Wet Wintery Weather for KZN this week by Adam in Durban KZN
Wet Wintery Weather for KZN this week by Adam in Durban KZN: Snow on the mountains again! Bringing a chill to the air as it breezes in from the south west.
Over to Adam on the spot in Durban…
There is a strong high pressure coming right in behind the current set of low pressures – that are causing the current wet and cold conditions over southern Africa. This high looks to be big enough to bring some sunny skies to the Cape areas as the week unfolds. As for us here in KZN and the Eastern Cape, we have these low pressures sitting right over us at the moment. And we are counting on that same high pressure moving across to us and bringing us some sunny skies too.

Expect the cold and the wet for a few more days in KZN and EC though.
This is has been a remarkable run of waves for Durban and the rest of KZN. For about a month now the waves have been rideable, if not cooking!
Check out today’s Durban gallery as shot by Adam earlier this morning…

Today is another cool day to be a surfer. And not just in Durban. Up and down the coast, before the wind gets up too much, you will find some waves to be a part of.
The tides are moving away from spring tides, and the sea should settle nicely as the low pressure moves along. Shad season opens in three weeks.
Check out the MYDO Shad Traces at https://thesardine.co.za/products-page/fishingtackle/mydo-lures/mydo-fishxfish-packs/shad/mydo-silver-bullet-shad-trace-1-4-ounce/. If you don’t like to shop online, just get in with me Sean on +27793269671 or email umzimkulu@gmail.com.

The Bear of The Master Watermen website delivers his weekly report on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Looking forward to today’s instalment. Once we’ve all seen that we will all know exactly what fish to be targeting.