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Bazaruto Marlin


Bazaruto Marlin

Bazaruto marlin by Captain Duarte Rato

Just to feature once again – the most incredible photography by Captain Duarte Rato, as he chases down billfish through the summer season, off Bazaruto Island.

Again, it was another surprisingly consistent season and even in the face of hectic weather most of the time, the tallies of tagged and released marlin swimming around off Baz are way up there.

At the moment, Inhambane is being battered by very strong swells whipped straight at us by the tropical storm / cyclone hanging off Madagascar. It is travelling in the right direction to keep compounding the swell and by the next dark moon spring tide, the line ups will be very interesting indeed. The fish are active in the wild surf zone with kingfish smashing baitballs right in amongst the bathers at Praia do Tofo.


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Bazaruto in November: Mayhem

Bazaruto in November: Mayhem

The last 4 days fishing we have raised a total of 15 Black Marlin, releasing a total of 6. There is a lot of fish around but bites are a bit lazy so not the best hook-up ratio.

However this is incredible fishing by any standards and today we started with Rod, Carmen and Gordon Janz from Canada and had another blasting day in flat calm seas. Twenty minutes into it Carmen hooked into a very big fish that stripped 300 meters of line before coming undone. We then had another fish miss the lure and then one about 300 pounds that come off immediately after the strike. Finally at noon we hooked up solid and Carmen managed to release her first ever Black marlin at about 200 pounds on #50 pound tackle. The afternoon was slower and we only raised a fish about 400 that never struck the lure.

Bazaruto in November: Black Marlin action off the charts…(c) Duarte Rato
If you want to see this in real life…Get yourself to Bazaruto Island and go fishing with Captain Duarte Rato!
Carmen Janz about to say goodbye to her first Black Marlin (c) Duarte Rato
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EPIC MARLIN trip for Ulrich & Frans

(c) Duarte Rato. Addressing Ocean Acidity

EPIC MARLIN trip for Ulrich & Frans

Captain Duarte Rato reporting in from Bazaruto Island in Southern Mozambique…

Ulrich and Frans then fished three days of excellent flat calm weather and Bazaruto´s Marlin fishing at it´s best. The first day we raised five Marlin on the lures, had four strikes and hooked three fish. Unfortunately we pulled one about 400 close to the boat but released two. The second day we raised one on the lure but did not get a bite out of it but then tagged and released two Blacks on live bait. The last day was slower and we raised 3 Blacks, had two bites but could not hook any of the fish….but I saw no one complaining and the guys left with a smile and a promise to be back next year!

EPIC MARLIN trip for Ulrich & Frans – and more incredible photography by Captain Duarte Rato

Continue reading EPIC MARLIN trip for Ulrich & Frans

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Ultra Light tackle festival on Bazaruto Island

Ultra Light tackle festival on Bazaruto Island

Ulrich & Frans arrived at the tail end of a really strong low-pressure system and seeing their first day was a blowout to go out for Marlin I suggested we did a half-day of light tackle inshore. The guys took this literally and the next day pitched up on the boat with bass tackle…stupid ultra light gear! We headed off and fishing spoons and drop shoot for a two hour session from the boat got various different species of rockcod, queenfish, garfish, a nice brassy kingfish, two great barracuda and then Frans hooked to the fish of the day on his bass rod which took him more than 30 minutes to land, a respectable size yellowspotted kingfish.

We then headed for another spot and fishing from the beach proceed to finish the day releasing 9 small GT´s which were an absolute blast with the light gear!!!


Continue reading Ultra Light tackle festival on Bazaruto Island

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The Bishops first taste of Bazaruto magic

The Bishops first taste of Bazaruto

Fresh in from captain Duarte Rato fishing the season off Bazaruto…

“We had Mark and his two sons Matt & Tom Bishop on their first ever trip to the Archipelago and in search of their first Black Marlin and very keen to catch a couple of big sharks. Well, they started the trip on the right foot releasing a 400-pound Black Marlin on their first morning and it just got better and better. On their last day they released another Black, this one estimated at 600 pounds also on a YFT live bait. In between they caught everything else imaginable including a couple of big sharks, a big 25 kg great barracuda, lots of nice yellowfin tuna, some big wahoo and king mackerel, bonito, kingies and a sailfish!”

