State of our Oceans by Mr. Al Spaeth
Like great author and eye opener – Callum Roberts, author of “The Ocean of Life: The Fate of Man and the Sea” and other tales of environmental gloom and doom, Mr. Al Spaeth, in his description of the state of our oceans and our fisheries, has the ability to put things way into perspective.
Read his shocking synopsis of our particular piece of ocean’s predicament, at the following link…
Mr. Spaeth is particularly focused on our South African waters and their fisheries. But this is happening, and has happened, all over the globe, in so many other ignorant countries. Where greedy and ignorant governments and their parastatals, give away the resources of their people, in exchange for under the table rewards or incentives.
His call-to-action, to mimic the CCA (Coastal Conservation Association ), in the United States, is our only chance. They are a very effective watchdog association of anglers in the United States, that campaign for the fish and the environment, as well as educate the public fishing community at large. On pertinent environmental issues at hand. And we have many. The sardines, squid, and tuna that Mr. Spaeth addresses, are just three. What about the plight of the poor shad this year?! No DAFF’s anywhere?! Bucket loads leaving the beach.

This is what they do over there, very successfully…
• Initiate scientific studies.
• Fund marine-science scholarships.
• Build artificial reefs.
• Create finfish hatcheries.
• Monitor the quality and quantity of freshwater inflows.
• Support local marine law enforcement.
• Help establish game fish status for recreational species.
• Work to prohibit destructive commercial gear.
• Defend net bans.
• Work to implement bycatch reduction regulations.
• Support pro-fisheries legislation.
• Battle arbitrary no-fishing zones.
You can read all about them and their successes against their government at this link…
Anybody else keen to get involved, and has the time and resources, jump in now by filling out the form below…I have been in touch with the CCA, and they are prepared to assist. We just need some momentum. In the meantime we are calling the movement CCASA (Coastal Conservation Association of Southern Africa). If there are any other established or fledgling groups like the CCA, already operating in South Africa, Namibia or Mozambique, please let me know on umzimkulu@gmail.com.