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5 June 2017 Sardine Run report

2017 Sardine Report

2017 Sardine Run report: early June

Anthony Kobrowisky way down south on the Wild Coast, has been scoring epic underwater footage of the frontrunners in the great sardine run. all week. His underwater videographer skills are way up there with the best, and as you can see from the previous post, has been garnering Ant some serious attention. MSN here we come! Click here to read all about it!

So the sardines have definitely arrived down south.

Then we had an amazing unverified hearsay type report of somebody at his house, also quite near East London, saying that many shoals were coming past, and some were huge. These must be the same fish that Ant Kobrowisky is filming – he is also in that area (just north of East London).

Then it came in that the navy have been doing their job for a change, and that very few foreign or suspicious vessels have been spotted this year. And then let’s hope more of the sardines have taken the Port Elizabeth fleet by surprise, or dodged them completely this time round.

Further north The Sardine’s Mdumbi sardine spies reported huge gatherings of birds and dolphins earlier in the week – lining the coast in anticipation. But a general lack of fish. Which is normal before the sardines hit. Starving themselves for the up coming feast!

And if they come anywhere near Port St. Johns, their eye in the sky will report in immediately! Offshore Port St Johns are going to be at sea out there every possible launch day, and will keep us informed.

Sardine spotter "Tzulu"Dowsett will be piloting this awesome machine as he searches the seas for sardines and their predators
Sardine spotter “Tzulu”Dowsett will be piloting this awesome machine as he searches the seas for sardines and their predators is also what happens before the sardines arrive. The fish seem to be starving themselves for the feast coming up.


So, definitely many sardines to report, as they start hitting the coastline down in the Southern Cape a little early this year, and begin running the long gauntlet up into KZN Natal. The mentionable cold front coming into Cape Town right now is par for the weather this time of year, and these behemoth systems charging up the coast into the current, is what confuses then sardines and sends them into shore. The more of these cold fronts that comes through, the more chances of sardines, it seems.

We have a new advertiser on board The Sardine News – and so we welcome PELAGIC Gear…distributed by Fishing’s Finest in Pretoria.

Click on over to their website here

Featured product…

Pelagic Battle Gloves - Fishing's Finest
Pelagic Battle Gloves – available at Fishing’s Finest
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Sunscreen causes cancer and is made from petrol!

Sunscreen causes cancer and is made from petrol!

On every other day in Tofo, in the seasons, we get to do island trips in the Inhambane Bay. There are two main islands – Ilha do Porcos, and Ilha do Rato. These two are inhabited, and feature schools and churches and even roads. They are bustling with activities. Mainly catching a drying seafood. Prawns baking in the sun. Fish drying in the wind. The island life.

The huge Inhambane Bay. Whitesands to starboard, Linga Linga to port. Panzy Island dead ahead. Sunscreen causes cancer! Get your shade on instead!
The huge Inhambane Bay. Whitesands to starboard, Linga Linga to port. Panzy Island dead ahead. Sunscreen causes cancer! Get your shade on instead!

Then there is Panzy Island. Or survivor island. Panzy features mild vegetation. But there are many more little sand islands, that people call Panzy Island, or Survivor Isand. Depends on what language your skipper speaks.

Anyhow, Panzy has the most beautiful little beach tucked into a bay on the Westward lee. Protected from the prevailing onshores. And skirted with a patch of seagrass – filled with all sorts of creatures. Wierd worm like things. Sea cucumbers. Starfish. Urchins. And even fiesty little octopii. Seahorses are the holy grail of snorkeling world wide, and can be encountered here on Panzy.

Invariably we would be hosting a bunch of touros, from all over the world. They stay at the backpackers or lodges in and around Tofo, and taking these peeps to the islands, and then on to lunch at Linga Linga, cruising the bay, dragging lures and catching fish, photographing flamingos – is a real fun job.

These touros would coat themselves in sunscreen. On and on. Over and over. And when they jumped into the clear cool waters of the Inhambane Bay, the oil slick could be seen and smelt for miles. A disgusting chemical film surrounded us wherever we went. And then they would get out of the water, and apply more, and more.

I have never really put on sunscreen. It gives me pimples! And I know that the petrol based derivatives used therein are explosively dangerous. Known carcinogenics and other poisonous ingredients. Sunscreen causes cancer!

I was so relieved when I saw the article as follows, backing up my claims as facts…

Sunscreen and the Lies We’ve Been Told About the Real Causes of Skin Cancer

Give it a read.

And there are many more sources on the net to back the claims up further.


Trust me on the sunscreen!

As can be seen from the above article, the best way to prevent sunburn, is shade. So if you are fishing all day, wear protective gear. There are many options, and some of the kit is even given a rating similair to that of sunscreen. You can buy long sleeve super light weight shirts and all sorts – that are SPF 50 rated.

Follow the following link on over to Fishing’s Finest, who distribute the Pelagic brand of sun beating kit.

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Jbay 2017: Waiting Period Opens For JBU Supertrial

Jbay 2017: Waiting Period Opens For JBU Supertrial Presented By Monster Energy

jbay 2017
jbay 2017


JBay 2017 – The 11-day waiting period for the 2017 edition of the JBU Supertrial has officially opened, and all eyes are on the swell forecasts for the next few days. The JBU Supertrial is one of the most important and lucrative events on the domestic scene, with first place in the tournament being a coveted Wild Card entry into the Corona Open JBay Championship Tour contest.

