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Rock Salmon!

Winter time is here in Inhambane and a few fish are still around…Charl Mikkers took this pic of a local dude in the Tofo market – with his catch of the day – must have gone 7 or 8 kg’s. Caught out the front on one of the close reefs in a howling SW and 3m swell. And yes, on a two man row boat.

The wind and sea have been mightily upset this last week, and aside for a flathead on fly – we had nothing to report fishing the estuary really. So much baitfish in the water still. The netters are pulling in some massive Potter’s Squid aswell – some look about 4kgs!

Deep-sea we have been dragging a live yellowfin around for days now, which will have increased our chances, according to the maths…otherwise an assortment of gamefish are appearing on the fish tables, the row-boat crew launch in bad weather no problem…and their persistence rewards them with cobia, kingies, the odd snoek, some awesome rockcod and rock salmon, speckled snapper…many of the boats are rowing out deeper and targeting bottomfish more intensely since the water has gone cold and dirty again. 23 degrees and 8m visibility if you are lucky.


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