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NSRI Issues Stern Warning About Weekend Sea Conditions


NSRI Issues Stern Warning About Pending Sea Conditions

NSRI Issues Stern Warning About Pending Sea Conditions: Craig Lambinon and the NSRI have the following statement and announcement to make.

(0:01) Craig Lambinon, NSRI spokesperson, Wednesday the 22nd of May. (0:06) NSRI National Safety Alert. (0:09) NSRI in cooperation with police, maritime authorities, (0:13) disaster risk management and the emergency services (0:15) are appealing to boaters, sailors, paddlers, bathers, anglers and coastal hikers (0:21) to be aware of a South African Weather Service’s warning (0:25) alerting to rough sea conditions and big waves (0:27) along the West Coast coastline, Western Cape coastline, (0:32) South Cape coastline and potentially extending beyond (0:35) for the next few days and into the coming weekend.
(0:38) We are appealing to public and to the maritime community (0:41) to follow South African Weather Service’s weather alerts. (0:45) The South African Weather Service’s forecast rough sea conditions (0:48) may also be affected by the full moon spring tide (0:51) that peaks on Thursday the 23rd of May, (0:54) bringing the normal daily two high tides and normal daily two low tides (0:58) to be higher than normal at high tide and to be lower than normal at low tide. (1:04) Spring tide may cause stronger than normal rip currents (1:07) and areas that are not normally affected by waves at high tide (1:10) may be engulfed by waves during the spring high tide.
(1:15) Caution is advised and we appeal to public members (1:18) and to the maritime community to have safety top of mind. (1:22) Anglers should note high tide times (1:25) and stay clear from the shoreline during the two daily high tides. (1:30) Anglers should avoid crossing to islands along the coastline (1:33) during the low tide to fish (1:35) as these islands can be cut off from mainland during high tide.
(1:40) Coastal hikers should not try to cross at river miles (1:43) where currents can be particularly strong during the outgoing tide (1:46) and do not try to cross through hiking trails (1:49) that are close to the shoreline during high tide (1:52) where spring high tide can cut off shoreline hiking trails. (1:57) Boaters, sailors and paddlers should wear their life jackets (2:00) while their craft and or their vessels are underway (2:03) and to wear life jackets during rough sea conditions. (2:07) Always have safety equipment at the ready.
(2:11) For enhanced safety, download and use the NSRI’s free SafeTracks smartphone application. (2:17) We emphasize the importance of safety during these conditions. (2:21) Exercise caution and prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you.
(2:28) Let’s keep each other safe.

Affiliated YouTube Channels – entertaining surf reporting – neva miss out – highly technical sport fishing – getting out there safely – complain here

Affiliated websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River – sardine run coming up – never miss a single sardine – news from deep down – surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical sport fishing

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Staphylococcus Warning KZN December 2023

Staphylococcus Warning by The Sardine News

Staphylococcus Warning December 2023

Staphylococcus Warning December 2023: it has happened again. A popular and highly experienced Southern KZN angler was recently struck down. At Seapark. He was on the rocks, where he has spent most of his life. Got a tiny cut on his foot. Happened a thousand times before. Except this time, the smell of the ANC was in the air.


The sewage was pouring raw and untreated, into the ocean, just nearby. Our guy smelt the sewage. But he was on a mission trying to catch live bait.

He has now lost his foot.

This happened lightning-fast. Staphylococcus is mean stuff. You need to be vigilant at ALL times. Clean and disinfect any cut or scratch thoroughly. As it happens. Especially now at this time of the year. That the rains have come. And all the sewage in and around dysfunctional Harding is swept right to here. By the Umzimkulwana River.

Load-shedding is manslaughter now. It’s a crime against every single one of us. Who used to use the ocean, rivers and dams, for recreation as kids and even adults. And for supplying us, the population, with clean drinking water.

What load-shedding has done, and therefore directly the ANC, is turned the entire country into an open toilet. With deadly results.

Check this out…


Since everybody’s attention, including the Public Protector and the President, has been brought to the Harding problem, NOTHING has improved. ZERO. Sewage flows in the streets. Into the stormwater drains. And into the Farmers Dam and the Umzimkulwana River, on its merry way, laden thick with eColi and all sorts of pathogens. And bugs that have been festering in the Farmer’s Dam through the dry season. All of that, is on it’s merry way to the beaches of the KZN South Coast. Right now. Just as the hapless ANC victims – the tourists, arrive. To ZERO warnings.

This has been happening for many years now.

Blue Water Only

Do not go in murky water. No matter what beach you go to, if the water is even slightly discoloured, stay out of it. Luckily there are some beaches without pathogen-infested river mouths too close by. Like Umzumbe. And Hibberdene. Those beaches are the ones in the right location in the current and on the coast, to be reliably cleaner than all the others.

Uvongo and Margate, are right in the firing line. The sewage comes out of the rivers, mixes lekker in the waves, and gets taken south by the prevailing Agulhas Current. The onshore blows, and this contaminated water is pushed into the bays and coves (Uvongo in particular, has a very unfortunate geographical structure where this bad water gets trapped in that cove). RIght onto the unsuspecting tourists who receive ZERO warning about the dire state of the ocean right now as the rainy season fires up. Underberg, Hardind, Umzimkulu – ALL discharging straight into the Umzimkulu and Umzimkulwana Rivers. The same rivers our drinking water comes from?!

There are ZERO signs warning anyone anywhere. And then we have organisations and individuals far more engaged in the profit that they can make from the tourists, than caring for the tourist’s well-being and health. Advertising Blue Flag beaches and the like. Yet in the meantime, people are getting sick more and more. From exposure to the ANC government failures. A season or two back, I had 23 of 24 guests in hospital. From swimming in Uvongo Lagoon. Not one warning sign. Not even the lifeguards cared or bothered to warn these victims.

Imagine you go to a lodge someplace. And you head for the pool. But the pool is poisoned…and nobody warns you?!

Fast treatment

Staphylococcus is mean. Sometimes even completely resistant to treatment (MRSA). You need to clean any wounds, no matter how small, properly. Scrub. Disinfect. As and when they happen.

It is so complicated in that we all have Staphylococcus on our skins and in our membranes. All of us. But it’s when too much Staphylococcus gathers together, that it takes over the delicate balance that the body has. In effect, we can actually get sick from our own Staphylococcus. If we don’t wash. Treat wounds properly.

So you get a lesion. Your own Staphylococcus is there already but checked by the immune system. Then you overdose the wound with sewage-born Staphylococcus. And there you have it. You are in big trouble already. This stuff is going to try kill you. Seek treatment fast!

You literally don’t have time to do anything else except care for your wound. Minutes make a difference.

And it’s not limited to here in KZN. It’s wherever there is failed sewage infrastructure or too many animals defecating near or in the rivers. Wherever too much sewage is discharged unchecked into the environment. That’s where Staphylococcus is waiting for you.

Loadshedding does this. Every day. Every town. In the whole country.

Attempted manslaughter at the very least. And grand misconduct considering ZERO consideration for the visiting tourists. The lifeblood of our economy.

And fellow South Africans.