This week underwater with Jason Heyne
Jason Heyne is right in the current when it comes to what’s cutting underwater, up and down the KZN Coast…
“Well below average diving conditions this week with the August winds kicking in gear. Tuesday and Wednesday morning were diveable with the garrick patrolling as the east picked up late morning. A south west wind will follow close on the heels of the north east today improving conditions and settling the sea. Saturday you might find some cleaner water far south coast. Light to variable winds Sunday with a 1m swell running should make it a cracker day. If you have the time Cape Vidal and Sodwana have been producing some good fish! Please be aware that there is a whale carcass in the Scottborough area which has been attracting some very large sharks and 2 divers were chased out the water at Brighton on the bluff this week by a 4m great white. As always dive safe and straight spears. “
Many thanks Jason!