Sunny Sardine Afternoon Report 24 June 2024 by Kevin in Qora
Sunny Sardine Afternoon Report 24 June 2024 by Kevin in Qora: Kevin is back in studio with another highly sought after synopsis and forecast as to what the sardines are up to right now.
Sunny Sardine Afternoon
How’s it chaps? Yeah, this is Kevin at Qora Mouth, just north of Mazepa Bay in the southern Transkei. Thank you for all the messages wishing me well and that I get over the flu. I’ve been inundated with them today. since yesterday’s report, but thank you guys. Appreciate it. I’m feeling much better. But in the news today, yo, Winklespruit, huge net, huge net just came out, and that’s wonderful news that these sards are moving much closer to the coast again, and it’s about to be game on.
Yeah, it’s it’s going to get real now, guys. The water temperature still in Durban is hovering around the 20 degree mark. There’s some colder patches out there and that’s good news because that mixes in with the warm water and keeps the temperature stable. So yeah, let’s hope over the next couple of days these sards around the bluff, which I’m saying they’re going to do.
Winklespruit is not very far from the Bluff. It’s right there. And once they’re around the corner and they get onto the Durban beach front, then chaos, chaos. But as you guys can see in the video The public, you guys are getting a little bit too close to these nets and you know, it’s dangerous.
Really, it’s it’s not something you want to do. Keep away from these netters just because of predator activity. You guys are wading in deep into the water to get the sods that are escaping from the nets and that’s not safe. It’s not safe at all. So we don’t want any tragedies. We don’t want anybody bitten by sharks.
There’s a lot of predators around and yeah. So that’s all we can say about that Durban area.
Transkei Wild Coast
But let’s talk a little bit about what’s happening here down south in the Transkei. What we’re seeing here is a lot of birds, a lot of gannets, and the water inshore is actually quite warm right now. Which I’m gonna say is actually just that current that moved through Durban of about 24 25 degrees has now reached the Cape, the Eastern Cape, and our water’s sitting at about 22 degrees right now, which is quite warm for the Eastern Cape, but But what I can say is that there’s lots of gannets, and they’re not flying in formation as we discussed earlier.
They’re not traveling big distances. They’re single birds moving around, looking for the sods. And what I’m seeing out on the horizon is lots of whales breaching. And these whales that are breaching are Brydes whales, they’re not humpbacks. Humpbacks as we know are plankton feeders, they don’t feed on the sardines, even though they are very big.
Present during the sardine run because they’re on the wintertime migratory path, which takes them up to Mozambique, but out deep, I’m saying about five to six kilometers out, I’m seeing plenty big splashes and that’s all Brydes whales that are playing, having fun and just jumping right out of the water, breaching and landing.
And those are the Brydes whales are feeding on sods. So if they’re evident, you can know that there’s sods around. So yeah, let’s I think there’s a lot more sardines still coming through from the Eastern Cape but they’re way deep out here. But yeah. Time will tell. Anyway, that’s good news for the netters.
So yeah, guys, let’s just hold thumbs and hope that this is just a bumper crop this year, which I think it’s going to be still lots of sods coming through. Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Keep it real. Keep the beaches tidy. Guys that are fishing, please guys, we’re hearing some reports of really a lot of trash being left on the beach.
If you can pack it in, bring it to the beach, then take it out with you. Clean up your areas where you’re fishing especially nylon and line, which seabirds get tangled in and it’s a hazard, hazard to the public as well, if there’s hooks and stuff like that around. So yeah, keep it real, conserve and protect.
Look after our marine environment. That’s all we got. Cheers.
Affiliated YouTube Channels
https://youtube.com/@Brucifire – highly entertaining surf reporting
https://youtube.com/@thesardinenews – neva miss a single sardine
https://youtube.com/@mydotackletalk – highly technical sport fishing
https://youtube.com/@surflaunchingsouthernafrica – getting out there safely
https://youtube.com/@waterwoes – complain here
Affiliated websites
https://umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
https://umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – sardine run coming up
https://thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine
https://masterwatermen.co.za – news from deep down
https://brucifire.co.za – surf and conditions reporting
https://fishbazaruto.com – your dreams are out there
https://mydofishinglures.co.za – technical sport fishing