After the EN1 road north of Maputo was closed at Xai Xai due to the road simply disappearing last week…the road was again closed on our way south on Monday. Without warning we drove into Xai Xai and were simply turned around. The chaos ensued and after a lunch and a dinner we still could not go on.
These pics are taken a week after the floods yet we still saw many houses underwater as we finally got through at 5am the next day!
Tag: fishing
Rock Salmon caught at Barra
Baby Great White being finned at Guinjata

Well I am not sure what this all means to each different ocean using community out there…but it sure stokes emotions either way.
This little baby white could be your worse nightmare, the encounter of your life, food or profit…as a surfer, a diver, a subsistence fisherman or a poacher…
Guinjata Bay. Southern Mozambique. A few days back…
Thanks for the photos emailed by Janine Newman and taken by Sergio Cavalho.
Storm surge…
The scene of the time two local fishermen saved the life of a local kid caught in a high tide surge. The previous article carries the story… This pic shows how much sand was taken away over a week of onshore winds reaching 35 knots or more some days. The locals have had to move their boats onto the main beach as their last launch spot in the corner is just bare rocks now. After the storm…the fishing was excellent. Many couta, amberjack and tuna.
Umzimkulu Dorado!

When the rivers fill right up with brown pigmented water from the summer rain catchment areas in Kwa-Zulu Natal, they spew out into the ocean hitting the current to form a beautiful seam between the brown and blue water.
This is Dorado time on the Natal and Transkei coast! They swim up and down this seam ambushing baitfish caught swimming in and out of these brown clouds.
Marc Lange with two nice ones…I am pretty sure there were a few more in the hatch! The Umzimkulu River mouth makes for a huge plume and the dorado patrol aggressively…feeding all day sometimes.
Check out for more on how to get into the action!