Magical Monday South West Wind Conditions for Durban and KZN
Magical Monday South West Wind Conditions for Durban and KZN: The high-pressure induced northeast wind does its level best to trash the ocean each week. But the noble southwest low-pressure fights back and in turn paints the ocean pretty again. This endless cycle is at its most amplified right now. September and October are well known to be the windiest months of the year. And we are right in the thick of it!
Over to Adam as he unpacks the Durban and KZN day’s indicators for us…
Pop on over to Township Hyper’s Facebook page easily accessed right here. Which is where they run their special offers and promotions.

The south winds also warm and settle the ocean. And cleans it right up. So the spearos may be able to get in and take a look-see for us. The mid-south coast area like Kelso has been consistently clean recently. You can find out more about what has been lurking at The Master Watermen website at https://masterwatermen.co.za.
Now for some fishing…
Luckily the garrick are here for the crazy conditions as they revel in the constantly changing weather and ocean patterns. They are at their keenest at the moment and just about any fishable point will have a garrick swimming past it today.

You can learn more about fishing the Umzimkulu Estuary, and get in touch with Sean at https://umzimkuluestuary.co.za.
The kob are also partial to the turbulent conditions as they come right in shallow to hunt. There have been a lot of kob caught recently. Both using live mullet and plastic paddletail. From Umgeni to Cape Town, these fish are active right now.

Sardines n Sighting Maps
umzimkulu.co.za – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River
umzimkuluadrenalin.co.za – will get you right onto the edge
thesardine.co.za – never miss a single sardine or storm warning
masterwatermen.co.za – news from deep down
brucifire.co.za – surf and conditions reporting
fishbazaruto.com – your dreams are out there
mydofishinglures.co.za – technical sport fishing