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Assassination of aMadiba Crisis Committee Chairperson Sikhosiphi ā€œBazookaā€ Rhadebe

Assassination of aMadiba Crisis Committee Chairperson Sikhosiphi ā€œBazookaā€ Rhadebe


Coastwatch KwaZulu-Natal is a NPO committed to promoting best practice in coastal management.Ā  We wish to express our horror at the shooting of Mr. Rhadebe, another anti-mining activist to lose his life.Ā  We would like to convey our sadness and condolences to his family, community and colleagues.Ā  He will be sorely missed.


We have participated in the public participation processes that were required as part of the EIA application to mine the Xolobeni mineral sands.


We have consistently advocated that the paramount concern should be the sustainability of the project in the interests of the people of the area. The hollow arguments advanced by the proponents of the mining project and their local beneficiaries, about the supposed social benefits, have not impressed us. We have consistently supported the right of the local people to form their own opinion and to have that opinion not only heard but respected.


The lure of personal riches for a few has trumped the communityā€™s expressed preference for sustainable development. The violence that has been intensifying in the area since 2013 is an inevitable outcome, evidenced by a rash of unprosecuted attacks on local communities such as the Mdatya, Mtolani and Sigidi villagers and their chosen spokespeople over the past few years. The assassination of aMadiba Crisis Committee Chairperson Sikhosiphi Rhadebe is just the latest incident in this escalating war on the people and their livelihoods.


Coastwatch firmly believes that it is now time for the South African Government to provide the leadership that has been lacking in the matter by denying environmental authorisation and vigorously pursuing and prosecuting Sikhosiphi ā€œBazookaā€ Rhadebeā€™s murderers.


It is not too late to make a decision that places the choices of South African citizens ahead of those of predatory foreign business whose short term profits are being prioritised ahead of the sustainability of the communities.




For more information please contact:


Roderick Bulman

Coastwatch KZN 135-408 NPO


8 Pepworth Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201

T: 033 386 4465 | C: 082 900 8589

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Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa have begun already as everybody looks forward to that bumper sardine run we all deserve.

Offshore Africa in Port St. Johns take divers right into the sardine bait ball action where every kind of marine perdator can be seen hard at work. Gorging the shoals of hapless sardines, they compete and work together – their common goal – the obliteration of bait balls, one by one.

Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith, who for a decade now have operated boats and dive expeditions in The Transkei, arrange accommodation and meals for punters, and then take them to sea on one of their custom designed and rigged inflatables. The surf launch through the Umzimvubu River mouth warms the adrenalin valve up nice, and by the time you reach the action, you will be well into a state of flow. And that is the way you will stay as you get to jump in with sharks and whales and fish and dolphins and gannets…sensory overload is part of the menu.

Port St. Johns is far enough south and Offshore are normally the first to encounter the huge shoals. Other attractions include great fishing in the river and off the shore, incredible hikes through forests and over mountains – some that drop straight into the ocean, wide open beaches, a quaint settlers town to explore…the list is long.

At this time of the year, bookings with Offshore Africa for the 2016 sardine run, start to fill up fast. But, because of last years fantastic run, Rob and Debbie have extended their Sardine Run 2016 experience availability, adding a week or two on either side of their last years schedule.

Click on over to Offshore Africa Port St. Johns for more information and to make a booking.

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2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns

2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns

Offshore Africa have slots available for theĀ 2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns.

Enjoy this 15 second clip to get the vibe and see what its all about…

Book your Sardine Run in Port St Johns with Offshore Africa…

Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith are gearing up for another action packed sardine run, as the season for the migration nears.

Sardines can often be seen as early as April or May, but it is in June that things really hot up. The huge shoals of the little fish stick around until late July and even August.

Offshore Africa are rigged and ready to make sure you are right in the middle of the action, as and when it happens.

Their packages are flexible with a list of options for accommodation and meals.

Click here to check it all out, and make a booking…

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Jason Heyne spearfishing news is back

Jason Heyne’s spearfishing news is back

We have great news in that the informative and tantalising spearfishing news reports, submitted weekly by the ever-underwater, Jason Heynes, is back online with

Jason Heyne
Jason Heyne practising what he preaches

Stay posted for reports of underwater action, visibility reports and all round good advice – covering underwater events and catches from up and down the KZN coast.

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Waterfall Bluff by Offshore Africa

Waterfall Bluff by Offshore Africa

Offshore Africa in Port St. Johns in the Transkei took to the skies to bring us this radical view of Waterfall Bluff, a few clicks north of their base in Port St. Johns. have been operating on the Transkei Wild Coast for many seasons now. They offer many different adventures from river cruises on the Umzimvubu to ocean safaris and scuba diving.

But their biggest and most sought after adventure is undoubtedly The Sardine Run!

Each season Rob Nettleton and partner Debbie Smith take to the water and get right involved with the chaos that accompanies the sardines wherever they go. Dolphins, whales, seabirds, fish and of course… sharks.

Every shark with a smartphone knows about the annual breakaway of approximately a tenth of the southern oceans sardine population. This crazy shoal of adventuring sardines just leave the pack and head north into South African waters and get hammered on the way, literally to depletion.

Humans are also in on the action as limited netting is allowed.

But the real action is underwater as baitball after baitball form in a desperate attempt to escape being eastern by something. The birds start from the top, and the predator fish from the bottom until there is literally not one sardine from that baitball family left.

Rob invariably has his camera rolling and captured the spectacle exceptionally well. Working with Rob and Debbie to get the video of your lifetime is a pleasure. Together they have ample experience and are committed to service excellence, attention to detail, and safety.

Check it all out at

