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Wetlands in KZN Talk to be held at Crocworld Conservation Centre on 8 July

Wetlands in KZN Talk to be held at Crocworld Conservation Centre on 8 July

Fresh news in from OJ concerning the fragile and important wetland systems endowed to us…”

Popular guest speaker and renowned horticulturalist Geoff Nichols will be presenting a talk at Crocworld Conservation Centre in Scottburgh (Kwa Zulu-Natal South Coast) on 8 July. Nichols will focus his talk on Wetlands in KZN.

“My talk will be a ramble through the wetlands both wild and illusionary (human constructed) in my travels for work and pleasure. I will touch on why we have to conserve and manage our sponges in this country. It is not a technical talk, but rather a fun visit to places that when walking through them, you get your feet wet,” commented Nichols.

Nichols has diplomas in agriculture, horticulture, and parks and recreation administration, all of which came in useful during the 21 years he spent working for the Durban Parks Department. He specialises particularly in indigenous gardening, and pioneered the cultivation of indigenous medicinal plants at the Silverglen Medicinal Plant Nursery. In 1996, Nichols set up his own horticultural consultancy, and has published several books on a variety of topics, including plant propagation, medicinal plants, and wild gardening.

“Mr Nichols is an amazing guest speaker and is incredibly knowledgeable. This talk will be a fascinating one – that’s for sure,” commented Martin Rodrigues, General Manager: Crocworld Conservation Centre.

Tickets for the talk will cost R75 per adult and R35 for pensioners. Registration and welcoming will begin from 8:30am and the talk will commence at 9:00am. Tickets will entitle guests to complimentary teas and coffees, as well as access to the Crocworld Conservation Centre’s vast grounds, Izinyoni Indigenous Nursery and the Le- Rendez- Vous restaurant.


To avoid disappointment, tickets for the talk must be reserved in advance. For bookings, contact Crocworld Conservation Centre on 039 976 1103 or 083 654 9651 or Account Details: Crocworld (Crookes Brothers Limited) Banking Details: FNB, Branch: Scottburgh, Branch Code: 220227, Account Number: 53640119111. Please fax the proof of payment to 039 978 3279.

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Jaco Blignaut wins gold at Spearfishing Nationals

Jaco Blignaut number one again

Jaco Blignaut wins gold at Spearfishing Nationals

Jason Heyne reports in that Jaco Blignaut has taken the nationals again! And a few other things from under the waves up and down the KZN spearfishing coast.

The diving conditions were OK Saturday and Sunday then swell and wind every day made for an upset sea. Couta garrick and snoek are around and plenty other gamefish should be around as well because the sardines have arrived. Saturday a light offshore blows in the morning switching to a light to moderate north east in the afternoon with swell starting at 2.2 m and settling down to 1.5m later in the day. Sunday a light offshore blows in the morning with negligible wind later on and small 1.3m swell. So it looks like Sunday is a green light for a dive. Fish of the week goes to Kobus Delport with a 12.5kg garrick which also won him biggest gamefish at the SAUFF comp on the weekend. Well done to our KZN divers who cleaned up at Nationals. Well done Jaco Blignaut for placing 1st in individual event. Thank-you Freedivers and Rob Allen for sponsoring gear! As always dive safe and straight spears.

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King Mackeral dominating underwater – KZN Spearfishing

King Mackeral dominating underwater - KZN Spearfishing

King Mackeral dominating underwater – KZN Spearfishing

” Jason Heyne reporting that king mackeral are still around and dominating everyones lives…” Xona

The diving conditions this week have been epic. Garrick have arrived, snoek are around in numbers and shoal cuda are thick. Saturday the wind blows offshore in the morning switching to a light to moderate north east in the afternoon with the swell picking up from 1m in the morning to 1.5m in the afternoon. Sunday morning the wind blows offshore switching to a moderate south West in the afternoon and the swell runs at 1.3m throughout the day. Viz was reported north and south coast today. So Saturday and Sunday morning look great for a dive. Well done to Duran Richardson for getting fish of the week a cuda of 19kg on a shore dive!  As always dive safe and straight spears.

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South Coast Couta run in full swing

South Coast Couta run in full swing

South Coast Couta run in full swing

Ryan Saunders at the Umzimkulu Marina with a fine fish collection.

Topped off by a characteristically outsized South Coast Couta.

April through June are the right months to fish for your own crocodile couta, down in southern KZN.

Get in touch on if you want to put in an order.

And from just the other day…

Stealth Performance products performing recently on the south coast of KZN, South Africa
Stealth Performance products performing recently on the south coast of KZN, South Africa



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SA Spearfishing record for marlin smashed

SA Spearfishing record for marlin

SA Spearfishing record for marlin smashed

Although details are scant and the catch is still to be accepted by the record keepers, Jason Heyne brings us news of the all new SA Spearfishing record for marlin. And it looks like a shore dive at this stage!

Over to Jason…

“The diving conditions this week have been well above average. Decent fish are coming out on the north coast and it looks like Guy Le Meme broke the South African spearfishing record for black marlin. Well done Guy! Saturday the northeast picks up speed during the day with the swell starting small at 1.2m and building during the day. Sunday morning the northeast drops off and a fresh southwest comes through later in the day with the swell running at 1.8m. So it looks like Saturday morning is good for a dive. Good viz was reported north and south today. As always dive safe and straight spears”

Thank you Jason!

Well it looks like the Couta have arrived and there seem to be quite a few about. Enjoy this weeks really chokka-blok gallery of fish shot this week up and down the KZN Coast.
