Jeffreys bay today by Brucifire

Four More Surfers Announced For JBU Jbay Supertrial Powered By Monster Energy
Jeffreys Bay – with the waiting period for the JBU Jbay Supertrial powered by Monster Energy just around the corner, the contest organisers have released the names of four more invited surfers. These surfers will join the other eight surfers that have already been announced.
Jordy Maree is a young goofy-footer who has impressed many with his powerful and fast backhand approach to Supers. His inclusion last year was late but well – deserved, and this year he was a definite entry. Jordy has a strong backhand hook, and is a mature competitor, so this year could be his break-out year.
Shane Sykes is another young surfer who has impressed the contest organisers over the last few years, and is a worthy inclusion in the 2017 edition of this event. His lightning-fast rail surfing on his forehand and solid tube-riding skills sees him enter as a contender for this year’s title and the coveted wild card.
Dale Staples from St Francis Bay needs no introduction, and is a solid competitor and perennial Supertubes stand-out. His powerful forehand hacks and clean, drawn-out carves makes Ducky one of the most pleasing surfers to watch on any given day out at Supers. He has an excellent competitive track record at Supertubes and his second place last year to Steve Sawyer can only improve one place.
Adin Masencamp from The Strand has the Big Match Temperament needed to succeed at Supers when the pressure is on. He is a seasoned competitor already, and thrives on competition. This natural-footer has a fast and aggressive forehand attack, perfectly suited to the speed walls of Supertubes. If Adin gets his waves and finds his rhythm he could easily rise to the top and find himself on the podium this year.
These four surfers join the other eight invited surfers. They are Cape Town’s Matt Bromley, defending champion Steven Sawyer, local surfer Joshe Faulkner, Durban charger Davey Van Zyl, WQS competitor Mikey February, local surfer Matt McGillivray, Beyrick de Vries from Durban’s North Coast and former event champion Dylan Lightfoot from JBay.
Local invitee Matt McGillivray in action at last year’s event. ©Van Gysen
The contest format is going to be something fresh and different. “We have something quite special about this event already, being a small, invite-only contest at one of the best waves in the world,” said contest organiser Koffie Jacobs. “Following through with this, the format will also be something unique.”
The JBU Supertrial presented by Monster Energy is an exclusive invite-only tournament, with first prize being the coveted Wild Card entry into the World Surf League Championship Tour Corona Open JBay. The Supertrial has a waiting period from 1st – 11th June, and historically always enjoyed excellent surf conditions at Supertubes. The Corona Open JBay has a waiting period from12th – 23rd July, and is part of the JBay Winterfest
Hashtags #JBUsupertrial #JBayWinterfest
The JBU Supertrial is co-sponsored by RVCA.
www.wavescape.co.za is the media partner.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
The JBU Supertrial is sanctioned by Surfing South Africa, the recognised governing body for the sport in South Africa.
About Surfing South Africa
SSA is a member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and the International Surfing Association (ISA).
The JBU Supertrial also is sanctioned by the World Surf League (WSL).
About the World Surf League
The World Surf League (WSL), formerly the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), is dedicated to celebrating the world’s best surfing on the world’s best waves through a variety of best-in-class audience platforms. The League, headquartered in Santa Monica, is a truly global sport with regional offices in Australasia, Africa, North America, South America, Hawaii, Japan and Europe.
For more information contact the event organiser
Koffie Jacobs
Compiled and distributed by
Craig Jarvis
Jeffreys Bay – The next 5 surfers invited to the JBU Supertrial have been announced, and they have an admirable mix of surfing proficiency, flair and hard-earned Supers stripes. The contest organisers look for surfing skills in their invitee list, but experience and knowledge of surfing Supertubes is advantageous for an invite into this prestige event.
This round of invitees however, also includes some of the young blood coming through the surfing ranks in South Africa, where exuberance and passion sits alongside experience and where free-spirited surfing also becomes a box to be ticked by the contest organisers.
