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Sardines in Hillbrow?

Sardines in Hillbrow?

The Sardine is coming to you this week, right from the epi-centre of Johannesburg. Hillbrow to be exact!
I am here with my mate Jonny, who thought I might like the experience. He and his talented team are building and installing gym sets, for the community here.
The gym sets are really cool. Robust. Neat. Mounted on a cool multi-colored carpet made from recycled tyres. Makes me want to exercise just looking at the outfit.
But here’s the thing. There are more satellite dishes in Hillbrow, than on the whole of the south coast?! Every flat around us, has a dish. And some roofs are completely covered with the white mushrooms producing silver screen action.
“Jonny. How you gonna get these peeps off the couch man?”
Right off the park where we are stationed for the morning, is a long queue of soup kitchen hopefuls. They have been waiting – the queue growing longer, for two hours now. Patiently enough. They were interested enough.
Across the street is the corner. That corner. Strange acting fellows dressed to the nines and full of mannerisms straight out of 2-Pac’s biography. Not too much business for them yet – it is 11am only. But it is a Friday – and somebody got to pay for them DSTV channels! But they too, were having a gander. Semi-interest. “Hmmm, I seen that on TV”.
Then there are some even stranger ones cruising the street – arguing with fairies – as Jonny puts it. He says to me, “Just wait ’til the sun comes over, that’s when things really hot up! Yesterday the cops were here twice.” Ok, they not gonna be takers.
The sun has now come out…
A 30 something white lady, someone you could easily meet at the supermarket, has come out into the sun, and is injecting a clear liquid from a plastic container. Broad daylight. Her friends are all of color, she is the only other beige person here besides me and Jonny – normal to me.
Three 2-Pac types are eagerly smoking a white pipe of sorts now. They have taken crazy lady’s spot right in front of me. I am in a car behind a modern fence luckily.
The cops have made a few drive-bys. More chatty and friendly with the neighbourhood, than police.
A security guard, guarding what, I can’t see, ambled over and asked for something?! A sweet? He accepted so I opened him up to see what is inside. R1800 salary. 12 hour shifts. I asked about his boss. He smiles and says, “Beeeg money”. I try to explain that he is the victim of corruption. He smiles and says “Nooooo.” Shaking his head. I closed the conversation.
There is a lot more traffic. I am trying to type with the laptop on the floor in the footwell ha ha. But gangy looking types are assembling from all over.
This don’t look the place for kids, and there were none. But the gyms are going to be rolled out in more and more places, all over the country.
So we did our work, I wrote this story, and we loaded up and rolled out. Onlookers all over.
We turned down towards the highway system, and as we took a corner the reality all set in. An obviously foreign kid, a refugee, was sitting in his makeshift bed just off the pavement, and was simply, crying.

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Another No Sardine Report 30 June 2016

Another No Sardine Report 30 June 2016

Jay Steenkamp, NSB dude and undercover Sardine agent, was at sea off Margate on the KZN lower south coast this very morning.

And ,,submitted the following report:

“Margate has reverse current with good viz and sea temp is 22.5 no sardine action. Lots of dolphins around on the backline and lots of whales in the deep moving north.”

Many thanks Jay…we are hanging on every sardine sounding word!

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Sardine Report 24 June 2016

Lucky Star South African Sardines spotted off Umzumbe

Sardine Report 24 June 2016

Ok, time for the Friday Sardine Report 24 June 2016.

From Debbie Smith at Offshore Africa Port St. Johns – “Nothing.”

From Robbie van Wijk in Mdumbi – “Lots of shad”

From The NSB aeroplane – “Some sardines at Waterfall Bluff”

And that’s it for the sardines on this beautiful KZN South Coast sunny winters day. Rumours of a few nets being taken at Ramsgate and Ifafa have made the rounds. I know one net grabbed here was full of redeyes which had to be released immediately – permit issues.

So if anyone hears anything remotely sardine-like, please pop into one of my inboxes  – being the easiest for me.

Many thanks!

Perfect sardine conditions, but no sardines - Sardine Report 24 June 2016
Perfect sardine conditions, but no sardines – Sardine Report 24 June 2016 (pic by Debbie Smith)


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Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa

Sardine run 2016 preparations with Offshore Africa have begun already as everybody looks forward to that bumper sardine run we all deserve.

Offshore Africa in Port St. Johns take divers right into the sardine bait ball action where every kind of marine perdator can be seen hard at work. Gorging the shoals of hapless sardines, they compete and work together – their common goal – the obliteration of bait balls, one by one.

Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith, who for a decade now have operated boats and dive expeditions in The Transkei, arrange accommodation and meals for punters, and then take them to sea on one of their custom designed and rigged inflatables. The surf launch through the Umzimvubu River mouth warms the adrenalin valve up nice, and by the time you reach the action, you will be well into a state of flow. And that is the way you will stay as you get to jump in with sharks and whales and fish and dolphins and gannets…sensory overload is part of the menu.

Port St. Johns is far enough south and Offshore are normally the first to encounter the huge shoals. Other attractions include great fishing in the river and off the shore, incredible hikes through forests and over mountains – some that drop straight into the ocean, wide open beaches, a quaint settlers town to explore…the list is long.

At this time of the year, bookings with Offshore Africa for the 2016 sardine run, start to fill up fast. But, because of last years fantastic run, Rob and Debbie have extended their Sardine Run 2016 experience availability, adding a week or two on either side of their last years schedule.

Click on over to Offshore Africa Port St. Johns for more information and to make a booking.

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2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns

2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns

Offshore Africa have slots available for the 2016 Sardine Run in Port St Johns.

Enjoy this 15 second clip to get the vibe and see what its all about…

Book your Sardine Run in Port St Johns with Offshore Africa…

Rob Nettleton and Debbie Smith are gearing up for another action packed sardine run, as the season for the migration nears.

Sardines can often be seen as early as April or May, but it is in June that things really hot up. The huge shoals of the little fish stick around until late July and even August.

Offshore Africa are rigged and ready to make sure you are right in the middle of the action, as and when it happens.

Their packages are flexible with a list of options for accommodation and meals.

Click here to check it all out, and make a booking…
