Diving With Sharks!
Diving With Sharks! Debbie Smith aka The Shark Lady, has recently launched her brand new website and online campaign at http://divingwithsharks.co.za.
Incredible imagery leads to Debbie’s underwater options – the current favourite being The Sardine Run as we move into the sardine migration season – when they swim up the East Coast of Africa.
Millions of sardines head north on a kamikaze mission as they are hammered to pieces by all kinds of underwater predators. Dolphins. Seals. Gannets. Whales. And sharks. Plenty!
The Sardine Run trips by Diving With Sharks, in association with Offshore Africa Port St. Johns, are run from out of the Uzmzimvubu River on the Transkei Wild Coast. Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith have been operating in this area – the best place to get to the sardine shoals and baitballs, as they come up from the southern ocean, for a decade now.
Diving With Sharks also operate up north in KZN waters – Aliwal Shoal and Protea Reef being hot spots, and where Debbie learned her skills as shark tamer. That’s her in the picture below! Note how Debbie holds her hands and arms close to her body – less to bite onto for the odd curious shark, that come in so close.
Click on over to Diving With Sharks for more info or to book a Sardine Run experience – accommodation and all, with Debbie and Rob.
A taste of what can be found on http://divingwithsharks.co.za…