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IGFA reports new world record King Mackerel

IGFA reports new world record King Mackerel (Scomberomerous Scevalla)

Well it ain’t the ‘couta  we get, according to science, but it sure looks like an outsized but slightly skinny Scomberomberous Commersoni – the version of King Mackerel we catch in Southern African waters.

Unfortunately, although our species has a strong will to survive and has been increasing in mean average size caught lately, this does not mean they are a healthy stock of fish.

In fact, when a species mean size average is on the up, it generally means the species is on the way down. ie…the last lion or elephant in a region is the wiliest strongest and meanest!

Rodrigues’ king mackerel
Brazilian angler Guilherme Rodrigues was trolling off Brazil’s Itzcolomi Islands on January 9th, when the Rapala he was trolling on a light tackle outfit got crushed by something much larger than he was expecting. One hour and 10 minutes after hooking up, Rodrigues landed an impressive king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) that tipped the scales at 33.96 kg (74 lb 13 oz) – heavy enough to qualify for the potential new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) line class record, which currently stands at 32.31 kg (71 lb 4 oz).
New IGFA pending world record King Mackeral (the American version) on 8kg line…by IGFA
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MustByt Charters join

MustByt Charters join

MustByt Charters
MustByt Charters

Mike Schneider and his team at MustByt Charters in Shelley Beach have many years fishing and skippering experience between them. Targeting gamefish like tuna, dorado, king mackeral, billfish and amberjack, they also fish on the bottom for the odd black steenbras, salmon and redfish.

Their fleet of boats are professionally rigged and maintained, and aside from deep sea fishing, Must Byt also conduct ocean safari’s on their huge inflatable boats. The ocean safari’s open up up a whole world of dolphins, whales, seabirds, sharks and fish, viewed from the comfort and safety of the boat…or (conditions permitting) from in the water, with snorkelling gear.

Check out their website on…

Or their Facebook page…

or call…

082 777 7324

…for further information.


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Karl Gouws on the attack!

Not to be outdone or miss out on the south coast action going on this awesome time of year, Karl sports a nice couta. Port Shepstone and the Kwazulu Natal South Coast area is on the boil right now, many nice fish up and down the coast.
Comment Karl?

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Jimmy Bonefish!

Jimmy Bonefish!

Anyone who has fished the point at Tofinho, in Inhambane, Mozaambique, will have been impressed by Jimmy Bonefish’s skills. Fishing with a rod and a handline, he consistently produces  the best catches…sometimes hauling in two fish at once. I have seen Jimmy coming back from fishing at night with 2 queenfish, 2 kingfish and a huge couta!
Subsistence fishing rock n surf must be one of the biggest challenges available as far as career choices go. But Jimmy handles it with aplomb. Targeting big gamefish at night, off a 20ft high point made of razor sharp rock! On his own!

Jimmy Bonefish with another potential world record bonefish, that frequent his local fishing spot at Tofinho
Jimmy Bonefish with another potential world record bonefish, that frequent his local fishing spot at Tofinho often

These huge bonefish weigh around 10kg’s are are readily encountered, and caught, in the surf zone, all around the Tofinho headland.

Other subsistence guys fish off the cliffs right into broken and foaming white water, where they pull out smaller bones by the bunch. Perfect live baits for kingfish and other mean backline predators. These guys only have handlines.

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Noel Allchin’s 32kg Birthday ‘Couta

Noel Allchin, on his birthday, lucked into this magnificent fish.

As we were packing to go home from the story before this one (Protea Reef 16 Feb 2013), we were treated to seeing one of the biggest king mackerel / couta caught on Protea Reef in a while!

Noel Allchin, on his birthday, lucked into this magnificent fish.
Noel Allchin, on his birthday, lucked into this magnificent fish.

With Noel were none other than 3 of the Posthumous clan – Louis, Dawdie and Sean. This fish never stood a chance! The ‘couta weighed 32kg’s and was presumably taken on a livebait (that kind of info very hard to extract from these fellas). Nice fish!

