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Get Windows 10

Get Windows 10

At three gigabytes, the download can be a problem for anyone with a cap on, but for those with unlimited bandwidth, the upgrade to Windows 10 was painless. The upgrade was staggered in its availability, but slowly the new operating system has been creeping onto every computer it can.

And this is good.

I have been running with the new Windows for two months now, and I am positively impressed. Light years ahead of its idiot predecessors. It handles everything better, and is definitely going to increase your working efficiency, as the finally intelligent explorer module keeps track of your current works, and has them instantly available as opposed the endless “where are my files?” situations of the past.

I have only managed to topple my little computer once since the upgrade, and that was during heavy video compositing work.

I have yet to see a spy in the system, although I believe there is one or two. They probably not even worried about what software we have hacked…not these days.

The programmes that come with Windows ie the photo viewer, and the music player, actually work, and they have close buttons again. Actually, the media player that pops up when I play a file, is simply fantastico. Soooo simple. Neat, and tidy.

So yes, get Windows 10. Right now. It is lighter, much more stable, intuitive, and just so easy! And FREE!

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ASAP – Anti Shark Attack Projects featuring a shark exclusion barrier

ASAP - Anti Shark Attack Projects

ASAP – Anti Shark Attack Projects featuring a shark exclusion barrier

ASAP – Anti Shark Attack Projects specialize in the deployment of shark exclusion zones and shark detection systems. ASAP activities and projects are completely environmentally friendly and are designed to not interfere with the marine environment in any way.

The image featured is a rendering of the shark exclusion system that could be easily applied in Port St. Johns, at the infamous but breathtakingly beautiful 2nd Beach.

Stakeholders within the tourism arena here in Port St. Johns are excited at the prospect of a shark safe place to swim for visitors. The deployment of this system will also greatly reduce the drownings at this beach – there have been 4 in 4 weeks which just go unreported, like the shark attacks.

ASAP - Anti Shark Attack Projects
ASAP – Anti Shark Attack Projects featuring a shark exclusion barrier 

Shark exclusion barrier (c) ASAP

The cost to run such a system easily falls within budget constraints of coastal municipalities, who can look forward to greatly increased tourism revenues, once people grasp the idea that it’s safe to back in the water!

Please contact Mr. Clint Marx on, for further information.



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Find my phone

Find my phone

As part of The Sardine News technical subjects, here is a neat little trick, to help you find your lost phone, sometimes.

You need to have a Google login and be logged in on your Android phone for this to work.

Now login to your Google account through a browser.

Search Google for “find my phone”.

Find my phone
Find my phone

It takes a long time, and often does not work…just try again. Obviously it uses the phones location capabilities, and therefore an outdoor lost phone is easier to find than an indoor lost one, as the phone triangulates with cellphone towers and satellites.

But while you are patiently waiting, another feature will help appease your frustration – there is “Ring” button below the map, which when clicked – starts your phone ringing at top volume for 5 minutes!


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Meet the team at…

Meet the team at…

The team that powers
The team that powers…

The Wild Bunch comes to mind…but these guys run a tight ship – you can trust them with your online marketing goals…

Check out’s entry level campaign offering right here. Starting at R500 for a foot in the door and the peace of mind knowing that your products or company messages – are OUT THERE!

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Responsive image destruction

Responsive Image destruction

Since tablets and mobiles have begun their onslaught…responsive web design has been a new buzzword. It means that web pages automatically redesign themselves, to work with whatever device is used to access it with. Great! Well, in theory, but we do have to adapt our work to this new revelation.

Some of my clients are super photographers (Read Captain Duarte Rato), and they work to certain parameters, when framing and taking a shot. They are all about impact and filling the viewfinder with action, telling a complete story – often times using powerful lenses to get right into the mix.
Telling a story with your single frame photograph is what it’s all about. And then a responsive web design  gets hold of your perfect image!
Firstly, most of us and our ways prefer landscape shots. It’s the wider perspective that adds dynamism and it tries to emulate how we see things every day. Spaces are used in telling the story…and the wide shot can tell a lot more than the portrait – especially on a landscape screen.

The incredible rule of thirds, throws the important part of the picture – the subject – into either a corner, one side, or top or bottom stripe, and sometimes, the centre.

Now a responsive theme has to re-render that image, to work in landscape, and in portrait. And this is how great images get sliced into pieces.

The solution. Yip. But some ain’t gonna like it…frame your  shots like this…

Image Destruction
This image, by photographer Captain Duarte Rato, works across all platforms and devices. Note the shaded areas indicated the crops taken when re-sampling from landscape to portrait…a guide to help you avoid responsive image destruction (c) Duarte Rato

…or choose shots for your full page slider website – that focus the subject in the centre.

One more thing – full page responsive sliders achieve far more impact than any other layout, but there is even a second trade-off. Since we are loading the highest resolution we can to cater for big screen presentations and even retina displays (the internal workings between device and server decide the resolution finally delivered), it makes good sense then to choose uncluttered imagery, especially backgrounds – and rather focus your available reolution/bandwidth available, on that subject in the centre of your shot. This makes a huge difference in the size of the file. Blurred backgrounds are highly recommended!

Doing this right can cut your load times incredibly.

Choose your full screen responsive slider images wisely!

Any questions to

Next: Full screen video websites…
