Ouisurf in Mozambique – Surf travel show releases web version
Roosta and I were all muddled up on the south coast earlier in 2014- battered and fried after the swell just refused to stop, day after day, week after week. Roosta had an impending tour to Europe, and I was just getting through my days until something else came up. Which it did! Ouisurf in Mozambique!
Some history. About a year ago, this French Canadian TV show got in touch with Roosta asking if Roosta would guide a crew of four around the East Coast of Africa, to check out and surf the faraway and secret spots available. Roosta saw red and told them to get stitched. No chance pal!
A year later and the motley Ryan Poisson, call us up saying he got a job as a surf guide, and could he please borrow Roosta’s van for 10 days. Roosta helps a mate out and off Ryan goes.
Half way through his tour, he calls us and asks us if we want to go to Mozambique with his clients. Me and Roosta jump at the chance – and yes – it’s the same crowd Roosta told to vanish all that time ago! Ouisurf.tv!
We accepted the invitation and what a trip that turned out to be. Since the show is in French mainly – I will give you a quick rundown.
Game reserves, obviously. Some hectic action with a tame elephant that charged us down the road a few hundred metres, and a million photos of giraffes. Early next day Ponto d’ Ouro. Huge easterly. Huge. Blast to Maputo for my birthday – we get a $2000 suite in a city hotel and don’t even sleep there! Inhambane the next gruelling, gruelling day. Then easy street. Baia Sonambula. Casa no Praia. Restaurants. Parties. Surfing small south-east swells and having a lot of fun around the Tofo area. Pomene for a night. More fun waves and so many memory sticks full of footage, drone, gopros…all kinds – mostly and professionally operated by a tall funny guy name JP. Benjamin the producer also flew the drone and co-hosted the show with his mate Jean-Michelle. The production manager Stefano was super proficient and had his eye on me and Roosta at all times. We killed and ate a goat, a chicken and a tuna. The last day spent island hopping, spearfishing and deep sea fishing. Lots of blood. And we ate a goats testicle! Cooked yes!
Check out the super duper web presentation of the show…

A really good experience for Roosta and I, we both learnt an immense amount during our 10 days blasting around the place with a crew I was really stoked to be a part of – real professionals!
Thanks Ouisurf.tv
yes man what a story thanks Sean, and of course Ouisurf you Quebecalecans are hilarious- ‘malade’