Trawler Watch 2017 reporting procedure
We are now in touch with the right people – Senior Marine Conservation Inspectors with DAFF, to whom any sightings of suspected trawlers, can be reported.
But there is some procedure to follow, that filters out any legitimate vessels.
SO, when you see a suspected trawler…
- Log onto http://marinetraffic.com on the internet, or onto your AIS cellphone App. Click here to choose one if you need one still.
- Locate the area where your suspect ship is, and see if there a corresponding ship icon, for your suspect
- If there is no AIS icon visible, please report to…
-  The DAFF vessel operating in that area – The Ruth First, is in the area off the Transkei, where most of the suspect activity has been noted lately. Their number is 079 773 6514 and Inspector Teyise is on board right now.
- Our contacts, Senior Marine Conservation Inspector Mr. Bongani Pitoyi is on 071 765 2533, and is extremely helpful.
- Another number you can call is deputy director Mr Moshani on 076 780 5049.
SO, please keep your eyes on your horizon, and help us iron out what is actually going on out there.
On Trawler Watch 2017!
EXTRA: Check the following video documentary, to see how much mechanisation is used by commercial fishing trawlers…slow and shaky, but you get the picture fair enough. And it is in Iceland. But the same technology can be deployed against fish anywhere in the world. Including our waters. And why we need to be on the lookout. Next thing we buying our own mackerel and sardines in tins marked Made in China!
Latest sardine report has recently been published here…http://thesardine.co.za