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Netted Whale Shark: Oh so that’s what’s been happening…Duh?

Netted Whale Shark: Oh so that’s what’s been happening…? Duh?

This jaw dropping image was sourced by Carlos Carvalhos, evergreen conservationist and activist from Maputo…Carlos has been crusading for marine wild life in Mozambique and Southern African waters for years, and his work will be published in as often as possible, in the future…Carlos has been patrolling the waters of Southern Mozambique – through it all.

So, since I started working in the Inhambane waters, 7 years back…I would say the decline in whale shark encounters I have had, has been about 90%. I mean, this whole last trip myself and Roosta just did, for 12 days, Ponto D’ Ouro to Pomene, and we never saw one!

Sure they used to disappear back in those early years, for months at a time – but always came back with at least a few shows of strength…I once counted 70 whale sharks around my boat, off Praia da Rocha. 70!

So while the world watches TV and is focused on this Pistorius clown and Rhino’s…quietly, someone has been simply removing our whale sharks. And whatever else can be removed, out over the horizon or in the dark of night.

I have to align with Mr. Carlos Carvalhos, conservation activist and journalist in Maputo, when he asks – “What is being done by the plentiful NGO’s and conservation associations, littered around Mozambique and Southern Africa in general”.

I have never seen them intervene, or bring any of this slaughter to attention. It’s usually just covered up and forgotten. Granted, there are many individuals out there in the field, totally committed to the conservation of these animals, but the bureaucratic organisations with all the required resources and budget…do very little at all, except give lectures and drive around spotting the last of the marine life, just as it just disappears beneath the waves forever.

Whose role is it then, to intervene? Someone with all the required resources and mandates? Someone who signed up for the job?

Many thanks to Carlos Carvalhos. Follow him on MOZ INFO by clicking here

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First stone laid for new Maputo fish market

First stone laid for new Maputo fish market

by John Hughes (AIM)

Maputo, 3 Jul (AIM) – Mozambique’s Minister of Fisheries, Victor Borges, on Thursday laid the first stone for the construction of the new Maputo fish market.

The market will have a hundred fish stalls with refrigerated storage to conserve the produce and a restaurant area.

The project is budgeted at 11.3 million US dollars, of which 8.6 million will be provided by the Japanese government through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Maputo Municipal Council will provide 1.4 million dollars, with the remaining funds coming from the Mozambican government.

Speaking during the ceremony, the minister said that artisanal fishing in Mozambique makes up over 85 per cent of the fishing sector, with the rest being composed of aquiculture and industrial fishing. Borges added that the artisanal sub-sector produced 196,000 tonnes of fish last year out of a total production of 220,000 tonnes.

The minister said the quality and safety of the fish will be checked in the laboratory of the National Institute of Fish Inspection (INIP).

Borges stated that the country currently only has one internationally accredited laboratory, situated in Maputo. However, two laboratories, in the central cities of Beira and Quelimane, are in the process of being accredited, with a third laboratory planned for the northern city of Nacala.

Maputo’s mayor David Simango pointed out that the fish market is the capital city’s third major public construction project currently underway. Work is already taking place on the Maputo Ring Road and the capital’s coastal defences.


dac/jhu (259)

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Amazing fishing with Mydo’s at Chidunguele

Amazing fishing with Mydo’s at Chidunguele

Len Matthews with his boat Mafuta, and crew were in Chidinguele, in Southern Mozambique, in May recently. The reports and photographs are astounding.

l-r: Riaan Kruger, Len Matthews jnr, Gerhard “the Goose” Gouws, Len Matthews snr.

From Len…


Hi Sean,

Thanks for your quick reply.I have taken a quick look at your MYDO Luck Shot
and I agree, you have a winner!!

You are most welcome to use the pic (I will send more) in your mag. This was
from a trip to Chidenguele in Moz from 23 – 30 May ’14. We caught a ton (yes
a TON) of fish in 5 days!!!, Most of them on no 2 and 3 MYDO’s.

The pic shows 17 Couta caught in 3hrs, 1 under 10kg and 11 over 15kg, ALL
caught on MYDO’s!!! We also got a saily and snoek on MYDO’s, and hooked an
estimated 220kg Blue Marlin on the same no 3’s.

One of the 5 days we parked on a shoal of cob and got a bunch n 2 1/2hrs!!!


Now that’s a fishing trip!


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Shaloha Uploaded

Shaloha Uploaded

Well, we have tried this before but were ruthlessly taken out of the sky by arguing IP control freaks. But luckily we are almost caught up with the content lost…the uploading of Shaloha by Bruce Gold and co, was one of those missing news items…

This video movie was shot from the West Coast to the East Coast of Southern Africa, by Bruce Gold and friends, in 2009. It is the end of a series of surf videos by the SurfTV organisation of old, made to pay tribute to, and preserve the heritage and culture, of travelling surfers. And who else but Bruce Gold, portraying Brucifire, to put the message across.

Rough roads, hard times, breakdowns, injury, disease, blowouts…and finally endless supplies of tropical and sub-tropical peeling and barreling waves.

The first few chapters are good to go and we will throw a few more later…enjoy!

“The journey’s over, the journey never began…!”, Brucifire.

“Like Jah, surfing will provide…”, Roosta

“Believe….don’t believe..!”, Shonalanga

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Bazaruto marlin biting: Captain Duarte Rato checking in…

Bazaruto marlin biting: Captain Duarte Rato checking in…

It’s always an absolute delight to open my inbox and see something, anything from Captain Duarte Rato. Duarte has developed a bad reputation among the marlin of our waters, between Bazaruto, Inhaca, Vamizi, Madeira, Cape Verde – he has been sticking tags into big shiny shoulders for many a year – he must have pin pricked thousands of billfish…!

Hope all good. I know it is off season and not much normally going on this side but just want to tell you that the fishing as been absolutely ballistic of the Bazaruto Archipelago the last couple of months. I have not been out much but the boys on Vamizi have been hammering it. I had a client from CT come for 3 days late April and they caught and released something ridiculous like 70 odd game fish over that time. There as been good numbers of cuda, queen mackerel and kingfish but it is the Yellowfin tuna that is running the show and they are all over the place. With so much game fish and bait fish (skipjack and frigate bonito) it is no wonder that the Marlin seem to have forgotten to look at the calendar this year and they boys have been catching a good number of Blacks between 100 and 300 pounds (but up to 600) in the last month and a half! Considering they are not really targeting them and that we are in May…it is insane! But hey, I did not hear anyone complain! A few sailies showing as well and as we go into winter they should arrive in good numbers…..

PS: On my way to Cape Verde on Monday for 5 weeks. They are having an insane Marlin season there…I mean mind blowing! The top boat has released something like 170 odd Blue Marlin in the first 30 days of fishing….that is an average of 6 Blues a day!!!


Thank you Duarte, I feel like a pinhead in your presence!

