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The sharks of Protea Reef

The Sharks of Protea Reef

Shark Catch and Release Must Byt Res
With the proliferation of sharks on Protea Reef off Shelley Beach, catching and releasing them has become sport. Here the Must Byt charter operation crew prepare to release a bad tempered old Tiger Shark – healthy and ready to entertain the many divers, who get up close and personal with them, on dive trips and in cages. (c) Must Byt


The Sharks of Protea Reef: A couple of decades back, the late eighties – Protea Reef off the KZN South Coast, teemed with fish. The ‘couta were wild and came through in huge shoals. Yellowfin would get in the way all the time. A live bonnie was a cast away anytime. Kakaap and kingfish swam around under the boat. Rainbow runner flashed through. Ah! The memories. What happened to those idyllic fishing times, is still open to argument – the foreign trawlers and long liners we all know have been – just out there – or us – the recreational and semi-commercial fleet of the day, interfering with nature.

Not that fishing on Protea Reef is any slower these days, chuck a live bonito out on the southern pinnacle and see what happens in 5 minutes. The only major thing different these days, is that it’s 90% chance a shark is on the end of line. And if it isn’t, whatever stole the bonnie away from the marauding pack of testerone laden sharks, is now the new live bait!

Many reasons have been profferred for this massive shift in fish demographics on Protea. There a few factors – starting with some bright guys using chum, to attract in huge yellowfin tuna, and hook them with single hooks. Amazing fun on all tackle, and many great and record catches were made back then. The deeply instilled drive to wear our province’s colours motivated a fleet of ski-boats – hundreds in fact, to compete, and there wasn’t much more fun thing you could do, that be invited, as a club or province, to compete against one another, in yours or fresh new waters, around the country.

And then there were the money comps. With fully rigged brand new ski-boats, as first prizes. This was a time where you could live of your winnings. The Rand still meant something. Petrol wasn’t even expensive. One fish could pay to fill all your tanks, the rest was poured eagerly back into the boat and tackle. Some guys reached epic heights in their commitment to the “sport” –  gold reels, roller guides, new line every outing…it was fever pitch on the ski-boat scene. We even had a license to sell fish, as semi-commercials?! Heaven!

Then the South African event organisers and sponsors started hosting competitions on n even bigger scale. Launching was allowed anywhere legal, and the water fished stretched from the north to the south coast. They were some of the biggest fishing events ever held in the world. The fly pasts at some of these events flipped smaller boats in their wake!

Since Protea was always a hot spot, and more often than not, produced the boat winning fish…a lot of us started to pour 5kg after 5kg of frozen, chopped and crushed up, beautiful fresh sardines, in the quest for a boat winning yellowfin tuna.  The sardines weren’t even expensive!? A boat would often launch, on a competition day, with 10 x 5kg boxes, all to be chopped up and tossed into the water. This makes the chum slick. And a good crew, on a good day, can make a chum slick work for miles. Starting way up Protea, the skipper projects a drift over the pinnacles, north and south. The trajectory is dependent on many things, but connect the dots and it’s all hands on deck. As you start, you may even pick up a fish with the first few handfuls of sardine – straight away – since they follow the boat. This is great – because once you get the first few fish interested, others feel and hear the commotion and come in from all sides. The trick is to feed the chum line. A chunk every two metres, and some crushed up guts and head in between, tying it all together. Stop the chum line, and it’s back to step 1. Get it right, and it’s hours (depending on the drift speed) of fishing chaos.

Then came the sharks. Now come the sharks. The overall size of the combined chum trail we all threw, eventually extended hundred of kilometres. In a four day event, a few tonnes of beautifully fresh and tasty sardines went overboard. The chum slick eventually sent it’s oily message right through the Transkei, calling them all in. And they came. Like a spectacle akin to the sardine run. They were everwhere. Marauding packs of not just Zambezi’s, but huge hammers, horrifying copper sharks (bronze whalers), ugly ass tigers, and beautiful whites. It was chaos, we stopped catching fish on light tackle completely – the entire light tackle league collapsed in a heap, and we all went back to 50 pound Maxima green – minimum.

The Sharks, like in the rugby, took over completely. We were taken to the cleaners. Rapalas at R100 each disappeared out of our tackle boxes at an financially crippling rate. We lost so much line, tuna hooks, live bait traces, lures…murder on the high seas. Most of the boats just stopped fishing on Protea. Launches were right down, so were catches.

Today, if you dare go fishing with chum, it starts out much the same as the old days. A fish or two straight up, but as soon as the sharks smell the sardines, they home in. As cognisant as any other wild animal, the also obey Pavlov. The chum slick is like a dinner gong going off. They move in and circle and weave under the boat and as soon as a hapless tuna swallows a bait, it’s swimming is impeded and bang a shark has him!

The flipside is that catch and release shark fishing has become a part of fishing on Protea Reef and the sharks themselves, quite a tourist attraction. There are just so many out there. We hope that they will soon realise that conscientious anglers have volunteered to stop chumming on Protea, and that free lunch is going to more hard to come by, and that they will move back into their old feeding patterns and areas they came from.

In the meantime, divers flock from all corners to swim among the sharks, you can even cage dive with them nowadays!

