days. I’ve been down with the flu, so you probably have got a bit of a croaky voice still, but let’s try and give you a summary of the last few days while I’ve been absent.

Not many nets, nets came out, prior to today, but we’ve now heard of two nets that have come out in the Shelley Beach area right by the Ski Boat Club. One this morning and one just now this afternoon. There’s also reporting of shoals around Issa Pingo and even up in Amanzimtoti side. There’s people reporting that there are sardines offshore.

So I think what we can attribute this to is the water temperature drop. Thank you Adam Kamdar for your update on the temperatures. I got a temperature from Durban this morning, the water was sitting at about 21 degrees. And Adam is saying that it’s now at about 20 generally. But he was finding some cold patches out offshore.

Of about 16 degrees. So this is exactly what we were waiting for. The sardines are now going to have lots of reason To move around the bluff and move on to the Durban beach front and keep moving northwards up the north coast This is what they need. They need water around the 20 degree mark or lower. So yeah, this is all good news chaps Uh, let’s see what the next couple days brings but All we can do is look at the current conditions and give our forecasts based on that, but this is what we’re going to say now is that we’re going to see a major movement of these shoals that have been lingering back sitting on the south coast because of the warmer water ahead of them and thankfully they didn’t move out into the They still hug the coast, but a couple of kilometres out, but they’re going to definitely move in closer now, and they’re going to have all those predators on their backs, which is going to push them towards the shore, and I expect they’ll move past the bluff and into the Durban area fairly soon, over the next day or so, and then they’ll start heading north.

As well. You know, their migratory instincts push them North no matter what happens. They want to go North. That’s just where they migrating to. So yeah, this is all good news. Good news for the netters. Good news for the public. Good news for the fishermen. So yeah, we’ll update you as things change.

Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Afternoon sardines! Cheers.

Affiliated YouTube Channels – highly entertaining surf reporting – neva miss a single sardine – highly technical sport fishing – getting out there safely – complain here

Affiliated websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –  sardine run coming up – never miss a single sardine – news from deep down – surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical sport fishing
