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KZN Underwater News

KZN Underwater News

Conditions this week have been below average with a small gap on Wednesday. Good garrick still coming out with dagas still on the wrecks and deeper ledges. The sodwana comp was won by a young guy from Richards bay who deserved the prize. Well done on a 28kg GT stone shot! Apparently everyone was trying to vie for 1st place hangover! The sea conditions are settling nicely for the weekend with Saturday marginal conditions wize and Sunday a pearler of a day. South is the better option with north viz being 3m or less. As always dive safe and straight spears.

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Jason Heyne spearfishing report

Jason Heyne spearfishing report

Although this was from Friday, the gallery gives you a clear look at what is going on up and down the North and South Coast of KZN Natal.


“The conditions this week have been fair with the game fish action being sporadic and the sardines not really putting in a showing. Apparently the garrick are coming out again south and some cuda and snoek north. Broderick had a good day today with snoek cuda and even a GT! There is good viz up and down the coast but ground surge is quite heavy and some swell and a north east wind predicted tomorrow. Sunday looks awesome conditions wise. Good luck to everyone diving the natal champs shore dive comp tomorrow.” – by Jason Heyne


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Foam to the horizon: 80ft waves batter the KZN Coastline

Foam to the horizon: 80ft waves batter the KZN Coastline

“Hey Roosta, you better get ready to reverse pal!”, was me as I saw the first real set come charging in towards us in the gloom.

It has broken up into the carparks before and this was threatening to drown us as the huge waves towered up blotting out the horizon and sending plumes of spray hundreds of feet into the air.

Luckily it’s not as big as The Tides of March swell, but it’s up there. The surge from the set turned the bay and channel into a maelstrom but never made it up the pathway. With Roosta’s Hawaii experience, it was good to guage his reaction, as a reference to that place.

“We have to surf it at this size all the time. At least two or three times a week. We surf Sunset wild and woolly just to stay in the game.” – Roosta describing the scene.

“But the thing is, that theres a hundred guys, all prepared for this type of surfing, ready and raring to go, at any time!”

“Then the real hardcore guys, they surf the outer reefs, paddling traditional style, a kilometre or more, just to get to the huge waves. We offered a guy a ride once, we were on a power boat, but he just went – ‘Nah, paddling only for me’!”


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Bruce Gold spotted on the KZN South Coast

Simon Fish and Brucifire celebrating the moment

Bruce Gold on the South Coast

Simon Fish greets Brucifire in a south coast carpark…

It was celebrity hour in the carpark in front Orca’s Bar and Restaurant on the KZN South Coast this past week. Simon Fish and Bruce Gold popped in with various excuses for coming all the way up here from the Cape, and surfing our winter waves…

Not as though they haven’t had their share of waves this winter either…imagine how all those huge swells that battered our egos us up here, must have looked at the famed Supertubes or those other right handers that favour a slightly east swell.

Simon is busy delivering new surfboards, and Brucifire is up here to visit family for a while.

Watch this space!
