We had some pretty good sessions all along this last week fishing light tackle spinning but one was really awesome with the boys releasing over 10 species of fish in two crazy hours of jigging at Alladin´s!!! Here´s some pictures of the action…
Green Jobfish. Also known as Kaakap. And Kakaap?! Great eating! (c) Rato
Oey! Sharks are surviving fine in the Bazaruto Archipelago Reserve (c) ratoBaby GT ready for photo and release (c) Captain Duarte Rato
Yellowfin like this jump on the jigging style of fishing (c) Rato
My charter this week did not want to fish for Marlin which was a real letdown as the fish finally starting to show in better numbers and some big fish have been caught recently including a 923 lbs Black that was the biggest on the CADSAS competition held at Inhassoro last week.
As I said my guests only wanted to do light tackle spinning, plugging and jigging for the week but on the afternoon of the first day I convince them to pull Marlin lures for a couple hours and we raised three only hooking one that pulled the hooks. They were really shy on the lures so when we got a Yellowfin tuna the next day I begged them to put it out as live bait just for half an hour and within 20 minutes we hooked up to this acrobatic fish which was Scott´s Brown first ever Marlin release.
That was it Marlin fishing for the week but we still had a few other encounters with them. One day we at 25 Mile Reef plugging for GT´s when we get a 300 pound fish come after the rooster popper in 15 meters of water and the yesterday we hooked one about 140 lbs on a bucktail jig while jigging in 28 meters of water out of III trees with light tackle…obviously it was a rather short encounter!!!
Black marlin jumping in the clear Bazaruto waters (c) Duarte RatoVery high speed chase! (c) Duarte RatoScott´s Brown first ever Marlin release (c) Duarte Rato
September is Wahoo time in Mozambique (c) Duarte Rato
September is know for the arrival of many big wahoo around the Bazaruto archipelago and even tough we are certainly having a late start to the season and conditions have not been what we are used to this time of the year some of these fast speedster’s have showed up giving some great fun.
Biggest caught so far was 31kg and we have had a numerous fish pass the 25 kilo mark…
Ohhhhh man, we certainly have not been suffering from any lack of sashimi this beginning of the season off the Bazaruto Archipelago. Along with the small football size yellowfin there have also been some good boys and multiple strikes of fish passing the 25 kilo mark have been common.
On the 27 September we had a charter with a great bunch of guys from South Africa and on their first ever Marlin fishing experience they took gold not once but twice!!!
Just before noon we get a frisky Black Marlin estimated at just over 200 pounds take the long rigger lure on the #50 stand-up tackle and Tom was into a good sweat to bring his first ever billfish release.
A short while later we caught two small 5 kilo yellowfin that we quickly bridled as live bait and not even an hour later a hungry Black comes in for the kill on the short bait right at the transom. After a short drop back the 20/0 circle hook finds the corner and Douglas Gain jumps in the chair to also score his first ever billfish release on a fish we estimated at just under 200 pounds.
Unbelievable photography!(c) Duarte RatoSpot the tag!(c) Duarte RatoAnd another one…(c) Duarte Rato