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KZN South Africa spearfishing news weekly

KZN South Africa spearfishing news weekly

Diving conditions have been below average this week with Monday and Tuesday being the best days. Solid northeast Wednesday and Thursday killed the viz. Saturday a moderate southwest continues blowing in the morning dropping off later in the day with the swell running large at 2m. Sunday the swell drops to a manageable 1.5m with a light offshore blowing in the morning switching to a light to moderate northeast in the afternoon. So it looks like Sunday is a go for a dive. There are plenty queen mackerel around and king mackerel deeper line. Due to big surf predicted Saturday we have moved our crayfish comp to Sunday the 26th of March when conditions will be better. The weigh in venue has been changed to Freedivers Shop Renaldo Road Glennanil. Weigh in starts at 14h00 and ends at 15h00. Good luck to all competitors! As always dive safe and straight spears.

Thank you Jason Heyne for being so reliable with this ever entertaining and informative spearfishing report.

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Report weekly KZN Spearfishing

Report weekly KZN Spearfishing

Report weekly KZN Spearfishing

Thank you Jason Heyne…

The diving conditions this week were good up until Thursday when the northeast absolutely caned it. There are plenty queen mackerel around and king mackerel are putting in an appearance. Saturday a light offshore blows in the morning switching to a light northeast later in The day with the swell running at 2m throughout the day. Sunday a fresh southwest blows from early on and the swell builds to 2.5m. Viz was reported north today. So it looks like Saturday is a go but some swell is to be expected. Our annual crayfish compo is on for the 23 of March and as usual it will be a cracker event. I’ve put the details in the pics below. As always dive safe and straight spears

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Last weeks KZN dive report today!

KZN dive report

Last weeks KZN dive report today!

And so we have last weeks KZN dive report today…Jason is always on time but somehow sometimes the article slips back a few days. It’s still relevant, but should have been included in Friday’s The Sardine News. Thank you Jason Heyne, once again.

The diving conditions this week have been below average. The sea is still clouded with muddy river water but certain areas are cleaning up one day and clouding the next so a bit of effort plus luck is required to find diveable water. Saturday morning a light offshore blows switching to a light southwest later in the day with negligible swell. Sunday a light offshore blows in the morning switching to a moderate southwest later in the day with the swell picking up from 1m to 1.5m late afternoon. Viz was reported both south and north today. Saturday looks best for a dive. Snoek and cuda have been caught this week both north and south. As always dive safe and straight spears.

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SA Spearfishing record for marlin smashed

SA Spearfishing record for marlin

SA Spearfishing record for marlin smashed

Although details are scant and the catch is still to be accepted by the record keepers, Jason Heyne brings us news of the all new SA Spearfishing record for marlin. And it looks like a shore dive at this stage!

Over to Jason…

“The diving conditions this week have been well above average. Decent fish are coming out on the north coast and it looks like Guy Le Meme broke the South African spearfishing record for black marlin. Well done Guy! Saturday the northeast picks up speed during the day with the swell starting small at 1.2m and building during the day. Sunday morning the northeast drops off and a fresh southwest comes through later in the day with the swell running at 1.8m. So it looks like Saturday morning is good for a dive. Good viz was reported north and south today. As always dive safe and straight spears”

Thank you Jason!

Well it looks like the Couta have arrived and there seem to be quite a few about. Enjoy this weeks really chokka-blok gallery of fish shot this week up and down the KZN Coast.

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Report from under the water by Jason Heyne

Jason Heyne shot the Rockie

The diving conditions this week have been average to above average if you braved the swell. King and queen mackerel have definitely arrived in numbers. Saturday early morning a light to moderate northeast blows with the swell running at 1.4m . Sunday a moderate south westerly blows from early picking up mid morning with a 1.5m swell running. So it looks like Saturday morning early is the best bet for a dive. Viz was reported north and south today. Our club champs has started and well done to Markus and Marco opening there accounts early with great fish. As always dive safe and straight spears
