MYDO Shad Spinning Outfit 20lb




MYDO Shad Spinning Outfit 20lb

MYDO Shad Spinning Outfit 20lb: long gone are the days of hauling a big old surf stick to the ocean to catch shad. The new modern-designed coffee grinders make for a far more practical solution. And for a fraction of the price of a fully-fledged surf fishing rig.

New fishing Styles

MYDO has been at the forefront of the fishing lure innovation frontline for many decades now. This is lucky for MYDO users since the fish have been hammered since those good old days. When the shad were so plentiful. These days, they are only available in limited numbers.

So you got to try harder!

We have been hard at work innovating and developing this shad fishing rig for you. That takes into account new developments and available technologies. Like the MYDO Silver Bullet Shad Trace. And the MYDO SS Spoon.

These new styles and types of fishing are well-suited to light tackle outfits. That absolutely anyone and everyone can use. And master within a few casts. Compact and easy, with a two-piece rod and a reel that weighs in as light as a feather.

Shad rig Specifications

We start with the 20lb casting braid. This stuff enables huge casts and loads of capacity. It’s as strong as anything and is super thin compared to the equivalent-breaking strain nylon. It does not stretch so the bite and the fight are direct and rewarding.

Then we have a spool of leader – you gonna need to learn a leader knot system. There are very many out there but we recommend the MYDO Figure of Eight which you can learn right here. And in many other places on the official MYDO YouTube Channel right HERE.

A matched spinning reel and rod, 7ft, will pull the outfit together. With this rig,

  • you can merrily cast for miles from the shore or rocks.
  • You can fish estuaries and harbours without fear of getting busted up.
  • You can fish from a boat with confidence – catching bait and or gamefish and bottom fish…all the while having the most fun by far!

And a cool selection of MYDO Shad Traces, Jigheads and Spoons. Which work on the convenience clip system so you don’t even have to tie a single knot when changing lures.

After-sales Service

When you buy kit from us here at MYDO, you join the MYDO family. We are an enthusiastic bunch, that appreciate the art of bait swimming. And as a community, we are very open to offering guidance and assistance to new angles. To fishing as a pastime, and to using the MYDO Fishing Systems.

We have YouTube channels and websites filled with interesting and relevant fishing information for you…

MYDO Tackle Talk
MYDO South Africa
MYDO International
The Sardine News
The Sardine News on YouTube
Umzimkulu Adrenalin
Surf Launching Southern Africa



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