The KOB News including Sardines, Shad, Cyclones and Brown Water
The KOB News including Sardines, Shad, Cyclones and Brown Water: starting with the Kob News…
The KOB News
Nick and Dylan Kempen have been lurking in all the right SKZN car parks this January it seems…
Yes these are all handsome little koblets here. All caught on pink paddle tails. Down past Southbroom way. But in the latest news episode on YouTube features young Dylan Kempen getting worked by what only can be a GT proper.

And in this shot, Johan Bronkhorst, all the way out from the US, bags his own nice kob news on the Sandspit in Port Shepstone.

Welcome home Johan – nice fish man!
And here is one for records…this is Jauhar of Port Shepstone also, with a geelbek salmon taken on a paddletail! These fish are not known for jumping on lures – they are notoriously fickle that way.

KZN is a Spearo’s Paradise
The Bear aka Jason Heyne of The Master Watermen website has consistently been entertaining us with his bi-weekly roundups. And reports straight from the beach – up and down the KZN coastline.

KZN, over the summer, has been a spearos paradise. Clean and clear water most of the time – in most places. And some amazing catches were made right up and down, from north to south. Check out these twin GTs.
We have had to avoid beaches in and around town though. Also, the Uvongo and Margate areas are no-go-in-water zones. But otherwise, what a summer gamefish location KZN has turned out to be this year!
KZN – spearos paradise!
Well, we do have the odd Zambezi left here in KZN to contend with. Although the vaste majority have been systematically murdered by the Kwazulu Natal Sharks Board. To protect nobody since nobody can swim the best beaches anymore without sewage getting in their systems and making them sick, And out of season, on any given day, there are so few bathers in the water, that it begs the question…is all that money and resource being spent on killing sharks really worth it? Who are we trying to protect from what? The sewage is a FAR greater threat than any dumb Zambezi shark could ever be.
Twin Shark Attacks in Vilankulos

A tragic week in the lovely town of Vilankulos in early January. The local fishing community lost two of its members in two separate shark attacks. The victims were harvesting from the ocean. They were both in groups of other divers. Who came to assist. But they were no match for such a vicious predator.
Was it the same shark? It is very likely since once a shark has crossed the human flesh barrier, it feels quite comfortable doing it again. The concept of a ‘rogue’ shark is not new. And has been encountered the world over. The shark may also be sick or old and cannot hunt regular prey anymore. Humans are real slow in the water.
Why was the shark so shallow? It is a known fact amongst the locals in the area – that sharks come in real shallow when it gets so hot as it does up there in the archipelago. Water temperatures can reach 30 degrees Celsius plus.
What species? A bull shark, aka Zambezi, is the only suspect. As they are known to frequent shallow still waters of any open estuary. They can hunt really shallow. Can swim and breathe in fresh water.
And are lethal.
There were many confused people who immediately summised that it was a scuba incident and started spreading this news – falsely. I am not sure what it takes to be a sharer of false news for sensationalism and personal ego gain but many people seem to have this infliction.
Tropical Storm Dikeledi

As if the current political storms are not enough to test the resilience of the Mozambican people, this cyclone meant business after all. Going by the name of Dikeledi, this gal seems to be on another mission. She followed a very predictable path right across the top of Madagascar and down into Inhambane Province in Mozambique.
The only thing you can do in these cases is batten down the hatches. Boats headed off to the mangroves to be tied down properly. They also do find a certain degree of shelter and protection in those low-lying waters. The mangroves do a helluva lot in mitigating the sheer forces that these storms generate.
Never cut down a mangrove!
From Brucifire…
Zulu to English Translation: “Dikeledi” can be translated to English as “tears” or “crying”. However, in a more poetic sense, it can also mean “sorrow” or “heartache”.

UGU vs. RNM: The strike continues. These two entities, UGU and RNM, which are mandated to run our region, are revolting – against each other. They have long had animosity. No love is lost between anyone and UGU. RNM is under the authority of UGU. Between the two of them, they have let their constant arguments about money take their citizens down.
The very same citizens that UGU and RNM are PAID to SERVE! Like the guys in the picture at left.
How long is this dire situation – allowed by the ANC, to go on? The sewage just keeps pumping, the tourists keep getting sick, and the rubbish piles up.
Local legends such as Mr. Selvan Chetty, Lazer Security, and many other good souls shone brightly as they volunteered quickly to step in: refuse collection and removal, help the elderly, and ease the overall pain.
I am sure that it would be easily possible one fine day, for the community to rather run the show. Rather than the ANC disasters looting the system right now. Overtime! Dodgy tenders! Water tankers! Irregular expenditure!
In the meantime, I still can’t even go get my driver’s license renewed?!
Your perceived entitlement is going to be your biggest downfall.
Tourists Missing from Tofo due to Unrest
Sure do hope the political clowns running the show can get around a table and iron things out once and for all. Simplistic? Yes for sure. But what else can we hope for before a literal blood shed comes about as both presidential claimants aim to be coronated this week.
Stay out of Maputo for now!
SKZN Brown Water Fishing
Ain’t nothing wrong with this brown water! As you can see from the Kob report, and the following brown water gallery in Sheppy.

Plus a very nice GT you can see in the next video report going out later today.
Sardines and Sighting Maps
It has been a fantastic sardine run this memorable 2024. And all the action has been logged right here on The Sardine News. This year’s map has been viewed 200 000 times and just keeps growing.
Which led us to decide to keep the map live. And keep adding unique marine animal sightings and events. That occurs non-stop all year round. This year we started to log more whale and dolphin sightings. And we even had a shipwreck! And a freaking tornado! And recently a capsized KZNSB boat! We have been updating the map with recent catches too…
These events will from now on be included in the Sardine News Sightings Map for 2024. And on the 1 January 2025, we shall start all over again.
Here are the links to existing and past Sardine Sighting Maps. Great for a windy day like today to research. With instructions to install The Sardine News right on your phone or desktop.
2024 Sardine Map
2023 Sardine Map
2021 Sardine Map
Brucifire Surf Retorts – highly entertaining surf reporting
Master Watermen – news from way down deep
The Sardine News – neva miss a single sardine
FishBazaruto – 1000 pounds plus
MYDO Tackle Talk – highly technical sport fishing
Surf Launching Southern Africa – getting out there safely
Water Woes – complain about your municipality here
umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – will get you right out and onto the edge
thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine
masterwatermen.co.za – news from under water
fishbazaruto.com – dreams
brucifire.co.za – surf retorts