Another huge couta catch
And another huge couta catch by ‘unidentified for now‘, Shawn Posthumous and Mike Stubbs, down on the lower south coast of KZN, South Africa, a few years back.
We don’t have too much detail on this fish, but here is a gallery on other fish these two talented and dedicated anglers have logged with The Sardine News, the past few years.

Both anglers are highly competitive and as a team are just about invincible.
To get in on some of this huge couta action, buzz me on umzimkulu@gmail.com. We have a wide choice of boats and fishing grounds on offer. And great accommodation at The Umzimkulu Marina, when available (you can fish the Umzimkulu River for Rock Salmon right there at night and go out to sea for couta during the day). Many other options. The season runs through August and even into September some years. But May through July are the hottest months statistically.
Don’t forget your Mydo Baitswimmers for targeting croc couta…click the image below…