Daga Salmon by Dean Sinclair and Blaze Bennet
Dean Sinclair braved the cold and was rewarded with this awesome catch of dagas. Throwing paddle tail with his mate, they were both soon vas, and got the fish out.
A bit later in the evening, veteran salmon angler Dean Winn caught one twice the size!
Daga Salmon are also known as kob, the further south you go. The biggest officially speared by none other than Jack Blignaut, stands at 57.4kgs.
In Australia they are known as Mulloway…
The biggest Daga caught by rod and line in South Africa is almost 80kgs! And that number gets challenged often, although many of the big ones are released by responsible anglers. These fish are in their prime and are best left to breed. But one or two of these smaller ones is fine to take out…
Nice fish ous!