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Underwater news by Jason Heyne

Underwater news by Jason Heyne

Conditions have been average to above average on the north coast and below average on the south coast this week. Big garrick are patrolling the north coast with some really big shoals on the return run. Brusher season is in full swing with decent fish being shot. Snoek are around north but few and far between shoals. Sardines came out Pennington area Thursday and some big cuda have been spotted out deep. Forecast for Saturday is not looking good with the north easterly blowing from early switching to a south west later Saturday evening. Conditions where pearler today (Friday) on the north coast with 3 ft swell and an average of 10m viz but not much action gamefish wise. Saturday early north looks like the best idea for tomorrow. As always dive safe and straight spears.

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Jason Heyne checking in

A brace of Wahoo on the North Coast

Jason Heyne checking in

Thank you Senor Jason Heyne, for another reliable and entertaining report from under the water…

“The sea conditions have been average this week. North coast averaging 3 to 4m viz and South coast 5 to 12m viz. We have low tide in the mornings this weekend which will make shallow diving uncomfortable with better viz out deeper and less churn. The bigger garrick are putting in an appearance if you have the patience to wait for them. Swell is up Saturday morning with a light West blowing early and dropping off late afternoon. Sunday the north east is set to blow early picking up steadily throughout the morning. So Saturday afternoon on the high tide will be the best option north or south coast. News from the Sodwana comp is that the viz is pea soup and the biggest fish so far is a 28kg GT. As always dive safe and straight spears.”

Enjoy the mug shots…!

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KZN Spearfishing Report

KZN Spearfishing Report

Conditions for diving this week have been above average with garrick on the south coast and plenty snoek up north. ..and daga salmon coming out north and south coast. If the north east drops off tonight conditions on the south coast should be good Saturday and Sunday with not much wind forecast and below average swell size. North coast might be clean enough come Sunday. The garrick have been getting bigger with some decent sub 20 kg fish being shot. Daga salmon up to 35kg and snoek up to 9 kg. Remember if you are looking for the bigger snoek swim out a bit deeper. Well done Garret on getting a decent size black musselcracker. Good luck and straight spears everyone. 

Many thanks and kudos to Jason Heyne for getting this report to us each week.

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The weeks spearfishing by Jason Heyne

The weeks spearfishing by Jason Heyne

We had great sea conditions up till mid Monday then it literally went pear shaped. ..decent size cold front bringing with it much needed rains to the north coast where water restrictions have been in place for a while now. Not so good for diving. Umhlanga river is open as are a number of rivers on the south coast all spewing brown muddy water into the sea. A huge low pressure cell is predicted to arrive late Saturday bringing more rain and 3 to 4m swell so get in some family time this weekend or head up to sodwana. The final leg of Natal shore diving champs was held on Saturday with the 1st four places being hotly contested. I managed to take the honours with a great bag of fish. I am still waiting for the final results percentages from day 1 and 2. Thanks captain Chris West for putting it all together and it’s an absolute honour to now have my name on the trophy with all those legends! Kudos to you.
