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Scuba diving report from Tofo, Inhambane

Today was definitely in the top 5 diving days of the year so far! Started the morning off with a dive to Oasis. Good news is that the water is now a lovely blue again! We had 3 Reef Manta encounters, 2 huge Greater Hammerhead Sharks, 1 Grey Reef Shark, 1 Whitetip Reef Shark and also the beautiful Weedy Scorpionfish! The only downside on the dive was the water temperature, which was a chilly 20 degrees! Once again we had the Humpback Whales putting on a show for us, reverse breaching about 15 meters from the boat. Right so onto our next dive, we headed out to Galleria. Visibility on this dive was slightly less however this did not stop us seeing some amazing creatures down there. We saw a total of 3 Smalleye Stingrays, 1 absolutely huge Ragged Tooth Shark, 2 Sea Moths, a juvenile Ribbon Eel and schooling Bigeye jacks accompanied by some big Barracuda! Could not have asked for a better day! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Jamie Edwards on SCUBA Diving in Tofo

Another weekly update on the diving done here with us at Diversity Scuba. The main thing that we keep sighting out here at the moment are the very special Smalleye Stingrays! We had a dive to Galleria on Thursday where we encountered 4 at the same time! Was amazing to watch them all being cleaned, just didn’t know which one to focus on. Otherwise its been basically every second deep dive that we find the Smalleye on, very special indeed! It hasn’t however just been about them, there also seem to be a lot of Green Turtles around. Had sightings of them on Manta Reef, Reggies and one of our shallow dive sights Salon. As for the little guys we have found the Sea Moths again at Galleria, not the same ones as before as these ones are a little bit smaller. Whales Sharks have been hiding aways from us once again however we found a 7m one yesterday on the way back from Oasis, he was a little bit shy but everyone managed to have a little swim with him. Unfortunately at the moment the visibility has not been at its greatest, weather wise at least it has gotten a little bit more sunny. The current we’ve had some decent days but also the odd day with quite a strong one pulling through. The Humpback Whales are still thick out in the bay! Loads of splashing, tail slapping and breaching can still be seen. One was also sighted on a dive last week at Oasis during the safety stop! As the visibility is a bit low the calf came nice and close for a visit, absolutely mind blowing! Lets keep up the good diving ๐Ÿ™‚

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Jamie Edwards Scuba update from Tofo, Inhambane

Just a little update for everyone over the last few days. Seems that the Whale Sharks are hanging around, been seeing at least 2 to 4 a day on the Ocean Safari’s! Also another Leatherback Turtle was spotted on a Ocean Safari two days ago! On the diving side, the dives have been great as well. The Manta’s have been seen at both Manta Reef and Galleria almost every dive! Yesterday we were lucky once again to see a Humpback Whale on Scuba, this was during a dive to Oasis. Not only was it seen but the Dive Guide experienced a little ride as the Whale picked up the Buoy Line on its way past. A few Whitetip Reef Sharks have also been seen in the North at Reggies and Oasis, as well as a big Grey Reef Shark at Manta Reef. Humpback Whales are still seen all over the place, some Breaching, Tail Slapping, Spy Hopping and just cruising around. They always make the day that much more special! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Jamie Edwards scuba report from Tofo

Jamie Edwards for DIVERSITY SCUBA

WHALE SHARKS are back!!! Yesterdays conditions were amazing, sea was flat and the sun was shining. We also had a total of 9 Whale Sharks out on the Ocean Safari’s, one being close to 11 meters! Other than the Whale Sharks we also had breaching Humpback Whales, one Leatherback Turtle and a Hammerhead Shark. Was such an amazing day out at sea and we hope to have many more ๐Ÿ™‚

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Jamie Edwards Scuba Report – Tofo

Jamie Edwards posted in DIVERSITY SCUBA

Hi all, just wanted to share some more diving information with everyone. Since the last report we have mostly kept our diving to the Southern sites. This includes the likes of Manta Reef, Robยดs Bottom and Kingfisher. Good news is that the Mantas are still about! However it is not just the larger marine life that has made our dives special of late but also the smaller guys as well. At the moment we have been lucky to see the Seagrass Ghost Pipefish on most dives, also a couple of Giant Frog Fish. We also have found the Weedy Scorpion Fish again at Kingfisher! A few Ribbon Eels have also been sighted, especially some new ones at Robยดs Bottom. The fish life has been amazing of late as well, a variety of schooling fish, loads of Potato Groupers and huge free swimming Honeycomb Moray Eels! The visibility has cleared up immensely and the water temperature has been steady at about 25 degrees. Just have a question for everyone relating to yesterdays dive, has anyone seen a black Garden Eel before?

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