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Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo

Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo, Inhambane, Mozambique…


Great dive this morning at Galleria! Unfortunately the visibility was not at its greatest but none the less it was still amazing under the water. Dropped down onto 2 big Octopus, they were puffing up and colour flaring which looks pretty awesome. Then quite a sizable Smalleye Stingray pulled in, just chilled with us for a few minutes while we watched it getting cleaned. To finish off the dive we found a big Whitetip Reef Shark resting on the bottom which seemed relaxed with us being there. Once again the Humpback Whales were singing away during the dive, doesnt get better than that! 🙂

Thanks to Jamie for his ongoing updates. Check out Diversity Scuba on for more information on Scuba diving the Inhambane area.

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Grouper savaged by Shark at Praia do Conguina

Check this massive grouper found flailing in the low tide pools at Praia da
Congiana near Tofo this morning.

The young fisherman who fortuned upon the spectacle made even more of a show as he dragged it the full 3kms along the
beach to the Tofo market!
It’s value is about equal to 2months salary at minimum wage here (R1000 or thereabouts), so the exhausted young fisher was over the moon.
The story is told in the photographs.


That’s a Shark bite! The puzzle is…how did the grouper make it to the shallows after his tail was bitten clean off?
Or did the drama unfold right in the shallows before first light and just after the scant moon?
Hunting time.
Fishing time.
This is how I have found fishing to be Mozambique.
And most places.
The tide turned and started coming in during these early and dark hours. Mr Grouper might
have been chasing kingfish and stumpnose (Porgy) and bonefish when Mr Big Teeth
ambushed him and bit his tail right off!
Shoulda…coulda…woulda…didn’t have a solid bait out there!


As to the grouper species…any offers? There have been a number
of smaller ones in the market coming out of 36m plus water and one local claims
that there are many of these fish this time of the year.

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Maputo, 13 Feb
(AIM) – Mozambique’s publicly owned electricity company, EDM,
on Wednesday
said it has completed the bulk of the work required to restore
Maputo’s power
supply to normal, after the Saturday morning explosion that
distribution control panels at the SONEFE sub-station.

For three and a
half days the city suffered lengthy power cuts, but the
power supply was
stabilized as from late Tuesday morning.

Speaking at a Maputo press
conference on Wednesday, the chairperson of the
EDM board, Augusto de Sousa
Fernando, said work on the alternative
connections required to bypass SONEFE
was completed on Tuesday morning, thus
guaranteeing electricity to downtown
Maputo, the part of the city worst hit
by the blackouts

“The situation
has been minimised as from Tuesday”, said Fernando. “There is
still some work
that needs to be done to normalize the situation”. But this
remaining work,
he added, should not affect the quality of the power supply.

“Since it’s
a provisional solution, there could be some problems”, he
admitted, “but not
on the scale of the weekend blackouts”.

There are two main substations
that supply Maputo city with its electricity
– one in the neighbouring city
of Matola, and one in Infulene (technically
also in Matola, but near the
boundary between the two cities).

The Matola sub-station normally
supplies power to the lower part of Maputo,
while the Infulene station
supplies the upper part of the city. The two
lines were interconnected by
SONEFE – so that if one sub-station failed, the
other could take up its

But the explosion at the SONEFE gas-fired station disrupted this
system, and
ended the interconnection between Matola and Infulene. EDM’s
repair work
since Saturday has consisted in bypassing SONEFE – but it could
not restore
the interconnection between the two sub-stations.

Hence if
anything goes wrong at Matola, EDM will not be able to switch the
that depend on this sub-station over to power from Infulene and
vice versa.
The redundancy that was previously built into the system has
ceased to

But Fernando did not regard this as a major problem. “There is a
risk”, he
said, “but it’s difficult to assess, because the source in Matola
reliable and has the great advantage of possessing two transformers
three lines”.

There had never been any serious breakdowns at the
Matola sub-station. “I
can’t say the risk is zero”, said Fernando. “Like
other cities, such as
Xai-Xai or Inhambane, which depend on a single source,
the low part of
Maputo now depends on a single source and not on

Meanwhile technicians from the German company ABB, which supplied
equipment that exploded on Saturday, are due to fly out from Germany
Thursday, to investigate the causes of the explosion.