“There is a bit of activity this weekend, but it seems to be coming in very fast, and leaving just as fast,” said surf forecaster Spike. “It looks like the window of opportunity for this swell is quite small. There is, however, another interesting looking storm bringing a fresh swell that is due to make landfall early the following Wednesday morning, and although it is quite far away still, this will be the day we will be monitoring closely for an opportunity to run the contest.”

This year this tournament is all about the younger surfers hoping to break out into professional surfing and get onto the championship tour, so the competition has a nice mix of red-hot up-and-comers along with a few JBay stalwarts and past winners.

The invited surfers in no particular order are:

Shane Sykes, Jordy Maree, Dale Staples, Adin Masencamp, Matt Bromley, defending champion Steven Sawyer, Mikey February, Matt McGillivray, Joshe Faulkner, Beyrick De Vries, Davey van Zyl and Dylan Lightfoot.

Jordy Maree from Kalk Bay is one of the invited surfers ready for the contest. The 18-year-old goofy-footer has been in the area training recently, and can’t wait for the tournament to run.  “I’m so thankful to be a part of the JBU Supertrial at my age,” said Maree. “I’m always excited to arrive at JBay and get some waves at Supers. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to get up to JBay about eight times this year already and can’t wait to be in the water with three others out in cooking conditions for the Supertrial. Thanks to everyone for the support, I’m really stoked to be a part of this event.”

Jordy Maree from Kalk Bay, Cape Town, was a last minute walk-up entry into last year’s event, and impressed enough to get an invite into the 2017 tournament ©Van Gysen.


The JBU Supertrial presented by Monster Energy is an exclusive invite-only tournament, with first prize being the coveted Wild Card entry into the World Surf League Championship Tour Corona Open JBay. The Supertrial has a waiting period from 1st – 11th June, and historically always enjoyed excellent surf conditions at Supertubes. The Corona Open JBay has a waiting period from12th – 23rd July, and is part of the JBay Winterfest

Hashtags #JBUsupertrial  #JBayWinterfest

The JBU Supertrial is co-sponsored by RVCA. is the media partner.


The JBU Supertrial is sanctioned by Surfing South Africa, the recognised governing body for the sport in South Africa.

About Surfing South Africa

SSA is a member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and the International Surfing Association (ISA).

The JBU Supertrial also is sanctioned by the World Surf League (WSL).

About the World Surf League

The World Surf League (WSL), formerly the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), is dedicated to celebrating the world’s best surfing on the world’s best waves through a variety of best-in-class audience platforms. The League, headquartered in Santa Monica, is a truly global sport with regional offices in Australasia, Africa, North America, South America, Hawaii, Japan and Europe.

For more information contact the event organiser

Koffie Jacobs

Compiled and distributed by

Craig Jarvis

High resolution images are available on request for media outlets.

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Transkei Sardine Report 2017: The calm before the storm

Transkei Sardine Report 2017: The calm before the storm

Transkei Sardine Report 2017: The calm before the storm – which is what does usually happen, before the sards pitch up.

Transkei Sardine Report 2017
Transkei Sardine Report 2017

Port Shepstone High School rugby star and pro fishing guide Mannie Gereiro is deep down the Wild Coast and reports good news in that the estuaries are fishing well. He is at Mgazana and will report the first sightings or action in to us.

The humpback whales have also arrived in full force, even up into Mozambique.

But at this point it’s all about the congregating birds and dolphins – and of course the plentiful other predators lying in ambush.

We also have spies at Mdumbi (pictured at left), and Offshore Africa in Port St. Johns are out there almost every day on their boats. If you would like to get really into the midst of the action, check them out at or

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Catching gamefish on lures in the Umzimkulu River like this is dreamy



Venue :           SA Navy Base, Salisbury Island, Durban Harbour
Date    :           Saturday 8th of July 2017

The QuadPara Association of KZN is holding a fishing event for persons with disabilities on the 8th of July

2017  at the S.A. Navy Base on Salisbury Island.

Watch video material here…

The competition has been running for the past 7 years and has always given people with disabilities an enjoyable day out. cid:image001.jpg@01D0C940.90E98F60

This event is an opportunity for between 80 and 150 disabled anglers to take part in a day of fishing and outdoor fun. There will also be approximately 120 helpers & families who will ensure this is a day to be remembered for every disabled angler.

Fishing is done on a strictly “catch & release” basis.

The fees are needed to cover transport, portable toilet hire, cleaning crews, refreshments, etc. on the day. The Association is registered to issue 18A Certificates (Tax deduction) for the value of your donation and we can distribute any promotional material for you on the day.


Anything you can do to help make this an enjoyable day will be hugely appreciated. Any form of prizes (Caps, t-shirts, goodie bags) will be much appreciated


Bank details:-
QuadPara Association of KZN
Code   198765
Acc. #  1336008652
Ref.     Fish (YOUR NAME)

Frank Kruger


Description: full logo

Tel:  +27 (0) 31 7017444  *  Fax:  +27 (0) 31 7026832

19 & 23 Second Avenue, Ashley, Pinetown, 3610  *  PO Box 10406, Ashwood, 3605


Description: nldtf.jpg    Description: extra mile.jpgDescription: life is sweet.jpg


“The only disability in life is a bad attitude”


         cid:image004.jpg@01D0C940.90E98F60   cid:image005.jpg@01D0C940.90E98F60   cid:image006.jpg@01D0C940.90E98F60