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Roger Davidson’s Cracker!

Roger Davidson
Roger Davidson
Roger Davidson

Fishing off Karl Gous’ boat – Roger Davidson brings home a real “Skomolo”, while Marc Lange shows us a real nice bull dorado. Fishing seems to be really good down south.

Marc Lange
Marc Lange

Note the Umzimkulu River’s brown/orange colour in the background – characteristic of these summer months. By about April the river returns to a clear green and on the stronger high tides – the blue Indian ocean water comes right up the river. The Umzimkulu is a great estuary to fish, even when it’s brown like it is now. Perch, rock salmon (mangrove jack), grunter, kingfish, catfish / barbel, garrick (leervis)…feed on the mullet, prawns (mudprawns, tigers, pink) and crabs (all sorts) that live in the mangrove associates and along the muddy banks.

In winter, in the clear water…and especially at night time…anything can happen! For estuary fishing, the south coast of Natal still has a few surviving tidal/semi-tidal lagoons.

Check out for more information on fishing these waters…

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Umzimkulu Dorado!

Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu...dorado!
Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu...dorado!
Marc Lange fishing on the Niteshift out of the Umzimkulu…dorado!

When the rivers fill right up with brown pigmented water from the summer rain catchment areas in Kwa-Zulu Natal, they  spew out into the ocean hitting the current to form a beautiful seam between the brown and blue water.

This is Dorado time on the Natal and Transkei coast! They swim up and down this seam ambushing baitfish caught swimming in and out of these brown clouds.

Marc Lange with two nice ones…I am pretty sure there were a few more in the hatch! The Umzimkulu River mouth makes for a huge plume and the dorado patrol aggressively…feeding all day sometimes.

Check out for more on how to get into the action!
