Today was definitely in the top 5 diving days of the year so far! Started the morning off with a dive to Oasis. Good news is that the water is now a lovely blue again! We had 3 Reef Manta encounters, 2 huge Greater Hammerhead Sharks, 1 Grey Reef Shark, 1 Whitetip Reef Shark and also the beautiful Weedy Scorpionfish! The only downside on the dive was the water temperature, which was a chilly 20 degrees! Once again we had the Humpback Whales putting on a show for us, reverse breaching about 15 meters from the boat. Right so onto our next dive, we headed out to Galleria. Visibility on this dive was slightly less however this did not stop us seeing some amazing creatures down there. We saw a total of 3 Smalleye Stingrays, 1 absolutely huge Ragged Tooth Shark, 2 Sea Moths, a juvenile Ribbon Eel and schooling Bigeye jacks accompanied by some big Barracuda! Could not have asked for a better day! 🙂
Tag: Inhambane
Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo
Jamie Edwards Scuba Report from Tofo, Inhambane, Mozambique…

Great dive this morning at Galleria! Unfortunately the visibility was not at its greatest but none the less it was still amazing under the water. Dropped down onto 2 big Octopus, they were puffing up and colour flaring which looks pretty awesome. Then quite a sizable Smalleye Stingray pulled in, just chilled with us for a few minutes while we watched it getting cleaned. To finish off the dive we found a big Whitetip Reef Shark resting on the bottom which seemed relaxed with us being there. Once again the Humpback Whales were singing away during the dive, doesnt get better than that! 🙂
Thanks to Jamie for his ongoing updates. Check out Diversity Scuba on for more information on Scuba diving the Inhambane area.
Jamie Edwards Scuba update from Tofo, Inhambane
Just a little update for everyone over the last few days. Seems that the Whale Sharks are hanging around, been seeing at least 2 to 4 a day on the Ocean Safari’s! Also another Leatherback Turtle was spotted on a Ocean Safari two days ago! On the diving side, the dives have been great as well. The Manta’s have been seen at both Manta Reef and Galleria almost every dive! Yesterday we were lucky once again to see a Humpback Whale on Scuba, this was during a dive to Oasis. Not only was it seen but the Dive Guide experienced a little ride as the Whale picked up the Buoy Line on its way past. A few Whitetip Reef Sharks have also been seen in the North at Reggies and Oasis, as well as a big Grey Reef Shark at Manta Reef. Humpback Whales are still seen all over the place, some Breaching, Tail Slapping, Spy Hopping and just cruising around. They always make the day that much more special! 🙂
Maputo, 18 Jul (AIM) – The head of Inhambane’s Criminal Investigation Police (PIC), E. P. Vilichane, has been suspended over a shoplifting allegation.
The incident took place at the Wang Rong supermarket in Inhambane city.
According to Radio Mozambique, a security camera caught the police officer taking razors, scouring pads and other goods without paying. He has been suspended whilst an investigation takes place.
Meanwhile, the police in Inhambane have confirmed that another officer is under investigation over accusations that he sold thirty bullets for an AK-47 AKM assault rifle.
Grouper savaged by Shark at Praia do Conguina
Check this massive grouper found flailing in the low tide pools at Praia da
Congiana near Tofo this morning.
The young fisherman who fortuned upon the spectacle made even more of a show as he dragged it the full 3kms along the
beach to the Tofo market!
It’s value is about equal to 2months salary at minimum wage here (R1000 or thereabouts), so the exhausted young fisher was over the moon.
The story is told in the photographs.
That’s a Shark bite! The puzzle is…how did the grouper make it to the shallows after his tail was bitten clean off?
Or did the drama unfold right in the shallows before first light and just after the scant moon?
Hunting time.
Fishing time.
This is how I have found fishing to be Mozambique.
And most places.
The tide turned and started coming in during these early and dark hours. Mr Grouper might
have been chasing kingfish and stumpnose (Porgy) and bonefish when Mr Big Teeth
ambushed him and bit his tail right off!
As to the grouper species…any offers? There have been a number
of smaller ones in the market coming out of 36m plus water and one local claims
that there are many of these fish this time of the year.