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Government protects two archipelagos

7 November 2012


The Mozambican government has declared two small archipelagos, rich in marine wild life, as areas of environmental protection.


The archipelagos are known, as the “Ilhas Primeiras” (First Islands) and “Ilhas Segundas” (Second Islands). The former are located off the coast of Pebane district, in the central province of Zambezia, while the second lie between the coastal districts of Angoche and Moma, in the northern province of Nampula.


Each archipelago consists of five islands.


Government spokesperson, Deputy Justice Minister Alberto Nkutumula, explained that the government has decided to protect the two archipelagos to conserve coastal and marine habitats, maintain biodiversity, and ensure the renewal of fisheries resources.


He pointed out that the islands are important for endangered species. They contain nesting sites for turtles, and are breeding grounds for dugongs.


“There are also coral reefs and mangrove forests, which are extremely importance for the reproduction of marine species”, Nkutumula added.


Some economic activities can still be undertaken on the islands, but they will require special licences. Nkutumula said a management plan will be drawn up, listing precisely what activities are allowed in the archipelagos.


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Moz fishermen to receive government loans…

Fishermen to receive government loans

7 November 2012

Over two hundred fishery projects in Mozambique will next year receive loans for the production, preservation, processing, transportation and marketing of fish, under a programme implemented by the Institute for the Development of Small Scale Fisheries (IDPPE). The loans will be given to 30 communities in Gaza province, 15 in Inhambane, 50 in Sofala, 20 in Zambezia, 40 in Manica, 40 in Cabo Delgado and seven in Nampula. In addition, over a thousand people will receive training throughout the country in subjects such as the use of fishing gear, aquaculture, fish processing, salting and drying techniques, and boat building. One of the biggest problems facing fishermen is that without capital to invest in fish processing and storage the catch has to be sold shortly after landing. The programme is intended to address this issue. Another aspect of the programme is the provision of over a hundred motorised fishing boats to encourage fishermen to move away from the coast in an attempt to reduce the pressure on fishery resources and coral reefs. About 85 per cent of Mozambique’s total fisheries production comes from artisanal fishermen, directly or indirectly employing about 300,000 people.

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Lagoon Sunset Tours in Tofo

Lagoon Sunset Tours
Lagoon Sunset Tours

Lagoon Sunset Tours operate in the Tofo, Inhambane area, servicing the tourism market with tours, transfers and vehicle charter. Contact Paulo on 823155579 or email him on…

Paulo has been operating in this area for many years and can also help with acommodation and catering.

LAGOON SUNSET TOURS are touring to Vilancoulos from Tofo on the 24th and 30th November 2012. Please contact Paulo if you are interested, on the numbers below.

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AIS System

Maputo, 5 Nov (AIM) – The United States government on Monday offered the Mozambican Defence Ministry a Maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS), making it possible to identify ships using the Mozambique Channel. The equipment can identify the characteristics of the vessel, its registration number, speed, direction, the type of cargo on board, the port of departure and its declared destination. The AIS is intended to provide more efficient control of maritime traffic. It should assist in the fight against piracy, illegal immigration, illegal fishing and other violations of Mozambican waters. Speaking at the delivery ceremony, Defence Minister Filipe Nyussi regarded the donation as a continuation and consolidation of the cooperation and friendship between Mozambique and the United States and particularly between the navies of the two countries. “The technical military cooperation between the United States and the Mozambican navy, is of great importance since it strengthens the capacity of the Mozambican Armed Forces (FADM) by providing the ability for national maritime surveillance”, he said. Nyussi regarded the delivery of the system as a significant advance in the efforts to endow the FADM, and particularly the navy, with modern equipment, enabling it to comply fully with the missions entrusted to it. “Mozambique is living in the era of information and knowledge which should lead effectively military operations in geographically scattered areas – in this case, along the length of the national coastline”, he added. Nyussi said the new system should stimulate still further cooperation between the Mozambican and American navies, and increase naval patrol activities along the Mozambican coast. He urged the Mozambican navy to make the best use of the equipment and ensure that it is strictly and regularly maintained. (AIM) Dt/pf (286)

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Casa Barry Sailfish and other stories…

Chad of Casa Barry in Tofo, skippering Springer Too, the last few months, has had a bumper hit of billfish. Out of 18 hookups, he has boated 4, the rest released, or forced released. Sailies and marlin…that’s great going…keep up the releasing Chad!

As you can see from the last few posts, made by Elvis in the Tofo market, the fishing has been great. Big yellowfin and wahoo interspersed with non-shoal size couta, and tropical yellowtail…make up the daily catches.

The weather is wild but with the fishing so good, it’s up and at it for the Tofo fishing community…
