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Fun at Fatimas Backpackers in Tofo

Fun at Fatimas Backpackers in Tofo

Fatima’s is where it all begins for backpackers and travellers in Tofo. The lavish setting, on a dune overlooking Praia do Tofo to the south, and Ponta da Barra to the north, is startling.

The ocean out front is idyllic for swimmers and surfers alike – and the inviting blue waters of the Mozambican current can easily be accessed via one of the many dive, ocean safari or fishing operators here.

More fun can be had on the Inhambane Bay where, aboard an ancient but sturdy and reliable dhow, you can island hop by sail all day. Ihla do Porcos, Panzy Island, Survivor Island, Secret Beach and Linga Linga are some of the favourite stops. Seafood by arrangement and a cooler box full of refreshments is mandatory. As is your camera, bathing outfit, suncreme, a hat and water!

Accomodation at Fatima’s has steadily been upgraded – year after year. You can still camp however, but get into one of the front casita’s overlooking the beach and you will never feel like leaving.

Fatima’s is the first and oldest backpacker organisation in Mozambique, and has a bus service daily running between here and Fatima’s Nest in Maputo. So easy – although the bus ride needs some planning for, it takes a good 8 hours to make the journey, including stops at some interesting roadhouse type places.

Fatima staff are well presented and eager to serve – be it something from the experienced and well run kitchen crew, an ice cold 2M (local delicious beer) from the bar or a group excursion to the islands (ask for Ruben).

For more information check out


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Tofo in season again…

Fish, surf, cycle, snorkel, scuba, swim, suntan, shop, eat and party. Everything for everyone here in Tofo as the nicest season gets underway.
Families and foreign tourists line the beaches and in the market you can hear the buzz as seafood harvesters negotiate with vendors who negotiate with tourists and so on.
Yes, Tofo in March is special…and sets the tone for the next few months of idyllic weather and ocean conditions.
Fortunately it gets quite full here in March, but not overcrowded. A welcome change from the absolute quiet of February and it’s sweltering heat.
Check out the advertising columns on for many options on acommodation, restaurants and fun activities.

The following pics were shot yesterday morning on Tofo Beach…

Joao Magulu is the best Natal Stumpnose hunter I have ever encountered. These fish he gets on handline in the shallow troughs down at Bamboozi and beyond.

Bicycles are great for cruising the beaches and streets of Tofo. At low tide you can ride to Barra and back with ease.

Sunbathing out front of Fatima’s Nest, a favourite for backpacker tourists.

You never what you might find on the ride to Barra!