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Sardine Report 2015

Sardine Report 2015

“When the red hot pokers bloom, winter is upon us!” – Louis Wolmarans chanted. It was many, many years ago, but Louis still charges the KZN South Coast with more gusto than any grom. The only hassle, is that when the aloes flower like this, it’s also sardine season!

Sardine report 2015: “When the red hot pokers bloom, winter is upon us.” A chant by Louis Wolmarans

Just in from Jay Steenkamp at sea off Nyameni in the Transkei, right now:

“Glenmore has the most action. Small pockets being hammered by Gannets, which are everywhere. Just had school of bottlenose charging hard to the north with more Gannets chasing after them, diving, gorging, on sardines.

The surf is 4-5ft with a stiff offshore blowing. Sea temperature is 22 degrees.”

Thanks Jay!

So except for the slightly warmer water, the stars have lined up and it looks good for the sards to come in close and in reach. Yesterdays cast net catch of sardines in Umtentweni has got the carparks a-buzzing, and now it’s only a matter of being in the right place, at the right time.

Not sure what’s in the distance but it could be anything sardine. This photo was taken a few minutes ago, off Nyameni in the Transkei, by Jay Steenkamp, the man on the scene…


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Transkei Trip

Transkei Trip

Having my two brothers and nephew in the water wherever we go, means we need a place to surf, that has no-one else near us. Luckily the Transkei is down the road, with it’s gracious serving of perfect right-handers. On camera is my brother Marc (he films a bit like Bruce Gold), and in the water, Roosta and Buzz (Brandon Lange).

Buzz put the edit together, a great job pal! The guitar is by Roosta, in the soundtrack provided by Trollsmoke, the band Roosta plays in, in Norway.

The winter has not been epic this year. The sand is all caught in the bays, and we gonna need at least two or three proper winter fronts to move it all out to the points.

So we have all mostly been surfing away, down south. Saint Mikes and Southbroom, and then into the ‘Kei.

Time is running out for this huge sand moving task. A task that can only be accomplished by nature, as we move into full on Winter. The current spring tides looks promising as it carefully co-ordinates low tide with a strong south swell, and stiff, warm offshores – for Monday. A big west is moving up the coast and promises to change everything for the better, for us.

Very good music in that soundtrack het? Check them out on Soundcloud and have a listen.

More surfing action to follow…Trashed at Saints is the title of our next clip and its coming soon!

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Why the Natal Sharks Board lies all the time

Why the Natal Sharks Board lies all the time

Photo courtesy Captain Duarte Rato

With ackowlegements and thanks to Independent Online (IOL) and

Whilst never having ever gotten on with the Natal Sharks Board over the years, I have tried to work with them for years, insistently proposing any other shark deterrent, barrier system or monitoring system, to replace the unrelenting nets and drum lines. I was snowballed, cajoled, lied to, and eventually, and to this day, completely ignored.

The truth is that the Natal Sharks Board, now spends well over the R40 000 000 per year it was on in 2011, and has to lie, to protect it’s false public profile, so that it can continue to exist; fear-mongering, killing sharks, and paying the salaries of those who commit the murderous acts. 2012 hit R60 million. They are almost double that now.

The government gives the KZNSB about half of its budget. A heap of cash to facilitate the capital replacement, operating and maintenance costs. The rest is raised by charging municipalities for the nets, selling curios and doing dissections (schoolkids are bussed in for their indoctrination) at the huge KZNSB operation in Umhlanga Rocks, just north of Durban.

Whilst I am not an expert on the KZNSB and their goings on, I did come across an amazing website the tells all the truths about the KZNSB lies. It is at and is a solid base of pertinent information concerning its operation.

The following excerpt should get you in the mood to click through to them, and sign up on their petition list.

“The KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board has been created as a public service – with the sole intent to reduce shark attacks. Thus, the consideration it is a commercial shark fishery is quite contradictory due to its primary objectives and the fact it is funded almost entirely by taxpayer dollars.

But there is no denying the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board’s methods – which are indeed fishery related. However, KZNSB maintains much freedom and escapes environmental accountability as well, falling under the Department of Arts, Culture and Tourism rather than the Department of Agriculture and Environment Affairs.

Perhaps this is why KZNSB targets shark species no other legal commercial fisheries are able to target. Additionally, many special exceptions are made for Sharks Board – including their ability to kill protected species and also to fish in marine protected areas.

