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Rodriguez Tribute at Rock Bottom this Sunday!

Rock Bottom – The Music Bistro will be holding a Rodriguez tribute this Sunday – 17 February. If you know a song or 2 (unplugged) or have an anecdote or story to tell, come and join us on stage with Dave Marks and share. It is sure to be an amazing arvo giving tribute to this previously unsung music legend. Contact Dave on 083 359 5610 if you would like to contribute. Please book as the Rock fills up fast on a Sundays. Call Noel on 079 396 5724 for bookings. —

Rodriguez at Rock Bottom
Rodriguez at Rock Bottom
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Fishing the KZN South Coast in Summer

16kg Dorado by Ryan Enslin

Chasing dorado up and down the brown water line created by the seasonal flood waters…has yielded good catches lately…this upsized bull dorado was caught a bit further out though, along with the magnificent Cracker below…

The current on this coast line has characteristically been screaming but every now and then it lets up, allowing for some deeper water bottom fishing. Roger Davidson has been on a roll…with these prehistoric monster Black Steenbras, or Musselcracker, or Poenskop as they are known around here…






Nice fish for Roger Davison! 30kgs!


30kg Musselcracker-by-Roger-Davison

Thanks to Marc Lange and Ryan Enslin for the photos and story…



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Umzimkulu Dorado!

Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu...dorado!
Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu...dorado!
Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu…dorado!

When the rivers fill right up with brown pigmented water from the summer rain catchment areas in Kwa-Zulu Natal, they  spew out into the ocean hitting the current to form a beautiful seam between the brown and blue water.

This is Dorado time on the Natal and Transkei coast! They swim up and down this seam ambushing baitfish caught swimming in and out of these brown clouds.

Marc Lange with two nice ones…I am pretty sure there were a few more in the hatch! The Umzimkulu River mouth makes for a huge plume and the dorado patrol aggressively…feeding all day sometimes.

Check out for more on how to get into the action!