“The JBU Supertrial presented by RVCA has always been about having one of the best waves in the world, and about the fact that we want the best surfers in the country to be in attendance,” said JBU Surf Club Chairman Arthur Joubert. “It is therefore important that these surfers have a decent track record at Supers.”
Dale Staples was a quarter-finalist at JBay in 2012, taking out John John Florence en route to that big result and is always a stand out on any good day at the break. His inclusion was a certainty, as well as that of World Qualifying Series competitor Beyrick De Vries.
Umhlanga surfer De Vries has impressed many over the years as a fierce competitor with a good arsenal of air moves as well as a confident big wave game. He will be a serious threat should the surf be solid for this event.
Shane Sykes from Salt Rock was the team captain for the 2015 South African Junior Surfing Team that competed in California in the ISA World Junior Surfing Championships, where he was the highest placed South African in the U18 Boys Division. He calls Supers one of his favourite waves, and heads on down whenever he can to meet a JBay swell.
Natural footed Sebastian Williams was crowned the 2015 Quiksilver King Of The Groms, and is part of the new crew represented in this event. With a steady Big Match Temperament and loads of Supers experience, Sebastian could turn heads at this event.
The lone goofy-footer out of the crew, JBay surfer Joshe Faulkner has excellent local knowledge out at the Supers line-up which he will no doubt use to his advantage. Joshe has that sought-after track record at Supers, surfing out there in his backyard whenever there is a swell around.
With only 20 surfers invited into the event, there are only 5 slots remaining. Surfers invited so far are in no particular order:
Ricky Basnett, Calvin Goor, Mikey February, Slade Prestwich, Ryan Payne, Shaun Payne, Matt McGillivray, Dylan Lightfoot, Davey Van Zyl, Sean Holmes, Dale Staples, Beyrick De Vries, Shane Sykes, Sebastian Williams and Joshe Faulkner.
Last year’s winner Slade Prestwich © Van Gysen
The waiting period for the JBU Supertrial is 1-12 June, with one full day needed to surf the event to completion.
The JBU Supertrial forms part of the JBay Winterfest, the sporting and music festival that will take place in Jeffreys Bay from 6-17 July.
The JBU Supertrial is presented by RVCA. Co-sponsors include Monster Energy, Stance, and Oakley.
Event hash tags #RVCASupertrial #JBU #JBayWinterfest
Wavescape is the media partner.
The JBU Supertrial is sanctioned by Surfing South Africa, the recognised governing body for the sport in South Africa.
SSA is a member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and the International Surfing Association (ISA).
The JBU Supertrial also is sanctioned by the World Surf League (WSL).
About the World Surf League
The World Surf League (WSL), formerly the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), is dedicated to celebrating the world’s best surfing on the world’s best waves through a variety of best-in-class audience platforms. The League, headquartered in Santa Monica, is a truly global sport with regional offices in Australasia, Africa, North America, South America, Hawaii, Japan and Europe.
For more information contact the event organiser
Koffie Jacobs
Compiled and distributed by
Craig Jarvis
Kob is a mainline buzzword here in Jeffrey’s Bay. Everyone wants one. And I can relate to the regiments of retirees enjoying the bountiful waters this place has been blessed with. On any afternoon, down at Kabeljauws, there are anglers standing proud, fishing all sorts of rigs and baits, waiting for a delicious kob for dinner…
It was a Sunday version of one of these days, the sun was out, light onshore, bathers, surfers…and us…
We pulled up to an empty Kabeljauws carpark mid afternoon. But soon vehicles, some out of mad max and adorned with rods and reels of huge proportions, rolled in and surrounded us. Massive coffee grinders everywhere.
