MYDO Couta Spread
This is Gen-3 MYDO evolution. We have come a very long way from lead alloys, to modern composites. These MYDOs are far more vibrant. Articulate. Reliable. Adaptable. And just so much more fun! Main thing is that they really swim a bait. Bringing your bait back to life.
Has long been an art. And the domain of experienced anglers. Growing up as anglers in Natal, we had to come up with all sorts of tricks to get a plain old sardine to swim. Let alone the most difficult – the shad/bluefish. These things are notoriously difficult to swim nicely. Until Brian Davey invented the MYDO Baitswimmer. Back in 1986. Patented. Trademarked. Registered. And for three decades has enjoyed success. At one stage, an independent study was carried out here on the deep-sea scene in Southern Africa. And identified that one-third of all fish caught in a deep-sea competition, on average, were caught on MYDOs. We have a YouTube Channel dedicated to rigging and using MYDOs. Over there you can learn to make your own gamefish traces. Telescopic droppers to match any sized baits. Double-wire rigging. Tying rigid traces. You can learn how to rig beautiful little fillet and strip baits that catch everything. You can also learn about leaders and the sounds they make?! If gamefishing is your game, consider popping over there and subscribing. It is totally free and you might learn (or teach us) something. The channel is at the following link; MYDO Tackle Talk
The Couta Spread
Has replaced the older Couta Pack. We have removed all other brands from the spread and everything is carried out in-house now. In Port Shepstone. This means we have also been able to reduce the price of this all-around gamefish spread.
What’s in the spread?
From the two tiny little strip baitswimmers, up to the 2-ounce heavy-weights, the entire water column is catered for. The stripswimmers go on the surface and quite far back – just out of the prop wash. These guys swim unbelievably realistically when dressed with a fresh strip of shiny fillet. Any fillet will do. You can tie the bait onto the trace for extra resilience. Sometimes the very same bait can fetch you multiple strikes. The sardine swimming number 1 and 2 baitswimmers, can go in next. They drop down below the surface a couple metres so they work really well down the middle underneath the stripbaits on top. And then in the outer holders, you can set the big rigs. Baits up to 2kgs or more even. Now at a slow troll, the slowest speed you can go and still keep the spread in place out the back, you can start fishing deep. At these very low speeds, the big baits will plummet right onto down to the reef. Attracting grouper and all sorts if you are not careful. Brace for the GT. Dogtooth. Speed up a tad and the baits will come back up off the bottom and so by adjusting your speed and the length of line out, you can put baits exactly where you want them. And then when a flock of terns start shouting ‘tunaaaa’ at you from a mile away, you can up the ante easily to 4 or 5 knots and the baits will continue to swim and perform perfectly. At these higher speeds, the baits swim even better. Use hardy baits like halfbeak or mullet at these speeds for best results. Watch out for the billfish!
MYDO Tackle Talk
Don’t forget that over on YouTube, we run a channel all about MYDOs and baitswimming. Check it out for some neat tips and advice on how to get your bait swimming and your reel screaming. MYDO Tackle Talk
Sardine Maps
Having intel to make the right decisions can save you hours and hours of frivolous  sardine hunting. We have taken great care to log the activity of each  sardine run since 2021. These records are available for anyone to look at.
If you study the maps year to year, you will see that right now we are only just in the middle of good  sardine conditions. And that in previous years catches were made right into the summer months.
Channels – highly entertaining  surf reporting – neva miss a single  sardine – 1000 pounds plus – highly technical  sport fishing – getting out there safely – complain here
Websites – self-catering right on the Umzimkulu River –   sardine run coming up – never miss a single   sardine – news from deep down –  surf and conditions reporting – your dreams are out there – technical  sport fishing
Kenneth –
I founb exactly what I was looking for. Now they will be tested. Moz Dec.