MYDO HD Telescopic Gamefish Trace w 300lb Nylon Leader




MYDO HD Telescopic Gamefish Trace

MYDO HD Telescopic Gamefish Trace: for big long baits. And big long fish. Like Wahoo. King Mackerel…the tooth gang. Giant Trevally. The trace is versatile enough, and strong enough, to subdue most fish that swim the seas. Even billfish are gonna have a real hard time breaking the double wired droppers. To 4X super-sharp wire hook. And all tied together with 300lb nylon.

You can make your own! Watch this video to learn how…

Nylon Leader

We lay a freshly caught 20kg couta on the table. I started with 50lb. I scraped the light leader material across the couta’s teeth. No chance – the 50lb parted with one scrape. 80 Pound did not fare much better, taking two scrapes to cut right through.

I never thought 200 lb would go so easily either. It took about 10 vigorous scrapes, but it was done and dusted!

The 300lb stopped the experiment. Not many teeth can get through this stuff. Luckily sharks will bite it right through if it gets that stuff in it’s mouth somehow.


If you use the appropriate strength wire, instead of the 300 lb, you won’t believe the sound that comes out of the whole operation. As the pressure of a 4kg bonito is applied to the wire leader, the wire starts to resonate (vibrating and producing sound) in the water. With a murderous whining and wailing scream. It is so loud!


MYDO HD Telescopic Gamefish Trace Head w 300lb Nylon Leader
MYDO HD Telescopic Gamefish Trace Head w 300lb Nylon Leader

The 300 lb nylon is hands down far less visible and intrusive. The # 12 wire we would normally use, splits my camera screen down the middle with a clear black line.

4X Treble Hooks

There are 3 of these 4X super-sharp wire #2 treble hooks. So strong. Attached to each other and the front single with double wire. Not much is going to get away once this rig latches on.


Starting at 25 cm, you can rig a tiny jube-jube on this trace. And at full length, all three droppers extended, the trace handles 50cm!

MYDO Telescopic Dropper Assembly
MYDO Telescopic Dropper Assembly

2 Ounces

At 2 ounces, your bait will stay down but will still come alive with a lifelike swimming motion as you pull it along. Dead slow, up to 4 or 5 knots will produce this swimming action. If you go too fast, the bait will rip apart or start to spin.

You can watch and learn all about MYDOs and how to fish them for your favourite species on the MYDO Tackle Talk YouTube Channel. And you can buy MYDOs right HERE. Or better still, get in touch using the green WhatsApp button floating about on this page somewhere, for a direct line through to me. And we can chat about your exact requirements for the exact fish you are after.


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