Brucifire had conjured up some squid baits for us from somewhere, which hardly compared to what offerings some of these guys were sneaking out. Cracker Shrimps. Octopus. Red bait…
Our first casts found a shoal of smallies just before the surf zone and soon we were hauling in blacktail and small silver bream things. Our 10ft rod soon had a silver bream out the back and Charl proceeded to haul out smallies, puffers included, and chuck them back, while I settled in. By now, we had camps either side of us. The couple to our south had a trolley-like magody that expanded out into a professional fully fledged bait station with rod holders and all!
There was a young romance going on to our right as a young guy was teaching his girl to surf just behind the mid-break in the deeper channel. And to our left were a huddle of bathers, basically 10 metres up the beach from us. There was the mid break we were fishing over, a deep channel and white water fading in from the outside sets.
Ideal for…you know what…
Bang I felt something and as looked at where my bait might be just before the breakers, a wave lifted and through the wave I saw it. Shark! As it lined up and hit my bait again! The bathers were 10 metres away! I forced fed him a bit and struck, and there I was, standing on the beach, into a decent sized shark, right down from where I been surfing all day!
By decent I mean over a metre and as soon as I had him close, I just pulled and luckily the shark let go and I got my hook back and all. The smallies had gone quiet now so without a live bait, I grabbed my beautiful new spinning stick with 20lb braid and let fly with a karanteen type rig to try snag another livie. The squid bait was proving to be the flavour of the day and all of a sudden I got a heavy bite and was vas. But this fish gave some resistance. It dogged around the waves while it worked out that it was hooked, and then just screamed off out to sea and up the point towards the surfing couple. I stopped it after a few minutes, being loaded with new braid, but soon had my doubts and the pressure increased to more than what my little hooks could take. The fish would stop and let me turn it’s head a bit, fee what I was doing, and just say no. Adamantly NO. And he would peel off 10 or even 20 more metres, until sadly, my audience was disappointed when the tip went slack and the hook came back straight as an arrow.
Wow, we were having fun!
Then the smallies came back so we got a few blacktail, in case we couldn’t find a kob somewhere, for dinner. We had promised Noma and Kurt of JBay SurfView fish for dinner!. Obviously I got one live bait out back as soon as I could, a slightly smaller fish, and no sh$%^t, three minutes later I was into another really large fish.
My little 10ft Assassin and 30SH were buckling under the strain as this much bigger shark gave me the gears. But I have no time for sharks really and Charl point blank refused to go and get the fish out for photos, so when it was close I just pulled and once again, got my hook and trace back (amazing leader material that old style Maxima green).
We had fished out everybody around us and with our little pile of blacktail headed back to Chelsea and Bruce waiting patiently for fish dinner, in the carpark. Bruce didn’t scoff at the small fish, but there were a few chirps.
So we headed back to town to shop, Charl and I left Bruce and Chelsea car guarding, and went in. When we came out, there was a crowd around the car as Bruce was showing off our Mydo Luck Shots to a local angler he knows – to startling results. I told the guy, Morne, a well know hot shot angler in these parts, that he could have a few lures. His face lit up and he opened the back of his bakkie and presented us with a freshly caught kob he had nailed on paddle tail at a secret spot of his, just before!
We got home to a standing ovation, cooked the fresh and delicious fish as follows:
Firstly, we had to remove the head and tail to fit in the baking dish, after it was cleaned and scaled.
Then we made a concoction up of all sorts available in the kitchen that afternoon. Grated garlic. Lemon juice. Finely chopped onions and green peppers. A little soya sauce. Some sweet chill sauce.
Incisions across the breadth of the fish were then filled with this concoction, both sides until it was dripping and then wrapped in a single layer of foil and the rest of the juice poure all over it.
Into the oven at a nice 200 or so, and leave it be!
30 minutes in and we turn the fish (bigger fish, longer cooking time), and give it another 20 or so.
The meat falls off the bone in chunks formed by the deep cuts across the fish.
PS the next day, this same fish, mixed with finely chopped onions and mayonnaise had us biting our fingers off!