EDM says it
cannot yet put a precise figure on the damage caused by the
explosion – but a
preliminary assessment is that replacing the damaged
control panels could
cost between five and six million dollars, and the work
could take 12

EDM will have to pay for the new equipment, since the damaged
installed in 2007, were only guaranteed for a year. However,
assured the reporters that EDM is insured.

As for
compensating EDM clients for losses caused by the blackout, Fernando
pointed out that the explosion was “an unforeseeable incident and it was not

However, EDM admits the possible of examining
claims from consumers on a
case by case basis. Among the losses reported are
the cases of shops where
fresh produce, such as meat and fish, rotted because
there was no power to
run the refrigeration.
Mm/pf (613)

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Maputo, 12 Feb (AIM) – Maputo
suffered its fourth day of lengthy power cuts
on Tuesday, following the
explosion on Saturday morning at the gas-fired
sub-station that controlled
distribution of electricity throughout southern

all the efforts by staff of the electricity company, EDM, including
on the services of technicians from Germany, the county where the
damaged equipment was manufactured, large parts of the city remained without
for much of Monday, and were hit by another power cut on

The commercial areas in downtown Maputo and
inner-city neighbourhoods such
as Alto Mae were worst hit. Most small
shopkeepers have no generators, and
so were unable to operate their
refrigerators and freezers. As a result
fresh produce, such as fish and meat,
was at risk of rotting in the summer

“Since Saturday I’ve been
without power and this is causing me losses”,
Marcos Alberto, the owner of an
Alto Mae butchers shop told the independent
television station STV. “We have
a lot of meat that has already changed
colour, which is a sure sign that it
is rotting”.

Those traders who can afford it are thinking of hiring
generators and
freezers in order to minimize their losses.

Even major
supermarkets, such as the Maputo branch of the South African
Shoprite chain,
could not cope with the situation. Shoprite has just one
generator, which is
not enough to keep all its fresh produce cold, and
sources at the supermarket
admitted that some of its meat had already

Due to the
feeble lighting inside the supermarket, some clients attempted to
produce. Three of them were arrested by Shoprite security and handed
over to
the police.

Hotels and restaurants also had to throw away considerable
amounts of food,
notably fish and shellfish, which they could not conserve.
The lack of
electricity also led to a sharp fall in the number of clients
visiting the

Banks were also affected. “We have no
communications”, a bank worker at a
nearby branch of the country’s main bank,
the Millennium-BIM, told AIM on
Tuesday. Without electricity, ATMs cannot
function and so long queues built
up outside those ATMs at bank branches with

The lack electricity led to traffic chaos, since the central
Maputo traffic
lights were not working. The main thoroughfare in downtown
Maputo, 25
September Avenue, was a scene of anarchy, with motorists trying to
their way through a tangle of vehicles, with nobody having any clear
of way.

Throughout the afternoon the chaos simply worsened, and
the traffic police
only intervened to impose order at about 17.00. The result
of the blackout
plus police inertia was that a journey which might normally
take half an
hour, now took two hours or longer.

The Saturday
explosion killed one EDM worker, who has been named as Isac
Vicente Antonio,
and damaged three control panels at the SONEFE sub-station.
This sub-station
handled about 400 megawatts, and supplied all of the modern
parts of Maputo
with their power.

EDM is routing the power through an alternative line
via a sub-station at
Infulene in the neighbouring city of Matola, bypassing
the damaged SONEFE
sub-station. But EDM admits that Infulene can only handle
60 per cent of the
load handled by SONEFE.

Load shedding is thus
likely to continue until EDM manages to replace the
equipment that exploded.
A team from the German manufacturer will assess the
causes of the explosion,
before repairing the damage.
Pf/ (580)

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Official Report from AIM

Disruption on EN1 at Xai Xai

Maputo, 5 Feb (AIM) – There was considerable disruption on the EN1, Mozambique’s main north-south road, on Monday whilst the National Roads Administration (ANE) undertook improvement work on the bridge over the Limpopo at Xai-Xai.

Many motorists were caught unaware, although the ANE had announced the traffic restrictions several days earlier.

The work was not directly due to the Limpopo flood. The ANE needed to deal with parts of the road near the bridge that were suffering from erosion, and were in danger of collapse

Normal traffic across the bridge was restored on Monday night.

Courtesy AIM (Agencia da Informacio Mozambique)
