We have great news in that the informative and tantalising spearfishing news reports, submitted weekly by the ever-underwater, Jason Heynes, is back online with thesardine.co.za.
Jason Heyne practising what he preaches
Stay posted for reports of underwater action, visibility reports and all round good advice – covering underwater events and catches from up and down the KZN coast.
Another fishy story, this time a Red Steenbras, in Seal Point…
Meandering across to Seal Point from J-bay, through the pastures and fields of green, accompanied by Brucifire, a few surfboards and some fishing rods…we drove past a crew unloading their boat, after a trip to sea at Seal Point, and pulled over. Since I am down in the Cape distributing and promoting Mydo Lures, I was hoping these guys would recognise the Mydo’s for their versatility and adaptability, and try them out in these waters.
It turned out to be Sheppy boy Mark White, now living in St. Frances. And he had just returned from a dive. Greetings were exchanged and soon I had the Mydo lures out on the table and Mark was ogling with enthusiasm. Mark had worked with by brother Marc, in the Natal Sharks Board, and is one of those…
After dropping a liberal helping of spoons and luck shots on the table, Mark pipes up – “Hey Sean, do you want a fish?!”. Ha ha ha, here we go again. But I nearly fell over when he hauled out a beautiful Red Steenbras, or Copper, as we call them in Natal.
Diving on his own, in 60 feet, Mark had an amazing catch of fish – all the right ones too! Baardman, reds and one Red Steenbras. You see, it’s not just the fact that these are almost the hardest fish to shoot in the world (they really like to hang out in deep water), they are also one of the most delicious!
And so it was, that without casting a line, we had caught another fish! Thanks Mark White!
And so, we have another Catch ‘n Cook series instalment for you…the rare and fabled Red Steenbras!
Red Steenbraas for dinner tonight at JBay SurfView! Hell, these Mydos catch fish!
The fish may have gone 6kg’s, and was a cinch to fillet, leaving us with two huge slabs of white flaky fresh fish to play with. And a skeleton and a head – which were quickly popped into a huge pot and boiled up. When the fish was falling off the skeleton and the head fell apart, we removed as much of the meat as we could, and then strained the rest through a colander, into the same pot. Then we fried onions, peppers and garlic to golden brown, and chucked that into the same soup pot. And that cooked away on a slow boil.
Our hosts in J-bay, Dr. Kurt Mariano and his wife Noma, at JBay SurfView, are very health conscious people, and so we decided that, alongside the fried fish I was planning , we would also grill a chunk, using much the same method as that of when we cooked the kob we caught (ha ha) last week.
The rest of the fillets were cut into 1cm thick cutlets taken across the grain.
Noma had some Tempura batter, fresh from Thailand, which is simply a healthy version of the batter we make with regular white flour. She also had some exotic nut oils which we mixed half with butter and got the pan up to heat. Leaving the cutlets soaking in the Tempura (which featured added flavour of Italian Herbs and Spices and anything else I could find in the spice rack – but no salt), they were fried one by one in a light layer of oil and butter. Very light, this is NOT deep frying.
The soup was prepared by boiling the huge head and skeleton, for a half an hour. Manually removing the chunks of meat from the head is time consuming and hot work but there is no way around this task. Eventually, when you have gotten most of the meat into a new pot, you can strain the remains through a pasta colander, also into the new pot. In the meantime, onions, peppers, garlic and all those nice things were glazed in a bit of oil in a hot pan. Add this fry up to the new pot, and start to simmer – the longer the better. In this time you can taste test and twist the flavour the way you like it. Chilli is a great partner to fish soup, so we opened a tin of seshebo like chillied up onions and tomatoes and bombed that in too. The secret ingredient – a piece of orange rind…just chuck it in whilst cooking. Salt is almost necessary in this broth, but there is no need for MSG!
The Red Steenbras soup on the simmer…JBay SurfView has all the cooking facilities you need for storm cooking.
The grilled fish was done exactly like the kob we cooked here last week, that story is here.
Noma had prepared salad and mashed potato, and all the various dishes from that one fish were laid out for devouring.
Salt added to flavour, a glass of white wine and…what a meal!
Grilled, fried and souped – Red Steenbras!
Sean – “Ok, the touchy bit…Red Steenbras are endangered!
Red Steenbraas have been classified as endangered before, but all of a sudden, limited catches are now allowed again. Very limited. One per person per day, and over 60cm. Responsible people are keeping an eye on the stocks, but since they were reduced to endangered levels before, are proven sensitive to over-exploitation. It’s a fantastic fish to “Catch n’ Cook” but not so clever to buy and cook, or eat in a restaurant. Check out Sassi’s report on the vulnerable Red Steenbras. Sassi are affiliated to WWF and are a cool bunch of peeps really dedicated to preserving fish stocks.”
“The ever reliable Jason Heyne reports in weekly with a round up of KZN spearfishing news…this week is  no different, some great catches and good photos, thank you Jason!”
Diving this week has been on and off with early starts required due to the north east picking up every day and this weekend will be no exception. The North East will steadily pick up Saturday and Sunday with the surf picking up and obliterating the inshore come Sunday. Best bet for a dive is early Saturday morning through till mid day Saturday. The best viz has been in and around the middle south coast. Garrick are returning now in shoals so stick to the shallows for a while to bag one. DUC Garrick comp is on tomorrow no weigh in after 4. Guys and gals please be careful where you park your vehicle on the north coast as cars are being stolen and broken into. Try not to stash your keys. As always dive safe and straight spears.
Conditions have been average to above average on the north coast and below average on the south coast this week. Big garrick are patrolling the north coast with some really big shoals on the return run. Brusher season is in full swing with decent fish being shot. Snoek are around north but few and far between shoals. Sardines came out Pennington area Thursday and some big cuda have been spotted out deep. Forecast for Saturday is not looking good with the north easterly blowing from early switching to a south west later Saturday evening. Conditions where pearler today (Friday) on the north coast with 3 ft swell and an average of 10m viz but not much action gamefish wise. Saturday early north looks like the best idea for tomorrow. As always dive safe and straight spears.
Conditions this week have been below average with a small gap on Wednesday. Good garrick still coming out with dagas still on the wrecks and deeper ledges. The sodwana comp was won by a young guy from Richards bay who deserved the prize. Well done on a 28kg GT stone shot! Apparently everyone was trying to vie for 1st place hangover! The sea conditions are settling nicely for the weekend with Saturday marginal conditions wize and Sunday a pearler of a day. South is the better option with north viz being 3m or less. As always dive safe and straight spears.