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Jimmy Bonefish!

Jimmy Bonefish!

Anyone who has fished the point at Tofinho, in Inhambane, Mozaambique, will have been impressed by Jimmy Bonefish’s skills. Fishing with a rod and a handline, he consistently produces  the best catches…sometimes hauling in two fish at once. I have seen Jimmy coming back from fishing at night with 2 queenfish, 2 kingfish and a huge couta!
Subsistence fishing rock n surf must be one of the biggest challenges available as far as career choices go. But Jimmy handles it with aplomb. Targeting big gamefish at night, off a 20ft high point made of razor sharp rock! On his own!

Jimmy Bonefish with another potential world record bonefish, that frequent his local fishing spot at Tofinho
Jimmy Bonefish with another potential world record bonefish, that frequent his local fishing spot at Tofinho often

These huge bonefish weigh around 10kg’s are are readily encountered, and caught, in the surf zone, all around the Tofinho headland.

Other subsistence guys fish off the cliffs right into broken and foaming white water, where they pull out smaller bones by the bunch. Perfect live baits for kingfish and other mean backline predators. These guys only have handlines.

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Rock Salmon caught at Barra


A prize specimen in the Tofo market today. These hardy fish seem to be surviving the onslaught around here. Although tales of entire shoals being netted filter through. Barra is a bit of a hotspot for these fish. You just really have to know where to look.

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Baby Great White being finned at Guinjata

Great White Shark being finned in Mozambique
Great White Shark being finned in Mozambique
Great White Shark being finned in Mozambique

Well I am not sure what this all means to each different ocean using community out there…but it sure stokes emotions either way.

This little baby white could be your worse nightmare, the encounter of your life, food or profit…as a surfer, a diver, a subsistence fisherman or a poacher…

Guinjata Bay. Southern Mozambique. A few days back…

Thanks for the photos emailed by Janine Newman and taken by Sergio Cavalho.



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Praia da Tofo

A beautiful Sunday morning today lasted about an hour when an amazingly strong onshore squall hit hard. Local fishermen were out early but were literally blown back to shore. Our back door was blown completely off its rails and smashed – 30 secs after this pic was taken! The rain is pelting down now causing a complete whiteout. I can just see the shorebreak 20 metres in front of the house…!

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Storm surge…


The scene of the time two local fishermen saved the life of a local kid caught in a high tide surge. The previous article carries the story… This pic shows how much sand was taken away over a week of onshore winds reaching 35 knots or more some days. The locals have had to move their boats onto the main beach as their last launch spot in the corner is just bare rocks now. After the storm…the fishing was excellent. Many couta, amberjack and tuna.