KZNSB is the only fishery that has a permit to legally kill the only shark species protected throughout all of South Africa by the South African government – and a species protected worldwide. White Shark populations around the world are plummeting, and in that time, the nets and drum lines have been responsible for the death of over 1,060 of these endangered and protected animals. “

Whilst that excerpt is nicely scientific, a gut-wrenching incident occurred at Scottburgh Beach, south of Durban, inspiring one of the best pieces of journalism I have encountered.

Written by Gail Addison, a Shark Angel – an organisation of volunteers who have tasked themselves with the protection of sharks, it describes the tragic killing (murder) of 14 tiger sharks in the nets on the KZN South Coast, near Scottburgh.

“I turn, with my heart in my stomach, and my stomach in a knot, to leave the northern bank of the Scottburgh beach.  Things are not adding up.

I have just watched the Sharks board crew, in their bright orange oilskins, offload the dead 2.3m male tiger from the Sharks Board boat, to the back of one of their pristinely kept, very expensive, land cruisers.

So why are there more sharks board vehicles coming down the beach now if the job is already done?

Why is the boat going back to sea when their trailer and support vehicle are here ready to trailer them?

Why did they lie to the beach controller at Park Rynie about a bogus outboard motor failure, as a reason for not beaching where they had launched?

Why did they lie to the gatekeeper here at the Cutty Sark hotel about their reason for having to get onto the beach?

Why are there so many of their employees all over the place here like orange ants, scurrying around the beach?

I was hoping that all these lies were just about trying to cover up killing just one tiger shark. How horribly wrong I was! It was about massacring an undisclosed number of tiger, and keeping it very quiet. And the lies were not about to end…”

And now as if this is not entirely enough, the next story will absolutely blow your minds. Did you know? That the KZNSB have been considering taking their catch to market?! Yep, they actually, as adults, sat around a table, and considered selling shark meat on the open market.

Read the excerpt that follows, or click the link here to get the entire piece, from Independent Online (who are doing a great job keeping tabs on the KZNSB…

“Sharks Board statistics suggest that about 500 sharks are killed in the KZN bather protection nets every year, including about 22 great whites as well as 50 ragged-tooth, 30 tiger, 12 Zambezi, 115 dusky, 70 blacktip and more than 150 hammerhead sharks.

Dr Alison Kock, a Cape Town marine biologist and shark expert, said last night she was reluctant to comment on Radebe’s proposal without knowing more details.

“In principle, if a shark is already dead it is preferable to maximise the value of the animal rather than dumping it on a rubbish heap. So, if it can be used, perhaps it is something you would consider – provided it does not create a perverse incentive to catch more sharks to raise revenue.”

Overall, she stressed that shark species across the world were being fished out faster than they could reproduce.”

So, there we have it. A rogue government organisation with a huge budget, intent on destroying the very resource, that tourism exists on. The shark nets have got to go, the drumlines too. We do not need to be killing sharks every day and night non-stop.

We should be spending that money on protecting the sharks, not killing them. Shark nets are only capable of reducing a localised shark population and marine wildlife, or killing sharks that wonder the oceans freely.

Like the Great White they killed at Sunwich Port, a while back. It had a satellite tag in it?! It was part of the O-Search Shark Tagging and Tracking programme. Check it out here. There may be a Great White near you. Maybe soon enough they will have tagged all of the whites in existence so we can just check the app on our waterproof phones, and see one coming!

Dreams are free, but sharks aren’t. The KZNSB has got go. All that money, all those resources. Wasted on killing sharks.

Ok ok, one more…this is from Lesley Rochet, Hooked on conservation, regards drumlines. Very thorough and informative.

And to close off with a big surprise…of all people, our president, Mr. Zuma has ordered an enquiry into the KZNSB operation?! We have a knight in a shining shower! Either that or he needs the money for phase 2 of his Nkandla upgrade?

So maybe it’s gonna be the end of the incessant KZNSB barrage of lies? Or the end of the KZNSB. Zuma, this is your chance pal! Good for something?

Check it out on IOL right here!

Look out for a call to action, coming soon, right here on, in the meantime, let’s sign some petitions…click here

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Transkei estuaries fishing well


Transkei estuaries fishing well


It’s been a great year for fledgling daga salmon up and down our entire coastline. I have seen them at this size (featured photograph) being taken in Maputo Bay and all the down into the Cape.

Kob fishing is the saltwater bass fishing it seems as they readily jump on a plastic bait, if well presented, and fished at the right time. They even look a bit like bass, fight like bass…but taste a lot better than bass!

These fish were caught on bait but there is a shot coming in later of another kob on a Mydo Luck Shot.

Stay posted!