A shark cage boat waits for a gap on it’s way out to Protea Reef and it’s toothy inhabitants (c)


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Gray Shark on gray shark by Brandon Parsons

Gray Shark on gray shark by Brandon Parsons, at Hibberdene on the KZN South Coast.

Brandon Parsons with an estimated 60kg Gray Shark caught and released just up the beach from Hibberdene.

Brandon Parsons with an estimated 60kg Gray Shark caught and released just up the beach from Hibberdene, on the KZN South Coast. Not to worry, Gray Sharks don’t bite people, although they do cannibalise themselves – the bait Brandon used was a small Gray Shark! The shark was caught just before the otherwise weather of late set in. Brandon grew up fishing Hibberdene’s productive waters and now does professional fishing guiding all over Southern Africa. He practices catch and release – most of the time!

Contact Brandon on for more information on when and where he can take you fishing.

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Tropika Summer Fever 2014

Tropika Summer Fever 2014

Tropika Summer Fever 2014
Tropika Summer Fever 2014


Things will be heating up this summer when the annual Tropika Summer Fever beach festival hits Margate and Ballito in December.

The Festival will run at Margate Main Beach from 21 to 24 December and Ballito Main (Willard) Beach from 26 to 29 December from 10am to 4pm daily, and entrance is free.

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The sharks of the Umzimkulu

A little baby Zambezi taken on rod and line in the Umzimkulu River. It was released healthy and spitting mad! About 7kgs. At 20 to 30cm per year, this Zambezi in the Umzimkulu would be about 30kgs, two years later.

The sharks of the Umzimkulu

The second Zambezi taken on rod and line in the Umzimkulu River this year. It was released healthy and spitting mad!
The second Zambezi taken on rod and line in the Umzimkulu River this year. It was released healthy and spitting mad!

Another sighting down at the Umzimkulu Marina this weekend, confirms that the family of Zambezi Sharks who have taken up residence in the Umzimkulu River, are alive and well. This last one was spotted giving a big blue tailed mullet hell, chasing it around and around, right off the jetty.

The jetty down at the Umzimkulu Marina was where the last sighting of one of the the Zambezi Sharks was confirmed…the river mouth has been closed for some time, so the Zambezi’s have been trapped in! They will most likely stay in residence here until they reach 2 metres long, at which point they will take their chances and head out to the deep ocean.

Zambezi Sharks, known in Latin as Carcharhinus leucas, in Australia a Bull Shark, and in some places, a Java Shark, have a gestation period of approximately a year, after which time the pups, at about 70cm in length, are born. Zambezi’s are viviparous (the babies are born alive and well, after being fed by a placenta while inside the womb). About a dozen are born with each litter. Very young bull sharks (1 metre or less) are frequently found in bays and beaches near the mouths of rivers, in briny water.

The Umzimkulu River is a perfect hatchery for Zambezi’s. Evidently, a big female (they can reach 3.5m and 350 kilograms), swam into the Umzimkulu about a year ago, and gave birth to a litter of cubs. They were being spotted and encountered by fishermen up and down the banks, but only once Marius Awcamp caught one on a live bait down at Spiller’s Wharf, in Port Shepstone, were they confirmed as mini Zambezi sharks.

A few days later,a  local angler was paddling his fishing ski down towards the mouth, when he found half a perch flapping on the surface. It had been bitten clean in half – but was still alive and splashing.

Then we got this one pictured above…on a Rapala up in the top corner, under Royston’s Hall – in the deep water against the rocks. It took a Strike Pro bought from Lucky’s in Port Shepstone – a white one – 10cm model.

The Zambezi is responsible for attacking more people than any other shark – by far. It has the highest testosterone count of any animal alive, and eats anything. Literally. The Zambezi shark is found in all tropical and subtropical oceans and seas along the coastlines and also in some fresh water rivers. It does not venture very far out to sea, preferring the murky inshore waters for their ambush style of hunting. They are aptly names after the Zambezi River – the fourth largest river system in Africa – where they have been encountered hundreds of kilometres inland, in completely fresh water.

These smaller sharks however, do not pose the threat to your health, that pollution in the Umzimkulu does. The raw sewage that flows into the river daily is far more dangerous to your health. Overall, the Umzimkulu River is much better for fishing than swimmin! Rather go to a Blue Flag Beach to cool down this summer!

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Third Africa Marine & Leisure Expo delivers a fun-filled weekend with a strong conservation message

Third Africa Marine & Leisure Expo delivers a fun-filled weekend with a strong conservation message


Young anglers  who took part in the catch and release fishing competition with TV fishing show stars Dean Pretorius and Craig Thomassen
Young anglers who took part in the catch and release fishing competition with TV fishing show stars Dean Pretorius and Craig Thomassen

November 1 and 2 saw the much-anticipated return of the Africa Marine & Leisure Expo to the beaches of Scottburgh and Rocky Bay, marking the third year of this UGU South Coast Tourism sponsored event. Previously, the Africa Marine & Leisure Expo has not only celebrated the beach lifestyle for which the South Coast is so famous, but also shone a spotlight on marine conservation groups acting to safeguard coastal environments both in the province and throughout South Africa. This year’s event was no different, focusing equally on informing and inspiring the crowds about conservation issues, and making sure everyone that attended had a fantastic, fun-filled day out.

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