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Cyclone Warnings and News


Just an update on the weather for you guys.

There are 4 systems in the Indian Ocean at the moment, two of which on the channel
Two have already been classified as cyclones – Ethel and Funso

Check link below


This link shows position and details of cyclone Funso which is sitting north of us, roughly straight out from Quelimane and is forecasted to move south and be straight out from Vilankulos on Sunday afternoon.  Another system is building up right behind it.

The epicenter should get to roughly about 180 NM from the coast and winds expected by us are up to 60 knots maximum with gusts up to 75 knots. These wind speeds should start from the 24th and intensifying until the 27th.


Tropical cyclone Funso / 08S
Warning 02 from JTWC at 2100 GMT
Position 18.1S 40.1E
Location 630 miles NE of Maputo, Mozambique
Movement 230° (SW) at 6 knots
Maximum sustained winds 45 knots gusting to 55 knots
Comparative strength Tropical storm
Threatened landmasses Mozambique
Maximum siginificant wave height is 14 feet
Next warning from JTWC at 0900 GMT

Funso is heading southwest down the Mozambique Channel and will continue to intensify over the next 5 days, reaching at least 95 knots by that time.


Tropical cyclone Ethel / 07S
Warning 02 from JTWC at 1500 GMT
Position 15.7S 66.5E
Movement 220° (SW) at 10 knots
Maximum sustained winds 45 knots gusting to 55 knots
Comparative strength Tropical storm
Threatened landmasses Rodrigues
Maximum siginificant wave height is 15 feet
Next warning from JTWC at 0300 GMT
Next update from Met Mauritius for Rodrigues at 0000 GMT


Below a few more weather links.


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Batten down the hatches!

Looks like Inhambane and much of the surrounding areas are in for a wallop. Hopefully it will dissipate, but it has shown strong growth in it’s predictions…like STRONG growth.

Locals are preparing for the blow, the storm surges being a big part of the worry. The predictions appreciably show that the storm will be over quite quickly, but there are definitely going to be a few days of hell. Swells are predicted at over 10m and winds up to 65 knots.


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Tropical Storm vs Cyclone!

Just in from Duarte Rato on Bazaruto…!

Bru, weather is going to go crazy here and expecting winds up to 68 knots (127 km/h) by next tuesday. Its a tropical storm but guys saying it might go into a cyclone. Check the link below and see how it builds up and moves from SW Madagascar to just north of us.

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Barra with Brad and Douglas Smith…

Fishing out of Whitesands towards Barra is really cool with minimal fuss. No surf launch…dry…Brad and his son Douglas are super keen anglers, we even did one launch at 3:30am! Unfortunately, the Smith’s don’t choose the best weather and we certainly got bashed around some.

But we caught nice fish – and three first time species for Douglas. On the first day we headed out into the rough stuff, and for the first few hours never got a strike. Then all of a sudden the birds appeared, for their secret meeting with the fish. But we were on it.  Rods started screaming and soon Douglas and Brad had their first Skipjack tuna each…and we know how those things fight! Especially over 8kg size.

George, Douglas and Brad dripping fish blood in the Barra Lodge Reception area. Sorry John!
George, Douglas and Brad dripping fish blood in the Barra Lodge Reception area. Sorry John!

It wasn’t long and we had more action, a live bonnie that got chopped in half by a big couta. Then, at home time, we decided to pull small lures along the inside towards base, and bang, a tasty queen mackeral. Which Douglas marched into Barra Lodge over his shoulder – our trademark – with blood dripping all over reception – our calling card!

But we still hadnt got Douglas a couta yet…so we fixed that on our next launch, quick sticks!

Doug with couta slime on his face...
Doug with couta slime on his face...

The marlin were scarce this December, but we saw a few local rowboats get some bill action – right next to us on the drift, in about 15m on the inside at Barra again. It is amazing that these guys catch marlin on handline and on a rowboat, whilst we chase them with all the equipment possible. Are we in the same game?

Douglas and his first Dorado caught off Durban last year...
Douglas and his first Dorado caught off Durban last year…
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58kg Sailfish at 2 Mile Bazaruto…

hey brother,
last few days have been really good this side with some blue water patches amonst all the green water deep off V and VI mile where we have been finding some nice Marlin and loads of yellowfin action.
We caught Marlin 3 days in a row and lost some decent fish up to 800 lbs but let me tell you about the monster sailie we got.
The day started with light tackle conventional trolling and a game fish blast with yellowfin tuna coming in right, left & center with some bonnies and a couple of dorado for good measure. later in the morning when we got a bonito in 40 meters off V mile and even tough the water was pea soup green in the area we rigged a 20/0 circle hook and put it out as live bait. All it took was 10 minutes and we hooked to a nice Black about 700 lbs that put on a breathtaking show
before going down and sulking.
We put on the heat with the drag at 40 pounds and eventually got the fish up a second time and as it trashed on the surface it spit the bait which was probably in it’s stomach all the time – sure the circle had never found the corner. Twenty minutes of fun.
By noon things had gone a bit slow and we worked the top end of II mile hoping for another bait when one of the bait rods go, but this time a massive sailfish jumped on our stern. Really nice big fish that put on a tremendous fight on the light rod. Unfortunetly the fish was gut hooked and totally spent by the time it got to the boat and could not be revived. It weighted a whopping 58 kg.
We finished the day up north where we once again found some fast yellowfin tuna action up north and ended a great day with a Black Marlin release about 200 pounds.
58kg Sailfish (c) Duarte Rato
58kg Sailfish (c) Duarte Rato

The boys went 1 for 2 on Black Marlin yesterday. After a morning of game fishing they put a bonito live bait out off V mile which was taken by a nice fish about 700 lbs that pulled the hooks after 20 minutes. Then they caught a sailfish at II mile that unfortunately was gut hooked and died, it went a whopping 58 kg (128 lbs). Fishing in the lighthouse area in the afternoon they released a Black around 200 lbs.


58kg Sailfish (c) Duarte Rato
58kg Sailfish (c) Duarte Rato
