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Weekly Spearfishing report KZN

Weekly Spearfishing report KZN

Jason Heyne back on the program with his weekly spearfishing report KZN style…

The conditions this week have been great but game fish have been scarce. A few king and queen mackerel did come out though. A light southwest is blowing now(Friday afternoon) and the swell is negligible. Saturday morning a light offshore blows switching around to a light south east in the afternoon with a small 1m swell running. Sunday a northeast blows from early and picking up during the day with a 1.2m swell running. So it looks like Saturday is go diving day but I have my reservations due to the poison south east later in the day. Snoek and cuda seem to be holding on the 16 to 18m line. As always dive safe and straight spears

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KZN Spearfishing Report

KZN Spearfishing report filled with hardcore spearfishing imagery and compiled by Jason Heyne

KZN Spearfishing Report

KZN Spearfishing Report by Jason Heyne.

This informative and entertaining spearfishing report is really high on the WOW factor. Each week Jason and co-spearos compile a montage of really amazing spearfishing action photos. Thank you Jason!

“The diving conditions this week have been average with strong current and low viz in most areas. The conditions did improve dramatically today (Friday) with a moderate southwest blowing all day. Saturday morning a light northeast blows picking up speed during the day with the swell running at 1.2m. Sunday the northeast gets on it early morning picking up steadily during the day with the swell starting small and increasing in size through the day. So it looks like Saturday morning is the best bet for a dive. The snoek are on the north coast and rumour has it that one or two king mackerel have come out already. Brusher and grunter are thick in the shallows. As always dive safe and straight spears”

Jason Heyne


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Last weekend Spearfishing Report by Jason Heyne

Jason Heyne got his weekend spearfishing report in on time, but we are a few days late again, so here it is…thank you Jason.

The conditions this week were great to start with but detiorated during the week with some big swell today (friday) .
I have had no decent viz reports today. We have several low pressure systems sitting in the southern Atlantic and combimed with spring tides and a cyclone off Madagascar we have really bad weather on the way. This weekend looks a blowout for diving with big swell still hitting the north and south coasts tomorrow we have a late south west blowing from mid day right through to Sunday midday. Swell is gonna be on the larger side so caution is advised on entry and launch. Great weekend to catch up with the family. The vidal comp was a blast. Well done kobus delport on getting a 16 kg wahoo for 1st place. Thanks again to our generous sponsors Freedivers International and Rob Allen without you guys the comp wouldn’t be half of what it is. From Monday we will be experiencing large cyclone surf for a few days. Snoek garrick and daga salmon are around with the odd geelbek and grunter being landed. As always dive safe and straight spears.

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Wahoo! Spearfishing report KZN

Wahoo! Spearfishing report KZN by Jason Heyne

Check out all the wahoo featuring in this weeks spearfishing report by the ever reliable Jason Heyne… – Shonalanga

The sea conditions at the start of the week were great then a big north east pushed through on Wednesday which churned the sea up. Thursday and Friday the south west blew cleaning up the south coast. Saturday the swell drops to 1.5m with a light north blowing switching to a moderate north east later in the day. Sunday looks tops with light variable wind all day and a 1.4m swell running. There are big king mackerel patrolling the south coast with garrick and daga salmon starting to make an appearance. Big Natal snoek are back on the north coast. Sunday looks to be the best day for a dive. As always dive safe and straight spears.

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Spearfishing South Africa with Jason Heyne

Spearfishing South Africa with Jason Heyne

The sea conditions this week have been epic. Flat glassy sea with 1m or less swell running. The bad news is that there is a big cold front heading up the coast from Cape Town caused by a huge low pressure storm over the Atlantic ocean. The South West starts blowing midmorning Saturday with the swell starting at 1m picking up to 2.5m later in the afternoon. The South West dies off late Saturday night. Sunday morning there will be a large heavy swell running at 2m with a moderate north east picking up by lunchtime and obliterating the sea. So Saturday morning early is the best bet for a dive. There is good viz on the north and south coasts. Cuda and snoek are still on the north coast with some fair size gt’s around. South coast some early small garrick have been seen and there are some daga salmon out deeper. The wahoo are still on the Aliwal shoal. As always dive safe and straight spears.

Thanks again Jason – you da man!
