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First timers hit gold – TWICE!!!

In from Captain Duarte Rato in Bazaruto waters…

On the 27 September we had a charter with a great bunch of guys from South Africa and on their first ever Marlin fishing experience they took gold not once but twice!!!

Just before noon we get a frisky Black Marlin estimated at just over 200 pounds take the long rigger lure on the #50 stand-up tackle and Tom was into a good sweat to bring his first ever billfish release.

A short while later we caught two small 5 kilo yellowfin that we quickly bridled as live bait and not even an hour later a hungry Black comes in for the kill on the short bait right at the transom. After a short drop back the 20/0 circle hook finds the corner and Douglas Gain jumps in the chair to also score his first ever billfish release on a fish we estimated at just under 200 pounds.

Unbelievable photography!
Unbelievable photography!(c) Duarte Rato
Spot the tag!
Spot the tag!(c) Duarte Rato
And another one...
And another one…(c) Duarte Rato
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The Roystons

A Royston tagged black marlin!
A Royston tagged black marlin!


Fishing continues to be exceptional and four days ago finished a 7 day charter with father & Son, Dave and Duncan Royston.
It was going to be hard to beat their trip last year when they caught 5 Marlin in 7 days including two over 850 lbs.

Anyway to cut a long story short it was EPIC to say the least
….besides all the wahoo, dorado countless yellowfin etc etc in these last 7 days we raised 20 Marlin which materialized in 15 strikes, 10 hookup’s and 7 Black Marlin releases.
