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Team Tuna 5-0

Launching out of the Umzimkulu River on Saturday – on the hunt for dorado, led my Dad (Brian Lange) and myself past the quiet water line (not a strike or sign of the westerly loving Dollies), out to 55m for a few bottomfish. A Ferdie Kingfish and a few slinger later, the current got up to max speed…despatching us off to Protea Reef for a tuna or two. Ha ha!

The first strike came in three at once…after a minute my hook came out (drag too tight on the strike), the second was bitten off (must have been a couta or wahoo, possible small shark) and the third also shook it’s hook.

Back for another drift, a shoal of tuna broke the surface – threw the plug – taken as it hit the water…a few minutes later and the small fish right next to the boat…I pulled the hooks out – out of practise! These tuna are mean!

Back up to the Northern pinnacle for a last drift…before dark… a few hundred metres away we see some huge yellowfin jumping clear of the water, sailing through the air in arcs. Chumming and spraying water, we get their attention – my rod screams…really screams!!! This time I did it right and soon the fight was on. Or so I thought. With only two of us on the boat, clearing lines was a mission…not that it affected my fish…which just kept going and going against a 5kg drag. After 200m or more line was gone, I reduced to about 3kg’s…the fish just kept going and going. Another 100m of line gone and the TLD 25 was smoking. Down to 2kg’s drag. Then the fish stopped for a few seconds and I won a metre or two, but it then took off again at very high speed. The 60lb line could not cope any longer – bang it was gone. The line had parted, and on analysis was found to be frayed and damaged. The fish most likely swam off the edge of the inside pinnacle and the line scraped the rocks or something!

So, a nice welcome back to Protea Reef for me! Need practise for that place!

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Fishing the KZN South Coast in Summer

16kg Dorado by Ryan Enslin

Chasing dorado up and down the brown water line created by the seasonal flood waters…has yielded good catches lately…this upsized bull dorado was caught a bit further out though, along with the magnificent Cracker below…

The current on this coast line has characteristically been screaming but every now and then it lets up, allowing for some deeper water bottom fishing. Roger Davidson has been on a roll…with these prehistoric monster Black Steenbras, or Musselcracker, or Poenskop as they are known around here…






Nice fish for Roger Davison! 30kgs!


30kg Musselcracker-by-Roger-Davison

Thanks to Marc Lange and Ryan Enslin for the photos and story…



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Official Report from AIM

Disruption on EN1 at Xai Xai

Maputo, 5 Feb (AIM) – There was considerable disruption on the EN1, Mozambique’s main north-south road, on Monday whilst the National Roads Administration (ANE) undertook improvement work on the bridge over the Limpopo at Xai-Xai.

Many motorists were caught unaware, although the ANE had announced the traffic restrictions several days earlier.

The work was not directly due to the Limpopo flood. The ANE needed to deal with parts of the road near the bridge that were suffering from erosion, and were in danger of collapse

Normal traffic across the bridge was restored on Monday night.

Courtesy AIM (Agencia da Informacio Mozambique)

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Xai Xai road open again

After the EN1 road north of Maputo was closed at Xai Xai due to the road simply disappearing last week…the road was again closed on our way south on Monday. Without warning we drove into Xai Xai and were simply turned around. The chaos ensued and after a lunch and a dinner we still could not go on.
These pics are taken a week after the floods yet we still saw many houses underwater as we finally got through at 5am the next day!

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Rock Salmon caught at Barra


A prize specimen in the Tofo market today. These hardy fish seem to be surviving the onslaught around here. Although tales of entire shoals being netted filter through. Barra is a bit of a hotspot for these fish. You just really have to know where to look.