Chief Mydo tester Brian Lange featuring with two nice kob caught deep in the Transkei somewhere.
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The most dangerous drive in the world

The most dangerous drive in the world

Driving down the coast from Durban on the southern freeway is a delight. It really must be one of the most beautiful drives on the planet as it skirts the coastline and weaves through indigenous thickets and over a stream of rivers and estuaries. And then it all ends. Abruptly. Just after Port Edward. The most dangerous road in my world unfolds as a snakes and ladders affair with huge potholes vying for attention with huge trucks and busses coming the other way. Pull this all together and you survive, but one mistake can cost you dearly. Add into the equation the overpopulated roads filled with kids, adults, dogs, goats, cows, sheep, horses, donkeys and mules! And then they even got the cheek to throw cops at you, with road blocks and all!

Basically, hit two or three of those potholes properly, and you lose one or two tyres. Every time!

Advice – embrace the situation, don’t overtake or get overtaken unnecessarily, give plenty space in front of you so you have a chance to see the potholes coming, and just take it easy up and through the hills of Bizana, Flagstaff and Lusikisiki, because the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is just a few clicks away. The descent into the lush fruit bowl of the Wild Coast brings it altogether again as the now awesome stretch of road takes you down into the super cool town of Port St. Johns.

Port St. Johns is a most spectacular visit. There is just so much in and around that treasure trove that is the Umzimvubu River valley and it’s beaches. (c)

There is so much to do in Port St. Johns you could get lost for weeks exploring its treasures. Leaving there south takes you basically along the coast but about 20kms inland. From this easily passable dirt road there are more dirt roads that lead to the many beaches, points and bays of the Wild Coast. Use a GPS and choose your spot. Keep heading south to find New Road that connects to Coffee Bay. In the old days we used to have to drive all the way up to Umtata and then back down to Coffee Bay, so this new connection really opens this stretch of coastline up. The GPS recognizes new road and navigates remarkably well out in the sticks.

But the road is torrid, the heaving rains washed away the dirt in between the rocks so it’s like driving on a pebble highway. Tyres get hammered and this road is where we started our troubles. We had decided to head up to Ngcwanguba Store for supplies and on the way back we got our first flat. Spare tyre out, and a speedy tyre change gets us back on the road. It’s dark, raining and 10kms from home, the next tyre goes?! No choice but to drive very slowly on the rim through the dirt, mud, puddles and dongas to our fleeting home at Mdumbi. Thank goodness for good people and the next day Warren from Cool Banana Spaza Shop at Mdumbi (they sell everything including fishing tackle), took it upon himself to drive the 50kms to Coffee Bay and repair our one reparable tyre. He was so considerate – made us breakfast and insisted that we spend the day walking to Umtata Mouth and back. We grabbed our rods and dogs and for a few hours, once again, got completely wrapped up and lost in the magic of the Kei. Thank you Warren and Noli!

The road up to Umtata…is slightly better than what you will have been accustomed to. You just get a few new ingredients to throw into the mix. The roads were not built with cambers in mind. No, they were just slapped down onto the hills willy nilly so cornering is best done very carefully. The goats and horses pose the next risk, the taxis not to be forgotten, potholes still vex…

Umtata to East London…is a pleasure, after what we have just been through. We got a new tyre in a small town on the way to Viedgesville, where we turned south again. Wide roads mean more time to avoid obstacles like cows and sheep, and the odd darting bush cat.

Having done our business in the Cape, heading home through Umtata, we left Spargs Superspar in Beacon Bay, at 11am. Except for the usual hazards, the trip was uneventful until…

30kms Outside Kokstad, a cop comes screaming up behind me, light and sirens blazing and blaring. I thought he was after me, so pulled over but he just sped on past, really fast. 2kms Further and there he is, stopping all traffic?!

A kilometer ahead are about 30 taxis, a huge crowd, a battalion of police officers. Turns out the taxi operators in the area wanted to put a stop to some impending competition, and as the luckless trio came round the bend ahead, the taxi operators opened fire with 9mm weapons and shot the three to death. Their car careened off the road and the crime scene allowed absolutely no traffic through. Either way.

After an hour, somebody in our queue researched and found a dirt track around the problem. That took an hour of sweat droplets each time we went over a sharp stone or through a pothole. The road was narrow and in places only one car at a time could navigate through. So into Kokstad for some much needed coffee and sustenance, back on the road, and safely home at 7:30pm. 2 Hours late?!

Eish! 2 Hours – the whole main road through the country is stopped in it’s tyre tracks! (c)



